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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

RG3 or Captain Kirk

So who is it going to be this weekend?  Obviously a big game with big implications.  Still, Shanny is correct when he says that the best thing for the individual is typically the best thing for the team.  That said, I know RG3 is a tough competitor and wants to be out there and will probably lobby for it.  However, if he is unable to practice at anything close to normal speed, he needs to rest and put Cuz in there.  Still, if RG3 can practice and operate close to normal, I see no reason not to play him.

I think what has people so much in a bind this week is how devastating the injury looked.  However, the reports are that it is a Grade 1, mild knee sprain.  Honestly, if RG3 had suffered the injury walking and twisting his knee a bit I don't think people would be as wound up as they are.  Look, I am all for protecting RG3 and his long term health should be at the forefront of the organization's concern but if the guy can play, let him play. 

Keep in mind, I am thoroughly satisfied with the year as we have been what I thought/hoped we would be from the beginning of the year.  I never expected playoffs this season as I felt this was the first year of the true rebuild and we would need this year to gel and come together.  I have maintained all year that the real pressure is next year. I am happy that we are fininshing strong and that there are no distractions with this team and we have started to build a nice foundation around quality young players that have solid talent and good character.  This is how you build a team.  Whereas in years past we had overpriced, over the hill divas that divided the locker room and who I am quite certain didn't provide good examples for younger players.  We now appear to have a locker room of guys committed to themselves and each other.  Santana Moss was asked after the Ravens game if this was the kind of game he was waiting for and he responded that this is the kind of year he has been waiting for.  He mentioned how the Skins have had talent in the past but it never came together.  He gave Shanny a lot of credit for putting together a team that holds themselves accountable.  Anyone that watches and follows the Skins can see the change. 

Despite all the treatment he will get this week, I imagine RG3 is going to be pretty sore and will have to sit out.  I think Cuz will get a chance.  I like Cuz but he's an inexperienced rookie and he will make rookie mistakes.  He stares down receivers and I can see him tossing an INT or two.  I also think it will be a big shift for the entire offense as the O line will be forced to do more straight up pass protection.  The coaching/play calls will need to be altered to suit Cousin's skill set (which are different from RG3's).  Still, unless RG3 makes a very quick recovery and can practice at full speed or close to it, going with Cuz is the right thing to do even if it means we lessen our chances for victory against a Cleveland team playing much better now than a month ago. 

Will be interesting to see how this week unfolds and who ends up getting the nod.



j, k, and s's d said...

Apparently from Bram Weinstein, RG3 looked good today and warmed up with the team and jogged with little signs of injury. We'll find out this evening if he participated in practice.

JSR said...

I think they should start RG3. As long as he's not in severe pain he should be in there. The team hasn't made the playoffs in 5 years it would be a huge let down now to miss out because they were playing it safe. I think the gameplan should be conservative when it comes to him taking off with the ball but having him out there has a huge impact on the team's morale. These kinds of decisions will be common as long as he remains a dual threat qb. Can't just pull him every time just to be safe especially with the season on the line. You wouldn't think about not starting him if this was the first round of the playoffs this sunday. Since every game here on out is the playoffs for the skins how could you treat this any different? I say start him and see what happens in a conventional offense.

deepie said...

I don't think there would be a huge letdown if we don't make the playoffs. As JKSD has repeatedly said, the way the team is playing is huge progress over previous seasons. I'm also happy with the state of the team and making the playoffs would be an unexpected cherry on top of a successful season.

That being said, I agree with JSR that RG3 should start as long as he's not in severe pain. The injury looked a lot worse than it really was. I had a grade 1 sprain playing soccer in a league this Fall. I had to wear a brace, but I was able to play a week later. There was some pain and swelling afterwards, but the knee never felt unstable. I'm not trying to compare my injury to RG3s, and I understand that the NFL is a little more brutal than a bunch of old guys playing soccer, but it's all relative. If RG3 can practice and run without feeling like the knee is about to give, then go out there and win a 5th game in a row.


j, k, and s's d said...

Saw some video of RG3 yesterday from practice and he looked good. RG3 mentioned that he made good progress on Monday, more progress on Tuesday and felt really good yesterday. He felt that if he continues to make the progress he has made, he plans to play.

I understand that there is a lot of gamesmanship going on to keep Cleveland off balance and have them try and plan for either RG3 or Cuz starting. Cuz spoke to the media yesterday and was told not to tell if he took snaps with the first team during practice.

Again, if RG3 is good enough to play and perform at a normal (or close to normal) level, no reason to hold him out. However, if he is uncomfortable out there, he should rest. Will be interesting to see how he progresses over the next couple of days.