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Monday, August 16, 2010

Skins thrash the Bills

Sure it is only the first preseason game but for what it was, it was a great performance. For me, what you want to see if good effort and a sense of organization. I saw both out there. Here are the my general thoughts, as always, in no particular order:

1. McNabb was solid. He had one pass short hop and he missed on the deep ball to Galloway but he engineered a TD scoring drive and had nice passes to Cooley and Roydell Anthony along the way. He seemed to have decent command and solid decision making.

2. Trent Williams was good and the O line in general was solid. Obviously, this was a HUGE issue for us last year but they performed well and gave the QBs an opportunity to make plays.

3. Running game was good. Shanahan teams are known for the strong running game. You could tell the difference in schemes b/t this team and last year's team. We have been running a power running attack for the last several years. Typically, it's 50 gut or 46 chip or whatever it's called and people just stack up in the line. You can see how the O linemen have to be more athletic and there are running lanes opening up and the backs have to hit the holes quickly. I expect to see several longer runs this year.

4. Special teams were excellent. Good punt/kickoff coverage and Banks as a punt returner was a welcomed sign. The guy seems fearless and small and fast and ready to run upfield which is a huge upgrade to ARE who would hop around a few times and then fall before even getting hit.

5. Torain and the other RB had very good games so good for them.

6. Grossman's numbers were good but as is typical of Rexy, the guy had some very nice throws but he had two VERY dangerous throws that could have easily been picked off for TDs. Still, I like having him around as I trust the coaching staff and they wanted him and he does have a good understanding of the offense. Should be a capable back up.

7. New defense looked solid. Outside of Buffalo's opening drive, they were pretty stingy. If I had a problem it was with the opening drive and how the defense was overly aggressive and over pursued the play a few times. By doing that, they left the backside open and the Bills capitalized a few times. You have to be aggressive in football but you have to be disciplined and recognize your role and stay home. Still, a good performance by the defense.

8. Coaching was outstanding. Shanny seems to have the attention of these guys and they seem to like the old school discipline he has enforced and I'm sure they are more willing to listen as the guy has a solid track record.

Again, it is only the first preseason game but it was a good performance. We face the Ravens this coming week which is a much more difficult challenge. It should serve as a good test as I think the Ravens are certainly a playoff team and should be a potential Super Bowl contender.



Scott said...

I'm temporing my enthusiam. I'm still worried about week 1. Remember, the Old Ball Coach won his first preseason game in Japan.

j, k, and s's d said...

True. It is preseason game #1 AND it was against the Bills. But for what it was, it was a great showing

The Ravens will be a much stiffer test for the offense AND the defense this week.

Ole' Ball Coach was an arrogant arse. I don't think he tried to hold anything back in Japan and probably was throwing his regular season playbook at the opposition.

Scott said...

You are going to see our DBs give up a lot of yards against the Ravens offense.

I find it interesting in a Freudian way that you used the word "stiffer".