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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fatal Attraction

Last night, I got caught up watching Fatal Attraction until like 1 am. It's been a while since I've seen the movie but I must say that is some crazy shat. Good story and well acted.

Although I will say Glenn Close is pretty ugly so it's hard to take her seriously as a vixen. She does however nail the craziness down. Watching as an adult kind of makes you think what you would do if a crazy was after you. The scene where Douglas breaks into her place and tries to kill her after Close steals his kid from school and takes her to the park and the wife in a panic gets into a car accident seems pretty real. I could imagine doing something similar. Of course, I wouldn't have gotten myself into that sitiation in the first place. Michael Douglas was STOOPID (said like that dude at Deepie's party)!


Rob said...

You definitely wouldn't find yourself in that situation. Your vagina makes it more likely that you would have been Glenn Close.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fine. Maybe I would stalk Deepie if he started sticking his head in some one else's vagina.

deepie said...

Maybe we should call you JKSM from now on. The D is no longer appropriate, unless there's more about you we don't know.

I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about your vagina.

j, k, and s's d said...

Call me what you want and you may have thrown up a little bit but I'm sure that was followed by your little dingie getting fully erect as you think about tucking your fat head up into my vagina again.

Scott said...

Great movie. You should follow that one up with "Basic Instinct" so that you can see Sharon Stone's vaginal area in addition to looking at yours in the mirror.