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Monday, June 21, 2010

Finished the Keg

So I finished the keg in my basement yesterday. Was wondering when that thing was going to empty. The good thing was that I had that keg for around 3 months but the the beer still tasted good. I had Miller Lite in there as I had never connected a keg to a kegerator so I didn't want to go too high end only to screw it up and have the keg go flat after a couple of days. Now that I am more comfortable with it, I am looking forward to putting something a little better in there. Maybe Amstel Light or Heineken. Wouldn't mind Dogfish IPA. Blue Moon would be an option but that is thicker/heavier and not sure I want a full keg of that. The good thing is that store I go to has a good selection of kegs so I have options.

Stay thirsty, my friends.


deepie said...

I know you just killed the Miller Lite, but I'd stick with good ol' Pilsner...not too heavy, and very versatile. The Pilsner Urquell is the way to go. Amstel Light is a good choice too. Not sure if you like Sam Adams Light, but it's a good choice if you want more flavor out of a light beer.

I had a Heineken for the first time in a long time this weekend. It has always tasted like skunked beer to me. I also had some of the Flying Dog amber ale from the variety pack I picked up from Costco recently. That's some good stuff. Goes down smooth with lots of flavor. If your store has micro brews in kegs, you'll have to get one of the Flying Dog beers sometime.

Ahhh...Now I'm trying to think of ways to get out of work early so I can enjoy a beer at home.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree on going with a Pilsner. It's a lighter beer but still has good flavor. As you say, it's versatile (I like the use of that word in the context it was used...well done).

I know you like Pilsner Urquell. Not sure if I'm a fan of that beer yet.

I also have to keep in mind what beers the store has in kegs. They have a good selection and you can special order kegs. I know they have Amstel Light available so that is a good option.

I do like Sam Adams Light a lot and if they have that, that would most likely be my choice.

I enjoy Heineken Light. I used to think it had that skunky smell/taste as well but I've come to enjoy the beer. Prior to the keg, I would buy bottles rotating between Heineken Light, Corona Light, and Sam Adams Light.

I do not believe the store carries Flying Dog (again, I might be able to special order it). They do carry Dogfish which is a good microbrew but for the keg would probably want something more mainstream.

As mentioned, I will probably go Sam Adams Light if they have that. If not, it will probably be Amstel Light.

Stay thirsty, my friends!

Scott said...

JKSD, I understand that if you drink from a 3 month old tapped keg that you could develop a terrible rash in your genitals. Did that happen to you yet?

j, k, and s's d said...

If by "terrible rash in your genitals" you mean increase in dork size and strength than the answer is a resounding "YES!!!"

deepie said... seem to be confusing the blisters from your rash with your dork...I feel sorry for you but I wish you the best in your neverending quest to find your dork in that mess of pubes and festering rash better known as your v@g!n@.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deepie, you feel sorry for me? You didn't seem to feel very sorry for me when you had your face all up in my "mess of pubes and festering rash better known as my v@g!n@." BTW, some of those blisters have been really pus filled and popping, you may want get your ugly mug checked out.

deepie said...

Really? I'm confused. Was that an attempt to take a shot at me? So by admitting you have a "mess of pubes and festering rash better known as [your] v@g!n@," which is now puss filled and popping, somehow I'm supposed to feel slighted? Sheesh...

And please...stop dreaming about me satisfying you in ways only battery operated, inanimate object (or Scott) can. I'll have a beer from the kegger with you, but that's as far I'm willing to go.

j, k, and s's d said...

Really? You're confused? You didn't seem confused when your ugly mug was neck deep in my "mess of pubes and festering rash better known as my v@g!n@ which is now puss filled and popping."

You can have a beer from the kegger and then lap up the rest of the pus. Knowing you, you'll probably want to go straight for the pus.

deepie said...

Have you started calling your right hand "Deepie" again, so you can live out your fantasy of having me neck deep in your "mess of pubes and festering rash better known as [your] v@g!n@ which is now pus filled and popping."

I'll be sure to ask you to wash your hands before I shake your hand when I come over to empty your kegger full of delicious beer.

j, k, and s's d said...

Never stopped calling my right hand after you although I use the pet name "Dipshat" that you gave for yourself.

And no there was no fantasy as I distinctly remember both of us throwing up after you extracted your head from my, "mess of pubes and festering rash better known as my v@g!n@ which is now pus filled and popping" and we saw what you looked like with all that shat on you...sadly, I think it was an improvement on your "normal" appearance.

Despite the mess, I'll still have you over so we can empty the kegger full of delicious beer.

Scott said...

Wait a minute, the description above sounds very similar to Slumdog Millionaire when the boy fell in the shit hole. Maybe you can give deepie your autograph.

Rob said...

Oh my God! I am still laughing as I write this.

I can always count on JKSD to slip into the gutter in ever more humorous ways.

Scott said...

Actually, with the new Predator movie coming out, I think it would be more funny if there is a flash back to those Arnold and Sly stories.