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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Don't you hate it when you are up at night and instead of going to sleep, you sit in front of the tv and channel surf watching nothing in particular. Or even worse, get caught up watching something ridiculous where at the end of the program you think, "That was a big waste of my f'ing time!"

A couple of nights back, I was channel surfing in the middle of the night and I ended up watching this ridiculous excuse of a movie called Joy Ride. It starred Paul Walker (Fast and Furious) and Steve Zahn (Saving Silverman) and was made earlier this decade and followed the same genre as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer.

It was a "horror" film but with a little tweaking could have very easily turned into a comedy. Basically, it was about two brothers travelling cross country and having fun with a CB radio but unfortunately poke fun at the wrong trucker who ends up tormenting them throughout the movie.

Rule #1 when making a horror film, do not cast Zahn. This guy can't help but look/act funny whatever he does.

The acting, plot, setting, and everything else including the key grip all sucked in this movie. Sadly, I stayed up and watched the whole thing. I actually got a couple of kicks at the attempts at suspense but really was more comedic. The funny thing was the ending set it up for a Joy Ride 2.

Note to self...stay away from Joy Ride.


deepie said...

I stayed up until midnight last night watching Marky Mark's "Rock Star." It was an ok flick...mostly because Jennifer Aniston is hot and the songs written for the movie were actually quite good...But it was completely predictable and a giant waste of precious hours of sleep. BUT...To top things off, as I was walking to the stairs after the movie ended, I said to myself, I'm going to turn on the computer and play some video games. So I sat there for another hour until my eyes were blood-shot and I couldn't see straight anymore. WHY!?!?!

The answer is quite simple...Being the righteous dude and manly man that I am, I need to let off a lot of steam after slaving away for the man for 9 hours out of the day, sitting in traffic for 2 hours, running the kids around and scrambling to find some time to eat dinner each evening. Throw in an overworked wifey who's stressed out for all the same reasons and you have a perfect recipe for insomnia.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rock Star wasn't least not as terrible as Joy Ride.

Felt like Aniston was miscast. She really doesn't seem like the girlfriend of the lead singer of an 80s hair band. Didn't work for me. I will say that some of the music was okay. Liked the song Marky Mark sang as he interviewed for Steel Dragon.

What video game did you play?

Watching Rock Star and playing video games to let off steam slaving for the man sure sounds righteous and manly. I thought you were going to finish the night off hemming your dress and giving yourself a bikini wax.

deepie said...

Right...Stupid hair band movies and video games aren't the best way to let off steam, which leads us back to the title of this blog...WHY?

I've become addicted to playing Bejeweled 2 online. It's a silly Tetris-like game that sucks you in and doesn't let go until you've wasted hours of your life that would have been better spent hemming dresses or getting a bikini wax.

There are literally thousands of people who play the dumb game at all hours of the day. You can actually play for money, which I've never done. I think the jackpot last night was $21000 for the highest score.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rockstar followed by Bejeweled 2 online? Are you gay? Seriously, are you? I thought at least it would be Madden or some other kind of sports type of game.

I suppose you must have a little bit of man in you to admit you played Bejeweled 2 online. Either that or you are a masculine woman that still likes to have a little bit of "man in you" every other night and twice on Sundays.

Rob said...

I went to sleep at 10:00 pm and got a great night of sleep.

I'm really living the "early to bed, early to rise" motto these days - which is weird because I haven't really done that since high school.

deepie said...

Madden or any other sports game would require at least an hour to complete a single game. With the online game, I could have stopped after 5 minutes, which was the reason for starting in the first place. Unfortunately, playing over and over again for another 55 minutes seemed, at the time, like a better idea than calling it a night and hitting the hay.

Speaking of Madden, I got Madden '10 for the Wii and it is lousy. The controls are gimmicky and the graphics are better suited for a 5 year old than the adult audience that the game has catered to over the years. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a PS3 or XBox to play a good version of the game.

Here's another side effect of staying up late...Why am I spending so much time on this blog today?

j, k, and s's d said...

I have the NHL game for Wii and it makes me say, "WEE!!!" Love it. Online play is good. I started out ranked around 400 and have climbed the rankings and will hopefully soon crack the top 100.

I love it!