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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pretty good article on Chan Gailey

Funny article in SI about the hopelessness for the Bills as they hired Chan Gailey. Here's part of it.

"But how can Buffalo fans believe? The Bills just hired a 70-year-old rookie general manager, who hired a 57-year-old retread coach, and together they are supposed to lead Buffalo past Bill Belichick and Tom Brady, past Rex Ryan and the Jets, past Bill Parcells' Dolphins. It's like watching your Uncle Ned run the Boston Marathon and hoping he can beat the Kenyans.

This is nothing against the 70-year-old rookie GM, Buddy Nix. When a man named Buddy gets his dream job at 70, you have to pull for him. And it's nothing against Chan Gailey, who got fired in Dallas, coached mediocre teams at Georgia Tech and ... well, OK, those are two things against Chan Gailey.

One of Gailey's big selling points is supposed to be that he thinks you can win without stars in the NFL, and the Bills don't have many stars, so -- PRESTO! -- we have a perfect match. If you're a Bills fan, how much tequila would you have to drink before you even begin to believe that? It's as if the Bills said, "You believe in Pillsbury crescent rolls, and we happen to have some Pillsbury crescent-roll dough, so let's open a fancy restaurant in Manhattan."

Gailey was fired by the Chiefs before last season started. The guy is so bad, he gets canned when he is going to suck. I'm kidding. The timing of Gailey's Kansas City firing was so ridiculous that the whole episode should not be held against him. But what in his career makes anybody think he will strike NFL gold at 57?

If you're a Bills fan, and the whole country makes fun of your city, and your team is best known for losing Super Bowls, and the best player in franchise history turns out to be ... O.J. Simpson, and your owner has decided the best way to keep your team in town is to have it play games in Toronto, and you're freezing to death ... I mean, I think you have lost more faith than Chan Gailey can restore."


Rob said...

Very, very odd choice. I think he is probably a decent OC, but he has not shown himself to be that great a head coach.

If you are a Buffalo fan you have to hope he is the second coming of Norv. But, that requires you to have talent and the GM does not seem too savvy.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's a terrible choice. I would be ticked if I was a Bill fan. They will waste another couple of years until they bring in the next GM and coach and hopefully they will make better choices.