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Monday, December 10, 2012

Skins beat Ravens - 31-28 in OT

Washington Redskins kicker Kai Forbath (2) hits a game winning 34 yard field goal in overtime against the Baltimore Ravens at FedEx Field in Landover Md., on Sunday, December 9, 2012. Washington Redskins won 31 to 28. (Craig Bisacre/The Washington Times)

HUGE win for the Skins.  One of the best games we've had in a while.  What I really like to see is the fight in this team and how we very much seem to be playing like a team with contributions coming from a number of players and everyone working together.  This is what I expected to see from the beginning of the season.  Here are my grades:

1. Offense: B+  The first quarter they were fantastic with a good mix of run and pass.  Morris had himself another great game averaging over 5 yards a carry and rushing for more than 120 yards.  RG3 was good as usual.  I know many people want to come down on the O line but they have been decent for most of the year.  They have really picked up the zone blocking scheme and they deserve a lot of credit for us having the #1 rushing offense in the league.  The ball was spread throughout in the passing game with Garcon, Hankerson, Morgan, and Moss all getting at least three catches.  However, the second half they were much more pedestrian.  Part of that is our field position was poor for most of the second half but still we were stymied until the final drive started by RG3 but finished by Cousins.  RG3 obviously was hurt but give him tremendous credit for coming back into the game and getting us down deep into Ravens territory.  Then give Cousins a lot of credit for coming in cold in a pressure situation and not only finding Garcon for a TD but then running in the two point conversion.  The thing is I knew he was going to run that in.  It's a play designed for RG3 and we haven't used it for several weeks now and I don't think many people thought Cousins would be able to execute it but it was wide open for him. 

Defense: B+  Just like last week, it was a tale of two halves.  The first half they weren't very good.  The bigger issue I had in the first half was just like last week, our run defense wasn't very good.  Again, like last week, in the second half we started sending more pressure and Flacco took a couple of hits with Rob Jackson making another key play with his hitting Flacco and forcing the fumble.  Flacco certainly didn't seem like the QB he was in the first half.  He seemed rattled and continued his inconsistent play from all year.  Defense only allowed one TD in the second half.  Not sure why we don't disguise our pressure in every game.  We seem to have success with that.  I have said all year that Haslett either sends the house or no one.  I don't think either one is effective.  He gets paid big money to be innovative and recognize the talent on the team and play to their strengths by putting them in the best positions to be successful.  Seems to me that we have to do this by disguising pressure.  He's done that in the second half of the last two games so we'll see if he starts doing that more.

3. Special teams: B+  Forbath has been great since he got here.  He has yet to miss a FG.  He made 48 and 49 yard FGs and obviously kicked the game winning FG.  Richard Crawford (another rookie) did a good job on punt returns obviously getting the big one in OT to set up the game winning kick.  The only issue I had with this group is Forbath cannot kickoff.  He either needs to strengthen his leg or we need to get someone in here to kickoff (hate to waste a roster spot on that) but he's not getting the job done there.  We gave the Ravens good field position on a number of kickoffs. 

The other big story out of this game was the injury to RG3.  It was kind of a freaky play where he scrambled and was getting tackled and his legs were getting whipped around and from the opposite direction Ngata was coming at him and hit him in the knee.  The result was RG3's knee bending awkwardly.  Honestly, when I saw the instant replay I felt like he was done for the year.  Miraculously, it was determined that he only suffered a sprain and there is no ligament damage.  He said that he will play next week but I think that is going to be tough and I would rather have him sit and get healthy than possibly aggravate the injury.  We play Cleveland next week who has been improving themselves so it won't be an easy game.  The interesting thing is if Cousins has to play, how will the offense adapt to him as he clearly can't run the pistol the way RG3 does as he isn't the same threat running the ball.  Also, while I like Cousins, he really stares down receivers and I can see him throwing 1 or 2 INTs. 

In the end, I am thankful for RG3's health.  I'm glad we won an exciting game and did so with a true team effort and guys not quitting.  All the things I have been saying since preseason are coming to light and I feel good about the direction of the team.  With that, I'm glad we are playing relevant games in December.  I never expected playoffs this year (of course I am hopeful) but I am glad that we are fighting hard and we have good young guys that we can build around.  What ever happens in the final three weeks, I am satisfied with the season as I think we are really building momentum, camaraderie, and belief as we go into next season and again, I have maintained this position, that is when the pressure is on.  Next year is when we can't just get to the playoffs but we have to make some noise when we get there. 

All that said, I am still hopeful for playoffs this season and honestly it's not how you start the season but how you finish and it's good to see us get hot.  There really doesn't seem like a front runner in the NFC so should we get to the playoffs anything is possible.



JSR said...

I do think it was nice win. A great game/ending to watch as a fan of the game. It has to be severely alarming that RG3 is playing so wreck less. Yeah it's easy to be relieved that he supposedly isn't injured too bad but how can any Redskins fan be at ease knowing a severe injury is almost inevitable with this kind of play. Also even if RG3 is in do you really think he will take off with the ball next week? His knee is sprained. There is almost no threat of him running. Knowing that, the decent Browns defense should be well prepared for Morris. We will really see how good this offense is without the gimmicky pistol as they run a more conventional gameplan. Also the reason for cousins being drafted is clear now. Hats off to shannys they made two good qb choices in one off season to make up for the last 3 duds. The team showed great fight and deserved that win more than the Ravens.

j, k, and s's d said...

So running is part of RG3's game. It is part of what makes him special and the offense so potent. Defenses have to defend against his arm and his legs. That said, he needs to be more careful to get out of bounds and/or slide. I think he is much more aware of this and has done a much better job of this.

The play yesterday where he was injured was more of a freaky play where he is getting tackled and if he had just taken the tackle by itself, he would have been fine. However, Ngata coming in towards the end of the tackle is what caused the injury. That type of play could have happened to a WR or a RB or anyone carrying the ball. It was unfortunate but not a common occurrence. The only thing RG3 can do is continue to be aware of the need to head out of bounds or slide.

What bothers me more is that it is clear that defenders want to hit RG3 as they know we are a better team with him than without him. I have no problem with clean hits on him. In those cases, it is incumbent on RG3 to protect himself. What I don't like is when he is heading out of bounds and defenders want to try and hit him legally or illegally as he is clearly going out of bounds. Bernard Pollard said before the game that the Ravens need to hit RG3 any chance they get. I understand that and I get that all teams have the same strategy. What got me is that in the fourth quarter, RG3 is clearly going out of bounds and sliding and I am pretty sure it was Pollard launched himself head first and his helmet hit RG3's helmet. To me that is a dirty play. Look, I am all for being physical. I also think sometimes calls on guys hitting the QB are questionable and sometimes QBs are overly protected. However, that play seemed like an obvious case of a guy trying to hurt the QB.

As far as this week against the Browns, I am not sure RG3 will play. As you stated, if he does, I imagine his running to be limited. That said, it will be interesting to see how the offense is altered this week.

I don't really understand what you mean when you say we'll see how good this offense is without the gimmicky pistol offense. The pistol offense is our offense. It's not a trick or a gimmick. It is our scheme. Kyle Shanahan is doing a great job of coaching to the players strengths. I would expect nothing less from our coaches. Assuming RG3 can't play or will his mobility being limited, it will be interesting now for Shanahan and the players to alter the offense. It will certainly put pressure on the offense (team and coaches) to adjust in a short time. We have played 13 games and the Skins are ranked 5th in total offense. We have the number 1 rushing attack in the NFL. I think it is clear that our offense is good so not sure how/why you feel we need to prove that in week 15.

If Aaron Rodgers goes down and the Packers have to put in a guy that runs a different style of football, I think you would expect it would be a challenge for the Packers players and coaches to keep the same level of play.

Should Cousins have to play, I have faith in the guy. I think he is a decent QB; however, I do think he will make more typical rookie mistakes. He really stares down receivers so that could be an issue.

We'll see. It's exciting because in the NFC each week is like a playoff game.

j, k, and s's d said...

One more note, I certainly don't think RG3 is just a runner. The guy can pass very effectively. I forgot which analyst said this but it was a good comment. The guy said that Michael Vick is an athlete that plays QB. RG3 is a QB that happens to be an athlete. Thought it was a great point. There is no question RG3 can throw the ball. The guy is the highest rated passer in the NFL. Not too shabby for a rookie.

A lot of people are saying that they aren't sure if he can develop into a pure pocket passer (which may be necessary as he gets older). I don't even understand the discussion because first, the guy has proven he can pass. Second, why would you just make him into a pure pocket passer? RG3 has a unique skill set in his ability to run and throw accurately/effectively. The Skins are using him properly in my book. That said, it is still up to RG3 to play smart and know when to slide and/or get out of bounds.

JSR said...

Yesterday's injury play was a freak incident and unfortunately for the players its the nature of the game. Injuries happen. All injuries happen happen unexpectedly and in ways that that shouldn't have happened 99.999 percent of the time. He has to be more careful. Teams will be coming after him. Why not? He's is key to the skins success and even more he is a young superstar. It's the nature of the game. Teams were claiming bounties on players like Favre and Warner, why would they not be looking to knock RG3s head off. every defense in the nfl is tasked with getting to the qb so it's not just rg3. It's just more of a fragile situation for the skins because of what has been invested. He just has to be more careful knowing that.
I don't know how good he is as a pocket passer though. I don't know if he can win a game solely on passing in a tradional offense. Much of his passing success in the nfl is due to defenses being forced to respect the monstrous run. Still that's the game planning and he's done very well in it. I guess as a pure passer as a conventional qb he is unproven. Guys like Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Andrew Luck, Manning bros can win games solely with their arms even with no significant rushing attack. Their teams success is based how they throw and decisions they make as traditional passers. Which is why I say the Redskins offense is gimmicky. RG3 success is coming in this gimmicky game plan. It's not traditional. There's a lot of gimmicks involved in deceiving defenses and not just going out there and shredding a defense with pure passing like the Broncos or pure rushing like the Vikings. In my opinion gimmicky offensive plans like the wildcat that Miami ran a few years back aren't sustainable in the long run. Defenses adjust. It'll be interesting to see the next time RG3 plays and if the gameplan is changed to a more traditional one. I think they can win with Alfred Morris and a conservative traditional approach as well. As long as the much improved defense holds.

deepie said...

Another great win and I'm breathing a sigh of relief knowing that RG3's injury ended up being almost as minor as possible given the nature of the hit he took. That being said...

I would argue that the offense is highly innovative - not gimmicky. Kyle knows the strengths of his unique QB and the significant weaknesses of his o line. The result is this pistol offense. To fault the Skins for not implementing a more traditional offense is the same as saying Manning or Brady pass too much and they should rely on their running backs to pound the ball every chance they get. Why would anyone ignore their own strengths in order to appear more "normal?" As my daughter likes to say to me, "that doesn't make any sense!"

The Skins drafted a QB with a unique combination of skills and it would be in no one's best interest, except perhaps the opposing team's, if Kyle didn't take advantage of those skills. RG3 will learn the traditional passing game in time. He will learn to slide and perhaps even to rely on his arm before deciding to take off running. Until then, let's keep doing what we are doing because it works.

JSR said...

Oh I agree you have to play to the strength of your superstar and the shannys have done a great job with doing that but at this point to compare him to the likes of great passers is a bit premature. That being said this type of offense isn't sustainable. He is going to have to switch to a more conventional approach sooner than later given the disaster that almost unfolded on sunday. That leads to the question of whether he can be great at the point of being a conventional pocket passer for years to come given how much the Redskins have given up for him. Still unproven.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think I am understanding the discussion a little better. I think JSR was using the word gimmicky but the intent was innovative.

I agree with Deepie in that the offense is innovative and plays to the strengths of the players we have. That is what I was trying to convey. Again, this is a credit to Kyle Shanny and what I would expect coaches to do. You can't force a square peg into a round hole so you have to adapt to the pieces you have. That is what Shanny has done.

RG3 hasn't proven to be a pure pocket passer because there hasn't been that need yet. However, the reports on him coming out of college was that he is an accurate passer and he has been that in the NFL (see his QB rating, completion percentage, number of INTs). Granted he hasn't done this as a pure pocket passer but again there isn't a need for him to be that. RG3 is a young man and his legs will work for him the next several years so no sense converting him into strictly a pure pocket passer any time soon. It wouldn't make sense for the Shanny's to not utilize his running abilities.

Comparing RG3 to the Mannings, Brady, Rodgers, etc. doesn't do much good. RG3 is obviously a different type of QB than those guys. What we can compare are his numbers and again, he is right there with those guys as far as stats. RG3 is unique in that he can run as effectively as Vick but he can throw as effectively as top QBs in the game. He presents a tough matchup for anyone. This is why representatives from all teams in the NFC East have said that they are upset that they are going to have to deal with RG3 for the next several years.