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Monday, August 16, 2010

Sly is BACK!!!!

The Expendables pulled in a staggering $35 million over the weekend easily winning the box office competition this weekend. I know at least a portion of that $35 million came from Matar Aloo who was standing in line with a raging boner waiting to watch this epic movie.

Congrats Sly!


deepie said...

Saw the movie on Friday with Matar Aloo. They don't make movies like this anymore...Blood and guts and a weak excuse to blow stuff up...It was great! The only problem was Aloo and all of his heavy breathing and moaning throughout the movie. I might have to see it again to truly appreciate all of the senseless violence and bad acting.

deepie said...

Saw the movie on Friday with Matar Aloo. They don't make movies like this anymore...Blood and guts and a weak excuse to blow stuff up...It was great! The only problem was Aloo and all of his heavy breathing and moaning throughout the movie. I might have to see it again to truly appreciate all of the senseless violence and bad acting.

j, k, and s's d said...

I can imagine Aloo's "antics" would get a little distracting watching that movie.

I can see it now when Stallone has the classic scene where he is running/yelling at the camera with the fire in the background getting ready to blow and Aloo simultaneously getting overly excited and just as the fire explodes in the movie and Stallone is yelling and is thrown across the screen, Aloo yells, "OOOOHHHH, SLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" in sheer ecstasy and then soils his pants. Yeah, I can imagine that would be a tad distracting.

Scott said...

So, I heard that Farve was in the movie with Matar Aloo when the three veteran Vikings came in to take Farve to Minn. Apparently, there was a weird effect with all of Matar Aloo's moaning and one of the larger Vikings also got turned on. It turned into a reach around fest and Farve's ankle is not the only body part giving him trouble. Obviously, this has been kept out of the media for good reason.