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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Get ready for John Wall

NBA draft is tonight and barring some kind of weird fluke, the Wiz have their sights set on Kentucky's phenom John Wall. It's a necessary pick because choosing anyone else would send the fans/city into an uproar.

It's interesting because all of a sudden D.C. has gotten it's fair share of superstars. With Ovechkin in hockey, Wall in basketball, Strasburg in baseball, all of a sudden it looks like the Redskins aren't the only team in town.


Scott said...

Win or lose, the Redskins will always be the most popular team in DC. Jeff Van Gundy was asked this morning on ESPN about the potential of Wall/Arenas backcourt and he thinks that the two playing together would be a disaster and that Arenas should be let go. I don't understand why he thinks it would be so terrible. Arenas needs to be a shooting guard. What's the big deal? F-Van Gundy.

j, k, and s's d said...

Van Gundy is just a bitter little weasel.

I think it could be a pretty good tandem.

F Van Gundy!

deepie said...

Last night Van Gundy said he thinks Gilbert is a great point guard and having Wall would complicate things for the Wiz. I don't know what he's been smoking. No wonder he's not coaching anymore.

Gil's going to be our shooting guard. If he doesn't like it, F Gil too.

j, k, and s's d said...

At this point in his career, Gil doesn't get to dictate what he wants and what he does not want to do. He is trying to resurrect the career he has squandered. The good thing is that he is young enough and talented enough to do that. The Wiz have been patient with him and he owes it to himself, his team, his organization, and his fans to do as told and play well.

He isn't a point guard anyways. He turns the ball over too much and is always looking to shoot. He is better as the shooting guard. The question will be is he willing to share the spot light with a kid?

Gil should be looking at this as a great opportunity to have one of the best backcourt tandems in the game as opposed to a threat.

We'll see how it plays out.

Still, F Van Gundy! He looks like a slug.

Rob said...

Frankly, I don't like John Wall that much. There was a good piece in the Post this week about his struggles to grow up. The piece ended with the idea that he has grown up, but he is a young guy who will soon be a multi-millionaire with a lot of time.

Gil's not going to be much of a mentor. I don't think he is going to end up being the superstar that people think.

I like Evan Turner as a more grounded dude, but we'll see.

Scott said...

There is no question that JW had a tough life. I read an article in the post from last weekend. His mom never told him why his dad was in prison. So, like the bitch that she must be, the f-ing writer researched what JW's father was convicted of and told him. I was very close to emailing the writer to complain about her doing that. I feel sorry for JW and hope his turning his life around will be issue free in DC. The kid is so fast, hopefully the other Wizards can keep up. I like Leonsis and think he will make the right decisions to build a winner. I think Leonsis will evaluate Ernie Grunfeld at the end of the upcoming year and he will be quick to replace him if they are not successful. I still say, F-Van Gundy!

deepie said...

I'm not too concerned about Wall's character. Sure he had a troubled upbringing, but he seems well grounded and focused. There have been some little pieces of info that have come out lately that have me thinking he's a good dude.

No tattoos. The fact that he doesn't have tattoos doesn't mean cr@pola, but the fact that he has not gotten any tattoos due to the urging of his mother tells me a lot. He's a kid who, as a big time star/celebrity, could have grown up thinking he didn't have to answer to anyone. Apparently he understands that he is accountable to someone...his mother no less.

He had a 3.5 GPA during his one year in college. Sure he went to Kentucky and he probably took 5 different PE classes, but at least he took whatever he did seriously.

He has a sense of the history of the game. During the interview immediately after getting drafted, the interviewer pointed out that Wall was aware of the fact that John Lucas was the first point guard taken first overall and that he was the fourth. I can't imagine that many kids would care enough to know stuff like this.

I'm not saying that listening to your mother and getting decent grades means you're a good guy. I'm just saying that these are signs of maturity and accountability that, coupled with talent, can make for a very good career in the NBA.

Rob said...

We'll see. I hope he works out and does for the Wiz what Ovie has done for the Caps.