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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Skins come up short against the Cowboys

Good game. It was entertaining and hard fought. Here are a few observations:

1. Thought Rexy was very good. He commanded the offense and made a number of very good throws. What I also loved to see was his emotion and how the team really seemed to rally behind him. It was a HUGE mistake to replace him earlier in the season as that completely derailed this team and our season. Still, I am glad to see him get another chance and show what he can do.

2. O line. Very good pass blocking but not so good run blocking. I suppose you can't expect too much from this banged up group that included some guy named Polumbo or Polumbus who was just signed a couple of weeks ago starting at LG (because of injuries to Lichtensteiger, Locklear, and Hurt). Still, the lack of a run game is really hampering the offense.

3. Where are the RBs? As mentioned, the run game is anemic. O line deserves much of the blame on this (although I believe the Cowboys have a good run defense). However, our backs need to do better as well. I would like to see more of Helu as he seems like a better cut back runner. Torain is a big, physical, downhill type runner but if the hole isn't in front of him, he doesn't seem to be able to see the backside cut. Helu may be more ideally suited for this.

4. The return of Banks. Finally, good to see him produce. We need more of that to warrant his position on the team. Good game by him.

5. Defense was okay. They were very good in the first half keeping the 'Boys to 10 points which included giving them the ball on a short field. They were okay in the second half but what was most distressing is giving up third down conversions. This has been a strength for much of the season but we had them in several third and longs in the fourth quarter and OT but couldn't make that one play. While I am not happy about that, those things can be corrected.

6. D. Hall. I believe the guy can play but I also agree he runs his mouth too much. I know he shoulders much of the blame for the loss but some of those plays that went on him are tough plays and frankly the coaches could have done a better job of helping him out. At least, he took some accountability and I can respect that.

7. Ga-NO!!! He missed two long FGs (49 yarder and 52 yarder). I get that these are long FGs but his percentage for anything over 40 yards must be pretty low. I don't now what the league percentage is for longer FGs but it just seems like he struggles. May be it's because I am obviously more cognizant of his kicks because I just checked out how he stacks up to the league and it isn't as bad as I thought but still, his two misses were killers.

In the end, it was a good game but still tough to come up short. Honestly, I would have loved to see us try a two point conversion after we scored late in the game. We had nothing to lose and if we made it great, if we don't, I could have accepted the loss and respected the call. Still, I loved that we fought and that guys certainly don't seem to be laying down. I think this team has too much pride and I also believe they know that there is a different mentality and culture with this team now and losing hurts more and that there are pieces that can build from with this group.

Well, on to next week.


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