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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jason Campbell vs. Clinton Portis

So Clinton Portis calling from Brazil on the John Thompson show had a few choice thoughts on Jason Campbell that he shared. Highlights included:

"No disrespect to Jason but everybody in that locker room can tell you, you'll never see Jason mad, you'll never see Jason's tempo change, you'll never see Jason get mad. He going to get up, dust himself off; he going to give you everything he got. But as a leader, you never heard -- it was always, 'Jason couldn't take control of the huddle,' or he didn't do this or he didn't do that. That wasn't Jason's character."

Informed of Portis' comments, JC sounded off. Highlights included:

"How is he going to say I'm not a leader? I mean, that's just not true. To me, that's somebody who shows that they don't know what a real leader is. A leader is not someone who leads by the wrong example. A leader is someone who is trying to do the right thing and trying to lead by example, and not just [being] about themselves. There's a reason guys get selected as captains, and there's a reason guys don't get selected as captains. Obviously, he doesn't have the respect of the locker room to be a captain. For someone to try to take a shot at me at the end of the season, after they haven't even been around, only speaks about their character anyways."

"There have been a lot of things I could have come out and said. But I never went out of my way to make those things known. I never wanted those things to leave the locker room because it's no one else's business. And for those things to be said, questioning my character and questioning my leadership, I think that's not the way to go, especially when you're supposed to be a team guy. Is that being a good teammate? If that's the case, why is no one questioning my leadership and everyone is questioning his work ethic?"

"Not one time have I come out and made any excuses about anything with my situation," Campbell said. "I never do anything to try to hurt my teammates. Some people need to stop being 'me' guys and start being 'we' guys. And another thing, and I want you to write this, too, how does he even know what's going on with our team?"

"How's he [going to] question anything when for those four or five weeks before he was on IR [the season-ending injured-reserve list], he never even came around. He wasn't with us. He was never at practice. Who does he think was holding the offense together? He should go ask the coaches and the players if he wants to know. But he wasn't around to do that. He doesn't know anything about leadership."

"You've got guys out there working their butts off, guys out there practicing and doing everything they need to do to prepare for Sundays, and you see him over there getting special treatment. What does that say about him? I go out, I get beat down on Sundays, and I still have to go out and practice and get ready for games. And that's what your supposed to do."

Personally, I love that JC stepped up and finally showed some emotion and shot down CP. Recently, we have gotten more word of the special treatment and relationship CP had with the front office. It's clear that players aren't happy with CP. I think the players respect JC and probably do so even more now. I really like JC and hope he gets the opportunity to be the QB next year.

Apparently Portis and JC spoke late yesterday and cleared the air but I'm sure for JC the damage was done and I'm also sure that he meant what he said regarding the poor attitude and work ethic of CP. I will say that I don't think Portis meant for his comments to come across as strongly as they did. In fact, it kind of seemed that CP was saying that JC has been put through so much b/t who is calling the plays and trying to relay the plays and everything that it is hard for him to really focus on leading as opposed to just trying to do his job. I may be wrong but still CP shouldn't have said what he said and he is only alienating himself further from his teammates.

Again, love that JC is stepping up as it shows more high character from him and leadership qualities and confidence in himself. These are all qualities that I would like in our starting QB.


Rob said...

Nothing new about CP. It is common knowledge that he used his direct line to Snyderatto to undermine his teammates and coach. He is a major cancer that should have been kicked off the team last year when he bitchslapped Zorn when the team was 6-2.

JC is a very solid NFL starting QB. I'm sure he wants out of DC and is hoping for a good landing spot.

Rob said...

JKSD, the stuff that we are reading more about now is exactly the stuff I have been talking about with the Deadskins for the last couple of years.

There were a bunch of Vinny's guys (you could really call them Snyderatto's guys) that undermined everything.

You had a HC that couldn't bring in his own assistants and then had it in his contract that he had to do whatever Snyderatto said.

You have an owner who is Hell bent on finding his own QB rather than developing JC.

You have assistant coaches who clearly have no respect for their HC or the team.

Maybe Bruce Allen and the highly-overpaid Shanny will do something. But I doubt it.

The reason I doubt it is that Snyder is already developing his own private draft board and is going to be flying around the country for personal workouts with college QBs in the next few weeks.

j, k, and s's d said...

Everyone is to blame for the Zorn debacle -- including Zorn. That was just a mess. He was fired from a job he should have never had in the first place and he was hired into a position he was set to fail.

CP is really lost on this team and his recent "transgressions" have only made it worse for himself. Will be interesting to see if he stays with the team and if so how he mends his ways (or if he doesn't).

Will be interesting to see what happens to JC. JC has said that he is excited to hear that Shanny is coming to town. I think JC wants to be part of the Redskins but he also wants to feel wanted and respected. If the Skins disrespect him more and if we don't make an honest effort to bring him back, I'm sure he will have no problem walking away.

Zorn said that Gray and he talked a number of times about Gray interviewing for the HC job so it sounded as though Gray consulted with Zorn before he even went in for the interview.

I'm sure Snyder will still be involved in football operations but I am also sure it will not be nearly to the degree that it was with Cerrato and Zorn. I'm sure Shanny is coming here excited and wanting control of the team that is why he told Snyder to fire Cerrato and bring in Allen. There is no question Shanny will put up with the shenanigans that previous Redskin coaches have.

Rob said...

CP will be cut. Too much money and too much of a headache. Shanny traded him away from Denver because he was a pain in the arse there also.

JC will go anywhere else if he gets a decent contract offer - he will re-sign with the Deadskins only if he doesn't have any better offers. As a restricted free agent, the Deadskins will have an opportunity to match. But given that they will draft a Shanny QB and pay that dude a ton of money, it is unlikely that they will be able to match any reasonable offers for JC.

Zorn's a good guy, but there are enough stories that say Gray did it secretly. If he did talk with Zorn it was only after news leaked. Gray is an arse - but there really isn't much reason to argue about him. You can believe he wasn't if you choose to, that is up to you.

I will bet you any amount of money that Snyder will have his own draft board and will be involved in personal workouts with QBs in coming weeks. Snyder got himself an average NFL coach and paid him way more than anyone else in the NFL would pay him - $7M!

F**k man, I'm sure Cowher is thinking he should have talked to Snyder and asked for $9M/year. The problem is that Shanny probably doesn't give a s**t about letting Danny Boy dick around Redskin Park and with the draft boards, whereas Cowher wouldn't put up with that kind of nonsense.

Good luck with Bob Slowik as your new D coordinator. He did such a bang up job when he was in Denver with his last job.

j, k, and s's d said...

Relax, Tiger. Why getting so upset?

Don't care if CP is cut. I still think he is servicable but clearly he has upset the team and his disruptions outweigh his performance at this point in his career. As JC said, we need more "we" guys and less "me" guys.

I'm sure JC wants to stay in DC. The team respects him and I'm sure he wants to see things through here as opposed to starting fresh. However, he also wants to be treated fairly by the ownership. That has been lacking and we'll see what the new administration decides to do. The thing is if another team really wants him they can put clauses in the contracts that state something to the effect that if JC plays more than 2 or 3 games at FedEx field he will get a $50M bonus. This would have to carry over into the contract the Redskins would have to draft up if they wanted to keep him so being a restricted FA is not so simple.

All I'm telling you is that Zorny said yesterday that he spoke to Gray a number of times regarding the situation and he was cool with everything. Yes, Zorny is a good guy. There is no disputing that but he is not head coaching material. I know you hate Snyder and will blame him for everything including your perpetual constipation but Zorny has to share in the blame in the lack of success and lack of control he had over the team.

I'm glad you are so confident that Snyder will privately create his own draft board just as you are confident Snyder has secretly drugged and taped his coaching candidates in compromising positions to blackmail them.

Cowher will now get at least $7M/year to coach and probably more so he will be fine.

We will be getting Shanny's son to run the offense who has had great success running the Texan offense the last two years. There is talk of getting Mike Zimmer who wants to be paid and can run either a 4-3 or 3-4 defense successfully and who has success in creating defenses that force takeaways -- something we sorely lack. No question Danny boy will pay up for him if we feel like he is the guy.

Rob said...

JC does not want to stay in DC. It is pretty clear by the way he has been answering questions about his future in recent weeks. There is no way that Snyder is going to pay the man or even give him a decent contract offer. So he will look to get one from outside and then the Deadskins will decide if they want to match.

But given that they will draft a high priced rookie it is unlikely they will match.

He will only be back with the Deadskins if he doesn't get any other decent offers. Then he will sign a one year contract. I'd put the chances of that happening at about 20% - there are enough teams out there that will give him a decent offer.

Like I said, Gray spoke to Zorn after he secretly pulled his crap.

Jason Cole reported on Snyder's secret draft boards today in his article at Yahoo!

Zimmer is not coming to DC. It looks like Slowik is - at least according to Cole and Mike Lombardi at

j, k, and s's d said...

How do you know that JC doesn't want to stay in DC? He has been non committal in his answers as well he should be. He pretty much always answers with he'll pray and let God lead him. He said that he is excited that Shanny is the new head coach and he was upset that CP said what he said just as Shanny was introduced. He was upset because he doesn't want CP to create any unwanted/unneeded impressions of JC for Shanny. So how the F do you know he wants out?

I'm sure he wants to be treated fairly and if he isn't, he'll have no problem going some place where he is appreciated - as he should. But the guy is respected by his teammates and seems like he wants to see things through.

We'll see who they draft.

How do you know Gray spoke with Zorny after he "secretly pulled his crap?" Again, Zorny said yesterday that the two had spoken a number of times and Zorny was absolutely fine with Gray. Is it not possible that Gray sought out Zorny's approval prior to the interview? Frankly, who even gives a shart about this (other than you) since it is all over with?

Provide the link to Snyder's secret draft board.

Slowik may have a role with the Redskins since he has remained close to Shanny but the talk of Zimmer coming is also widely publicized so who knows what's going to happen.

Frankly, you should spend more time worrying what's happening to your beloved Bears.

Good luck, Bear fan!

Rob said...

You think no one is going to offer JC a contract other than the Deadskins?

You think the Deadskins are going to give him the best contract offer?

You think he would take less to stay in DC?

You think the Deadskins won't draft a QB with their first pick?

You think that the Deadskins would match a multi-year offer from another team?

If you think any or all of these are true then JC is staying. If not, it is pretty clear that he is going.

If he wanted to stay he would say, I want to say. But whenever he is asked he says some variation of the following: "Everything happens for a reason and I am sure I will end up in the right place."

News reports about the whole Gray affair all end up with him secretly interviewing. If it wasn't a secret to Zorn I would be shocked - there would have been no other reason to keep it secret. Look, believe what you want, but I have my doubts that many coaches will want to hire a back-stabbing A-hole like Gray.

Read Jason Cole today - he mentions the draft board. Cole and Mike Lombardi both say its Slowik. We'll see.

I'm not worried about the Bears - they will be fine.

deepie said...

The Bears will be fine!?!?! You're out 6 coaches and you have a QB who just threw 26 INTs in a single season. You don't have receivers, your D can't stay healthy, and your O-line is a mess...and the Bears will be fine!?!?!

Interesting that you expect us 'Skins fans to believe your doom and gloom scenarios for the 'Skins who are doing everything possible to become competitive again when you choose to ignore the heaping pile of doodoo your team has become.


Rob said...

Yep, the Bears will be fine. We have good young receivers, good running backs, a younger O-line that will have played together and I'll bet any amount of money Cutler will have a better year next year.

On D, they need a new scheme and will get one. They have talent and a fair amount of youth mixed in with solid vets.

Their special teams are great.

The team has underperformed - but it has been a .500 team.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm glad Robs thinks the Bears are fine. Despite the infusion of new coordinators that aren't Lovie's guys, talent issues, a malcontent QB, no early draft picks, Robs thinks they are fine. This is also coming from the guy that thought the Bears should be mentioned in the same class as the Patriots and Colts as one of the great organizations in football.

Like it or not, the Bears are on the brink of “laughingstock” in their own hometown. Another season of disasters like 2009 will push them over, given that Phillips has told his GM and coach, “OK, fix it.” By stating that he believes they are the ones to do it, Phillips has climbed into the boat with them.

Phillips explained at length the importance he attaches to continuity and how that was a factor in the Smith-stays decision. But the next defensive coordinator will be the fourth different one in four years under Smith.

And by firing Ron Turner, the Bears are forcing Jay Cutler to play under his third offensive boss (Mike Shanahan, Turner, new guy) in three years.

Robs is the kind of guy that will hate on Archuleta and Brandon Lloyd when they are Redskins but loves them when they are Bears. I know he will say it was the dollars they were getting but at the time they signed with the Skins, he also questioned their talent. Some how their talent increased 10 fold when they signed with the Bears. Robs would have had a field day with Jeff Cutler if he had signed with the Redskins and we had given up the draft choices that the Bears did but he loves the pick up when the Bears do it.

The real problem is Robs has lost all sense of reality that he can't tell his ass from his face anymore. Robs, here's a tip, sober up and quit talking out of your ass.

Good day, Bear fan!