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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's official - Shanny is the new Redskin coach

No surprise. It was just a matter of time. In fact, the announcement came later than I thought it would.

All in all, I'm happy with what is happening. I felt after the Zorn debacle (and it's not all Zorn's fault) that we needed a veteran, established coach to lead the team. I would have probably preferred Cowher and then Gruden (given that he has worked successfully with Allen in the past) and then Shanny but I'm fine with the way things worked out.

In fact, I like what I hear as far as the staff Shanny wants to bring on. I also like how Shanny has been very active in his one year off going to different camps and seeing how offenses are being run and also studying film of all games during the season. He seems like he has tried to stay on top of things and the year off hopefully did him good in terms of re-energizing himself.

Again, there are no guarantees and who knows how successful he is going to be but for the first time under the Snyder regime I feel like we are building something and moving in the right direction.



Rob said...

$7 million? For a guy who hasn't done anything in the last 10 years.

Looks like more of the same from Danny Boy.

j, k, and s's d said...

If he restores some legitimacy to this franchise and makes us into a winner and brings us a Super Bowl, he is worth double that.

Lovie makes $5M and he is lost out there. FO has forced him to make coaching changes and would have gotten rid of him too but didn't want to pay his contract. He's dead in the water but still making the $5M.

Rob said...

He won't. He has been an average HC over the last 10 years.

Just like Lovie, he didn't take the Broncos anywhere his last three years in Denver.

You know what I think is funny? He only won one more game than Lovie over the last three years. Lovie has a better record than him over his 6 year period. And you are making fun of the Bears for paying Lovie $5M.

You do realize that you are basically getting a coach who is worse than Lovie (at best you can say they are the same) and you are giving him $7M/year for the next 5 years.

It is a joke.

j, k, and s's d said...

We don't know how he is going to perform. Shanny also has won 2 Super Bowls. He was in Denver for like 12 years. It's hard to maintain such a strong team for that duration. Look at Jeff Fisher. He has had his share of struggles in Tennessee but I still think he is a very good coach. In fact, there is talk of him taking the Dallas job if that should come available. There was even talk of him maybe becoming the Bears head coach if Lovie was fired. He will certainly command a high salary.

As far as things falling apart in the last few years for Shanny in Denver, Karl Mecklenburg said the following, "They just drafted Jay Cutler and they replaced Plummer with Cutler. Offensively, their leader was more concerned about himself then the team it appeared to me. When that happens it's very difficult to win, and I'm talking about Cutler.

Rod Smith, a great leader, got hurt, Al Wilson, the heart & soul of the defense, got hurt, and Keith Burns, Special Teams captain, got hurt. Plummer was a great leader, not necessarily a great player, but everyone loved him in the locker room, gave unbelievable effort, he was all about the team. So, all 4 of these guys all go down at once.

The way I describe a team in my speeches and book is a see-saw or teeter-totter. On one side you have the leaders. They think long-term. They put team passion and team mission first. On the other side you have the egos. How can I get my touches, my statistics. How can I do as little as possible and keep this job? Where's my money? Then in the middle you got rest of the team that can go either way. And that's usually the biggest group. So, on the see-saw you add or subtract a leader/ego, you tip that teeter-top one way or the other, and the middle group starts sliding that way. So then you have momentum towards success or momentum towards failure.

So what happened to Mike all 4 leaders went down at once. You ever been on a teeter-totter when everyone gets off? BAM! That's what it was like and the egos took over. The middle group went that way, and it was really tough to negate that type of influence. It fell apart after that."

We'll see what happens. Again, there are no guarantees. I wish I could say that he will definitely bring us a Super Bowl but we have no idea. He has a solid track record. His players seem to respect him and the good thing for the Redskins is that we got rid of Cerrato and the Zorn debacle was just a HUGE mistake because he wasn't ready for the job and he was not given any opportunity to succeed. Allen is a proven NFL executive and Shanny has a solid track record and he is being given the opportunity to bring in his staff. Again, we can't guarantee success but by doing it the way the Skins are doing it now, it increases the likelihood for success. For the first time in a decade, we actually have a plan and seem to be implementing it. That is why Skins fans should be hopeful.

After the Zorn debacle, I think this team needs a proven winner. Bringing in Russ Grimm or Ron Rivera or Urban Meyer or some other hot coordinator/college coach would not be the same. It's clear the team is lacking discipline and direction and they are more likely to follow a guy that has been successful than a guy trying to find his way.

We could easily criticize whoever the coach was but this seems, to me, to be a good course of action.

Go on hating, Bear fan!

deepie said...

Robs is being a looney. His complaint has always been that Danny is ruining the team by getting his fingerprints on everything and that Vinny was nothing more than a yes-man. All along he's been saying the 'Skins need a real GM and an owner who will stay out of the day-to-day business of creating an environment conducive to winning. Now the 'Skins are doing just that and all of the sudden the moves are funny to him.


Rob said...

Two years from now, Shanny will be the next ex-head coach of the Deadskins. NOT because he cannot coach but because Snyder will not be able to stay out of the cookie jar.

I've looked at the body of work that Bruce Allen has done and it is not all that impressive. His Raider years may or may not have been OK, but Al Davis was in total control. He pretty much ran TB into the ground. Gruden benefitted from having Dungy's players and the former GM's draft picks.

Shanny was never very good with his personnel choices which is why the Denver teams were pretty average at best. Good luck.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs is and always will be a hater.

First it was Snyderatto and now he will complain about Allen and Shanny.

The thing is it really doesn't matter who we hired, Robs would have gone off on him. That is his M.O.

He funny! Make me laughy!

Rob said...

It is not Allen, Shanny, Zorn, Gibbsy, and all the rest. IT IS SNYDER!

He will just keep on F'ing it up.

Allen and Shanny are OK. They are average guys with NFL experience. They may be successful in the right situation but certainly they are nothing special. But Snyder will drag them down just like he has dragged everyone else down.

deepie said...

Look. Snyder has admitted to making many mistakes and he is tired of losing. He sounds defeated when interviewed. He brought in a shrewed negotiator and cap specialist in Allen and a coach with 2 Super Bowl rings in Shanahan. He says Shanahan will have authority when it comes to football decisions. He brought Allen in to manage everything correctly. All signs point to Snyder learning from his mistakes.

Snyder will continue to be involved. Allen said he wants to keep Snyder involved. The question is will he continue to be the one influencing decisions based on his fantasy football approach to the game or will his new brain trust veto his decisions when they don't make sense. Given everything that's happend, I'm leaning towards the latter. The 'Skins are on the right track. I'm not going to ignore what Snyder has said publically in the last few months and believe he's still the same guy who can't get out of his own way. I'll have to see the problems continue before I resign myself to the fact that Snyder will never change.

deepie said...

I meant the possibility that Snyder will not change...Despite what Robs says, determining whether or not Snyder will change into a more accomodating owner is yet to be determined.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, give it up. Robs is too far down the hate road. This is a guy that gets upset at Snyder for taking Tom Cruise to the Air and Space Museum. This is a guy who believes Snyder has secretly videotaped his coaching candidates on their interviews at his home in compromising positions in order to blackmail them. This is a guy who blames Snyder for his own constipation.

Robs is so far deluded that he has lost all sense of reality.

Robs make me laughy.