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Monday, November 14, 2011

Skins fall to the Fins

Frustrating loss. Here are my grades:

Offense: D- So I was very surprised to see Grossman start. I thought it was a good thing. I actually thought he played pretty well and certainly better than what Beck has to offer. I thought the pass blocking was solid enough. I was also very happy with Hankerson’s contributions. The guy caught 8 passes for over 100 yards. The reasons for the poor grade are because twice our defense set up the offense in a short field and we were only able to come away with FGs. That can’t happen. We need to be able to get it in. Another BIG problem is that we had virtually no running game and that can’t happen. We are not good enough to rely heavily on the passing game. I felt this was a combination of poor run blocking and the RBs missing the hole on occasion. Finally, the pick near the end zone was a killer. Offense, again, is where I knew we would struggle this season so I am not surprised. Again, happy that Rexy is back in and was happy with Hankerson’s production and hopefully he is not hurt too bad as I would like to see more of him and what he has to offer.

Defense: C I felt like this group did enough to win. As mentioned, we got two big turnovers that set up our offense on short fields. I thought Kerrigan had a big game as he had two sacks where he stripped the ball. Also pleased with Perry Riley’s production. He was in on a number of tackles and I believe had a sack. However, the defense also gave up two long drives ending in TDs that hurt but all in all, they did enough to win this game.

Special Teams: D Banks had one nice punt return but really nothing there. Coverage teams were fine. Gano missed two long FGs. Not good.

The loss stings and players seem frustrated but they also seem like they are putting it on themselves rather than the coaches so I don’t see any issue in the locker room. However, those things can creep up suddenly so we’ll have to keep an eye out for that. Again, there were pluses with some of the young guys (Kerrigan, Hankerson, Riley) stepping forward. I still like the direction of the team. As mentioned, improvements were made on the defense this season and we need to strengthen the offense for next season. I can take losses as long as we show improvement on the defense and we are competitive. Again, we need to focus on the offense in the offseason and see significant improvement next season. Year 3 will be very telling for the Shannys.


Rob said...

Hank is out for the year. Too bad because he may be a player.

Rex gives you a chance to win a couple of games. But with the injuries and lack of quality depth it will be tough.

If the Deadskins can pull out 2-3 more wins and play hard at least there may be some hope for next year with a few picks and free agents.

j, k, and s's d said...

We will struggle on offense as we have the last few weeks. Hopefully Grossman can at least keep the chains moving some to give our defense a chance to stay off the field.

The big thing is to try and get a run game going. Will be interesting to see who gets the start at RB. However, with Hankerson out, it will give opposing defenses all the more incentive to put pressure on Rexy and the run game and force us to throw the ball.

Hopefully the guys just continue to play hard. I can accept losses as long as guys are fighting.

Again, I feel pretty good about the defense but we will need to upgrade on offense in the offseason and then it is all on Shanny to turn it around.

deepie said...

I spoke with JKSD yesterday. He and I agreed that despite the team's obvious struggles, there are indications that the team is improving over the shambles left behind by Snyderatto. Unfortunately, much of that talent is injured and the result is the debacle we are currently experiencing.

I believe the team is weakest at the O-line and secondary. The O-line's troubles are obvious. It's just a lack of talent across the board. We are good at LT, but the rest of the line is a hodgepodge of retreads and backups. If we do nothing else in the offseason but address the line, I will be happy.

The quality of the CB play is lacking. What bothers me is that Hall and Wilson are rarely in position to make a play on the ball. This tells me that that Haslett's schemes are off. I have seen too many plays with these guys 5 yards from the receiver when the ball is thrown to believe they are at fault. Something's not right. Regardless, CB is another position of need and a 1-3 rounder spent at that position would be welcome.

I think if we're able to adequately address these spots and see Hankerson, Jenkins, Moss, Hightower, etc. come back healthy, we're instantly 3-4 games better than this year. That's not saying much, but when you're rebuilding, all you can do is try to improve.


JSR said...

This team is not improved from last year. I really cant see it. Losing 5 games straight and whats even worse is that they have scored 1 TD in 3 Games. And that one TD was in garbage time during the 49ers. I understand there are injuries, but even when the Redskins were healthy, they didnt look that impressive.

The Redskins have major holes all across the board even with their starters.

They need a RB(Lets face it Torain, Hightower, and Helu are not the answer.

They need Offensive line improvements. Even Trent
Williams is having problems on a personal character level.

They need to improve the Receivers. Im not convinced about Hankerson. Moss is at the end of his career. Gaffney is a complimentary receiver at best.

They have major issues in the Secondary. Landry is a liability on Defense. Hall and Wilson are below average their positions. Atogwe isnt very good either.

And of course QB. Even the best QB's that come out of the gate winning still need time to become championship caliber. They made a mistake with drafting Kerrigan. They should have drafted a QB. And let him develop this year. It is the hardest position and takes time to learn a system. You cant win in this league without a solid QB. They could have drafted a Kerrigan type player in this years draft. Kerrigan type players are more common than a experienced solid QB.

With all of these holes to address, the Redskins are at least 3 to 4 years away from being playoff bound. And again the Redskins cannot fall in the trap of going after high profile free agents this offseason just to plug holes. They should have already learned that that does not work. It takes time to draft and develop players. The key is that Shannahan does not have that much time. He will be on the hot seat after this year, and will be under pressure to get to the playoffs next year which, in my opinion will not happen due to the number of holes to fill and because they dont have a QB/RB/O-line that will be able to lead them there. Not to mention the questions I have about Shannahan and his son and their capabilities. I am not convinced that they are even the right guys for the job. 1 TD in 3 games is pathetic. They have players on the field who know how to play football. I think a good coach would have been able to coach his team into the endzone atleast once every game. Ill bring up Harbaugh (SF), who has made Alex Smith (considered by many to be bust) into a winner. His team is largely similar to last years losing 49ers, and has them one game behind the NFL leading Green Bay Packers. That is real coaching and getting your team prepared at its best. Flipflopping on QB is a clear sign that the Shannys have no clue.

At least the Younger Shannahan should be fired. 1 TD in 3 games is unacceptable. I really dont see how you guys can say this team is improved. They are 3-6 after losing 5 straight with their toughest stretch of the season ahead of them. Their chances for getting up to 5-11 were squashed when they lost to the 2-7 Dolphins, and the 2-7 Panthers. Ok ill give them one more win this season. Either against the Seahawks or the Vikings. But those wont be easy either. Adrian Peterson will probably run for 200 yards, and traveling the west coast, and playing at Loud Qwest Field isnt going to be easy.

They absolutely need a QB. Im surprised that nothing was done this past offseason about bringing in a QB that can lead this team. And if the Shannys thought they had their guy in Grossman and thats why it wasnt addressd, then you have to question their capabilities in talent evaluation.

Rob said...

If I were the Deadskins, I would draft a QB first - just to build hope for the future. But, I would go with Rex to start the year. I would cut John Beck right now.

I would draft a couple of offensive linemen, a speedy safety, a corner, and some defensive tackles and linebackers in that order.

I would hope that I could get more out of Moss, Armstrong, Gaffney, and Hankerson and that Fred Davis can continue to make strides.

I'd move back to the 4-3, fire Haslett, and probably get rid of Cooley and go younger/cheaper.

I'd actually keep Kyle and see what he can do with better talent. I think he can coach, but it is hard to tell with the bunch of second and third rate players the Deadskins are currently fielding out there.

deepie said...

I can't believe it but I almost completely agree with Robs. Beck is completely expendable now and I don't mean he's be in Stallone's next flick. Get rid of him. Keep Rex as the bridge to the guy we.get with pick #3 in the draft and move on to the next need.

O line is the major issue right now. When Torain or Group gets the ball, defenders are on them 2 yards in the backfield. The pass blocking seems adequate, but this.scheme doesn't work without a we ain't got one. No, JSR. It's not.the RBs that stink. It's clearly the line. These three guys would be all pros behind a decent group.

Haslett getting fired wouldn't bother me, but the 3-4 isn't the problem. If you watch D-Hall closely you will see frustration focused at the coaches. He turns to them constantly after opposing teams convert 3rd downs. This tells me clearly that the schemes are questionable. There is enough talent on D to be better than what we are seeing.

It's Dallas week and I have no interest. Sad. I guess I will watch on Sunday, but only to see if we continue down a path that will land us a QB we can be proud of in the draft.

Rob said...

All Pro running backs? I think you are exaggerating. It is hard to evaluate how good their running backs are because of the O-line issues, but All Pro is still far fetched (AP, Forte, Fred Jackson, McFadden/Bush, are much better players than Torain et al.).

The 3-4 really requires a different set of players. You need a super huge NT, the two inside linebackers have to be run stuffing big boys (think Lewis and McClain in Baltimore or Farrior and Timmons in Pittsburgh), a rush outside linebacker and a coverage outside linebacker, and then you really need a ball hawking safety.

The 4-3 is clearly better suited for the Deadskin front 7 personnel - they have solid DTs, two great rush ends, a solid but smallish middle inebacker, and two normal outside linebackers (they really need a better weakside linebacker who is a tackling machine). Their secondary is weak either way.

The Bears would have a lot of trouble playing a 3-4 and their talent level is twice that of the Deadskins. Urlacher is a great middle linebacker in the 4-3 but in a 3-4 he would have trouble taking on the run responsibilities against offensive guards. Briggs would probably move inside and struggle also because he is more of a speed guy. They don't have a big NT type and I guess Peppers would be the rush end who would have to cover at times - he is a good athlete but it is not a natural position for him.