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Monday, December 31, 2012

Skins beat the Boys - win the East and are playoff bound

After starting the season 3-6, the Skins went on an improbable seven game win streak to get themselves in the playoffs.  It took all of those seven games to secure the berth.  It was an exciting day yesterday as several teams were vying for the last couple of spots and seedings.  The day started with the Giants demolishing the Iggles and needing the Pears, Vikings, and Cowboys to lose to get in the playoffs.  The Pears then squeezed out a victory against the Lions to secure a spot but they needed the Vikings to lose.  Also, with the Pears win, it meant the Redskins needed a win to clinch a playoff spot.  The Viqueens didn't do the Pears any favors as they eked out a victory against the Puckers behind the hard running of A. Peterson.  So the Pears were in the playoffs for about 3 hours but because of the Queens win, they got in bouncing out the Pears.

Then it all came down to the Redskins/Cowboys game as the winner would win the East and secure the final playoff spot. 

Great game. It was basically the Alfred Morris show as the guy ran for 200 yards and three TDs.  The guy was a beast.  Give credit to the O line helping Morris get that yardage.  Morris is just a good kid that runs hard and has been able to thrive in Shanny's zone blocking scheme.  By now we all know the kid is a 6th round draft pick out of FL Atlantic and played on a pretty sucky college team.  Great find by Shanny but Morris just looks like an average guy on the street.  In racking up his 200 yards, Morris eclipsed 1,600 yards for the season and broke CP's single season rushing record for a Redskin.  Morris was really the story of this game.

RG3 was solid.  He only threw 18 times and completed 9 passes for 100 yards but where he really contributed was in the run game as he did pick up nice yards and a TD on QB keepers.  It was clear that his knee is still bothering him.  I imagine running in a straight line isn't too bad for him but cutting and stopping has to aggravate his knee.  Still, much like the Iggles last week, the Cowboys didn't expect much running from RG3.  That combined with how effective Morris was led to some openings for RG3 on the keepers.

The other big story line was the play of the defense.  We blitzed early and often and the blitzes came from different places and Romo was uncomfortable as he threw three INTs with the last one to Rob Jackson in the flat being a dagger.  Classic Romo choking in big games.  Still, Haslett and the defense deserve a lot of credit for their play.  Haslett trusted D. Hall and Josh Wilson to play a lot of man to man and for the most part they played really well.  London Fletcher again had a big game leading the defense with 11 tackles and two sacks. 

Just an overall good game in the biggest game this team has played for in years.  The season has been incredibly successful.  What's clear is that we have a good young core of players that are not only talented but have great character.  There aren't the distractions from years past and these guys genuinely seem to be pulling for one another.  Give Shanny credit for overhauling the roster and bringing in the right guys.  It's a team that should only get better in the next few years.  It's what I thought we were at the beginning of the season. 

Hosting the Seacocks next in what should be a very tough game.



deepie said...

It was a great performance by Alfred Morris. He literally carried the team to victory with his relentless running style. The kid is amazing and is just as easy to root for as it is to root for RG3. He's simply a quiet, humble, hard worker who also happens to be incredibly strong and skilled. We can probably attribute some of his success to the scheme and to having RG3 on his team, but we can't discredit him for his accomplishments. Rushing for 1613 yards and becoming the 2nd leading rusher in the league this year is nothing to sneeze at.

I was pleasantly surprised by our defense last night. Tony Romo, faults and all, is still a great QB. The Cowgirls have a dynamic running back and great receivers as well as a future HOF tight end. Haslett drew up some schemes that completely confused Romo and forced him into some very bad decisions. It was about as dominant a defensive performance as we've seen from this group and it couldn't have come at a better time. Rob Jackson's pick was a thing of beauty and Fletch continues to defy age and injury. He was a man possessed last night.

This 7-game run has been incredible and it now becomes a 4-game season. Anything is possible when a team is riding a high and is playing with confidence like the Skins are. The Seahawks will pose some problems, but they don't have anything we haven't already seen...They find themselves in the playoffs as a result of a physical defense and a beast in the backfield. It will be an exciting week and hopefully we can push our win streak to eight come Sunday evening.


j, k, and s's d said...

It's funny because Morris has been largely hidden behind RG3's shadow for much of the year. That has probably helped him as he hasn't had to deal with too much media, pressure, etc. Regardless, as he answered last night to Chris Cooley's comment that now he is a star, Morris said, I'm not a star. You guys can think I am a star but I am still Alfred. This is the kind of guy you love to have on the team. He seems like the type of guy that is very grateful for his opportunity. He is going to give everything he has week in and week out and just like RG3, he is a very humble person. Hopefully he never changes.

Defense was huge. I like that we send pressure from different spots. It worked to perfection for the most part. Romo seems to get rattled under pressure and is prone to mistakes and that's what we saw last night.

Agree that anything can happen in the playoffs. Seattle is a tough team as they are pretty balanced. They have arguably the best secondary in the league with big, physical CBs that can cover man to man allowing more guys to focus on the run. I am less worried about Lynch as I think we can contain him. Wilson may present some problems but our defense hopefully is aware of his mobility having to practice with RG3. Containing him will be important.

I feel a lot better that the game is at FedEx. Seattle is one of the toughest places to play so it's good to have the game here. Also, cross country travel can prove to be challenging. Hopefully we can keep this thing going.


JSR said...

Great win and season for this franchise. Truly surprising and unexpected. This is an anomaly compared to the typical Redskins season. Whether this is a change in the culture of the franchise or probability at work remains to be seen. Eagles Cowboys and giants underachieving has a lot to do with this Nfc east title. Either way the Redskins have two exceptional rookies to build around and it is indeed fun to witness he craze in this town late in the season. I am unconvinced about the strength of this team given that all of the opponents over the past 7 games have been average or on the decline. No signature wins. Now the real test begins. Seattle is a juggernaut team and a Victory against them will be more convincing that this team is a serious contender (as much as it pains me to envision Dan Snyder hoisting the Lombardi trophy)

j, k, and s's d said...

I love JSR's constant disrespect of the Skins. Seven wins in a row is very impressive I don't care what team does it and which teams they beat in accomplishing that. Anyone that understands football knows how much preparation goes into each football game and to win seven in a row is impressive no matter how you try and slice it.

Many of the teams the Skins beat during that stretch were quality opponents including the Giants, Cowboys (twice), and Ravens. Not sure what would impress you. I have a feeling that if they had played and beaten the Texans, Broncos, 9ers, Seahawks, and Patriots during that stretch it still would not be good enough.

If you look at the Puckers over the last six weeks they are 4-2 with losses to the Giants and Viqueens. They could have easily lost their two games to the Lions during that stretch as well.

Again, I can't take away anything from a team that wins seven in a row no matter who their opponents are.

Also, what is clear with the Skins this season is what I have been saying from way back in training camp. That is, for the first time since Snyder took over the team, it looks as though we are finally building something. We have gotten much younger and deeper. This is a team that has taken a big step this season but really isn't quite there yet as they are still building. However, the fact that there is a nice young core of players that include RG3, Morris, Davis, Garcon, Orakpo, Kerrigan, etc. is very encouraging. I know you thought at one time that the Skins needed 10-11 new starters but it just isn't true. I also know that you thought the O line was terrible but it just isn't true. This is a team that has talent but still needs a couple of pieces and a little time to grow but it's clear they are headed in the right direction.

I think the Skins have a very good shot at Seattle this weekend. In fact, if we had a fully healthy RG3 this week I would expect to win but I have a feeling if we win, you will believe it is because the Seahawks didn't play well and not because the Skins have any talent.

The other huge difference in this year's team compared to previous years is, as I have also mentioned multiple times all season, is that there are no distractions with this team. Shannallen has done a tremendous job of building a roster of character guys and each of them is pulling for one another. In previous years, the Skins were a collection of individuals this year the Skins are an actual team and it's apparent when you hear the players speak and even when you watch them play as to how committed they are to each other and winning.

It's a good time to be a Skins fan and I the best part is that they should be good for the next few years.


JSR said...

I agree the Redskins are a better team this year than in the recent past. A fact is that the Redskins got into the playoffs because of the ineptitude of their Nfc east counterparts. They hardly dominated or seemed invincible in any victory. I'm not saying that the Packers look dominant. They have some losses that make me wonder but I and anyone else who watches football knows they can take it all the way despite their last 6 games. All I'm saying is that the Redskins 7 game win streak has a lot to do with the poor/average quality of their opponents during that stretch. The NFC east is a weak (maybe weakest) division in football and Now you'll see what the Redskins are really made of. A win on sunday and I'll take them seriously. I promise.

j, k, and s's d said...

Look, I'm not saying the Redskins are dominant or super amazing or anything like that. They are still in the rebuilding process and have far exceeded most people's expectations including my own. However, they are playing with confidence and heart and their best football of the year. Again, seven wins in a row against who ever is still an impressive feat. If we were to play Seattle in Seattle, I would think our chances would be slim to pull it out but I think we have a good chance with the game being played here. The reasons are:

1. Seattle has been much better at home than on the road.

2. Traveling cross country presents a disadvantage both in terms of the travel distance and the change in time for the visiting team.

3. Seattle may have the best secondary in the league and they have a good pass rush. However, if we can run the way we did last week and the way we have much of the season, we have a good chance.

4. Our defense has been revitalized and much of that is because of coaching. Whereas earlier in the year, Haslett was either sending all or none on blitzes. He is now being more aggressive by sending more regular blitzes but from different people. Sometimes a CB or a S or a LB. It is keeping the QB off balance. I complained about Haslett earlier in the year but he is doing a much better job of coaching. If he can keep this up this week, I feel we can get Wilson to make some mistakes.

I'm excited and I expect it to be a good game.

As far as the Puckers, I think they could go all the way but I think that about every team in the NFC playoffs. There isn't one dominant team in there. Frankly, I think Seattle is coming into the playoffs hot and with the most balanced team.

The only team that I would be surprised to make it to the Super Bowl from the NFC would be Minnesota. Other than that, I think any of the other teams are capable.

JSR said...

Its interesting that the Seahawks are 3 point favorites despite having to travel and despite the Redskins win streak. The seahawks arent even the class of their division. I don't really think Haslett did anything special against the Cowboys. They simply blitzed on every down and the Cowboys just rolled over and decided not to address it. Russell Wilson actually does very well against the blitz. Pete Carroll knows how to coach against the read-option as he saw it a lot in his college days and because the Seahawks use it often as well. Plus they have a beast in the backfield. This is going to be a really great game to watch. I cant wait. Hopefully the Packers have already secured their trip to San Fran so that i can sit back and enjoy this fierce battle. 2 days to go til it all begins.

j, k, and s's d said...
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j, k, and s's d said...

Not that interesting. As I said, Seattle may very well be the best team in the NFC playoffs. They are very well balanced and are riding their own five game win streak.

Not sure how you can't consider the Seahawks the class of their division. They finished only a half game back from the 49ers and demolished them late in the year. The 49ers finished the season 3-2 and certainly don't look as impressive as they did earlier in the season. Again, I think putting in Kaepernik in was a mistake. The 49ers have a veteran team and while Alex Smith is no superstar, he is a solid QB that was having a good year. He had been through a lot and seemed better suited to lead a veteran team as opposed to a younger guy with potentially more upside but not ready to lead a veteran team suited to make a run at the Super Bowl. Whatever. Just another story for the playoffs.

Funny how you simplify Haslett's defense. It's clear there has been a change in how the defense has been running from earlier in the year. Early in the year, it was a send everyone or send no one type of defense. I have written about this multiple times. That defense won't work with our personnel. The defense over the last couple of weeks has been more attacking and aggressive and there has been more blitzing but what has been difficult for offenses is where the blitz is coming from. Haslett is sending an additional rusher but he is disguising and mixing up who it will be. Sometimes a CB or a S or LB(s). Sometimes he shows blitz and the LBs back out of it. It is clear it is very different than earlier in the year and it is keeping QBs off balance. If it was as simple as just blitzing every down and offenses choosing not to address it, the opposing coaches would be considered morons.

I know all about Pete Carroll and playing against read options in college. Still, this is the NFL and our offense has been successful against some very good coaches so we'll see how well they do. The concern I have is that the Seahawks have arguably the best secondary in the NFL. That said, they can have those guys focus on the receivers and have the LBs stack the box and take the run away. That on top of a good pass rush presents problems for opposing offenses. The Skins need to make sure we execute the run well. We have a great run game and we have to show it. RG3 will have to make some runs on the option as well to spread the defense out to help Morris get some holes.

Honestly, Seattle is the team I would least like to face as they are a team that is just as loose, anxious, and excited about the game as the Skins are.

I feel all the other teams in the NFC playoffs have their flaws. It should be a good game.

As far as your Puckers, hopefully they have better luck stopping Peterson. He has already racked up a whopping 409 yards against them this season.

JSR said...

Peterson is going to get his yards. He had a 200+ yard game and the packers beat them at Lambeau the first time. The difference this past sunday was that Ponder played uncharacteristically well. That won't likely be the case on the road at Frozen Lambeau field on Sat night. If we get up by 10-14 points, its over. Peterson can run all he wants then. We will have Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb back. Not to mention Charles Woodson and Clay Matthews back in their regular full time roles will help.
Seattle is probably the most dangerous team in the playoffs at home. San Francisco won the division so that's why I say they are the class of the NFC west. It's debatable about who is actually better. Both belong to one of the toughest divisions in football. I thought the odds were interesting because the odds makers recognized the contrast in the quality of these two teams and what they have done to be where they are. Normally a division champ should hold the clear advantage against a wild card opponent traveling 3000 miles. It's interesting that that isn't the case here. It leads me to believe that the Redskins run of victories isn't perceived as anything special and that Seattle should win this game being the better team. i dont know how much weight to give the Redskins yet. Like I said if they win this week, I'll begin to believe and grieve that Dan the man is close.

j, k, and s's d said...

I expect the Puckers to win as I think Minnesota is the weakest team in the NFC playoffs. However, you can't sleep on the Queens as they are riding their own four game win streak and GB hasn't shown that they can stop Pederson yet. If Pederson gets going, things could get interesting at Lambeau. That's the last thing GB needs as Pederson is the Queens best defense because he can keep Rodgers off the field. Should be an interesting game.

If you were to ask me who is better right now b/t Seattle and SF I would say Seattle. They have been playing great football over the last five weeks while SF doesn't look nearly as strong as they did earlier in the year. It's opinions so no need to agree/disagree. Games aren't decided on Vegas lines. Games are decided on the field and that's why you have to lace them up.

I have maintained my position all season. The Skins are on the rise but we are still a few pieces short. I like the character and make up of the team but we are still in rebuilding mode. The good thing is that we have a quality young team that we can build around. The locker room is united and these players believe in each other. Seattle is a very tough team and I expect a good game. Like I said, there is no front runner in the NFC playoffs. My personal belief is Seattle is coming in as the hottest team but outside of Minnesota I believe any one of these teams could lose or make it all the way to the Super Bowl. It should be a fun NFC playoffs this year.