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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hockey's unwritten rule

So the other night when the Caps faced the Lightning, Ovie got into it with one of Tampa Bay's tough guys. Apparently Ovie took exception to something that guy did and went looking for him on the ice rocketing into him like a missile and hitting him hard. The two engaged in some pushing and shoving and both were sent off the ice for penalties.

In the box, the two were jawing at each other and once their penalties had expired, the Tampa Bay dude went after Ovie. To Ovie's credit, he didn't back down and the two threw their gloves down and were ready to fight. Just as they were about to engage, Matt Bradley flew in and mixed it up with the Tampa Bay guy.

It's interesting the unwritten rules of hockey. Ovie seemed ready and willing to fight the guy and Ovie was bigger and I'm sure stronger but Ovie is also a super valuable player to the Caps and will always be protected. It's just interesting that the Caps (and other teams) will go to all lengths to protect their stars. Every team has their intimidator or their fighter and their job is to do just that. Brashear used to be that guy for us but since he left, Bradley has stepped up in that role as best he can. Even if Ovie wanted to fight (and it looked like he did), the team will not allow it. Bradley or someone else without even thinking will immediately step in and take Ovie's place. It's interesting how hockey works this way.


Scott said...

The other thing is that Ovie is now the captain. Usually, captains don't get into that many fights. I don't recall that Ovie has ever thrown punches. I've only seen him dance around and ultimately get separated. I think he actually has the right approach. I think if he keeps it to checking, that's smart.

j, k, and s's d said...

He will never be allowed to fight. Again, even if he wants to throw down, teammates will intervene. It's all part of those unwritten rules.

Frankly, Ovie is bigger than many of the guys out there and there is no question he could inflict damage but it just won't happen.

Rob said...

Ovie's going to be Ovie. He plays with aggression and will still get into a scrape or two.

Here's an unwritten rule - the Deadskins suck.

j, k, and s's d said...

No question he will get into a "scarpe or two." The interesting thing about hockey is that whether he wants to fight or not, his team/coaches will not allow it and will step in any time any one wants to fight him. If an opposing player takes a cheap shot at Ovie, there will be swift and immediate retribution. Ovie is surrounded by bodyguards called his teammates.

You are right that Ovie will be Ovie and he only knows one way to play the game and he will not change. It was interesting because he was goofing around on a commercial shoot where there was a stand in playing Ovie. He was doing a mock interview with the faux Ovie and was asking him questions that the real Ovie gets dogged about all the time. He was asking about the celebrations and the hard hits and the faux Ovie was apologizing for some of that stuff. The real Ovie pulled back the mike and said, don't apologize for that. Don't apologize for any of it. I LOVE IT!! The guy is the greatest player in the world and he doesn't care whether you like him or hate him, he is who he is and he will play his game. That is what makes him so great.