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Monday, January 25, 2010

Favre blows it...AGAIN!!!

It was an ugly game for the Vikings. The way they were turning the ball over you'd a thought it was covered in grease. Football is a team sport and the game is comprised of several plays. Still, when the game mattered and it was on the line, the guy that blew it was the guy that caused all the offseason hub bub and the guy that was supposed to be the key to bringing the Vikings a Super Bowl berth. Instead, he blew it!

Favre had a great year which was in large part to having probably the most complete team he has ever played on. Still, he deserves credit for his play this year. He was erratic yesterday but again, the guy blew it in the end. First, Minnesota botched it with the 12 men on the field call which knocked them back 5 yards and made an already long FG attempt that much longer. Then coming off of a timeout, Favre did the unthinkable.

The Vikings lined up trips on the right side. It was a roll out play to the right. I'm sure the coaches told him that if there is nothing there, either run or throw it away. What does Favre do? Breaking every QB rule taught in QB 101, he threw across his body and across the field for an easy INT. WTF?!!! The thing was if he had just run, he would have easily gotten 5 yards, probably 10 yards, and possibly 15 yards setting up Longwell for a game ending/winning FG attempt. You might be able to accept that time of silly play from a rookie but Favre has all the experience in the world and his decision is just inexplicable. It almost suits what is wrong with Brett Favre in general. He believed so much in his arm and being the gun slinger and had to go unconventional but in the end, it cost him and the Vikings a trip to the Super Bowl.

Well, glad to see the Saints get their chance to finish off a dream season and will be interesting to see what Favre decides to do in the offseason.


Rob said...

Favre surprised me all year. But I have to say that I was not surprised by his mistake at the end. He played a pretty solid game and certainly the loss was not his fault alone, but that play is all that is wrong with Favre.

You explained it pretty well, but let me add this. In the post-game press conference he said he wasn't even sure what yard line they were on. That is just hard to believe. He did not seem to understand the situation very well, but he should have.

On top of that, the play was designed to go out to the flat. There was a guy (I think Chester Taylor) standing alone on the sideline about 7 yards down field. It was an easy, easy throw that would have set up the field goal attempt.


j, k, and s's d said...

Will be interesting to see if he comes back.

Had he won a Super Bowl, I would feel confident he would retire.

He looked pretty beat up and dejected yesterday after the game and I'm sure he doesn't want anything to do with football right now.

However, given that the Vikings have a very good team, I can see him wanting to return for another shot.

We'll see. He's an ass.

Rob said...

He's coming back. The guy is going to be an arse every year. He'll play his "I don't know if I have anything left" card through training camp. Then, he'll pop in about two weeks before the season starts and say, "I love this game."

I hope he does come back. There is no way he is going to have the kind of season he had this year and he'll start to tear the team apart because they won't be winning as often.

deepie said...

I hope he comes back and surprises you two haters again. The ONLY reason the Vikings got to the Championship game and were in a position to win was because of Favre. Even with his one boneheaded play, the ONLY reason they were able to score 28 points was because of the ridiculous level he was playing at all game long. He took a ton of punishment and kept coming back and leading his team downfield for long drives.

Lost in all of the "Favre's Blunder" hoopla is the fact that he kept his team in the game when 99% of QBs would have curled up into a fetal position and cried after getting pummled by Gregggggg's defense.

Favre will retire. He'll then come back about two weeks before the pre-season start. Expect it. Then also expect the Vikings to kick more arse next year.


Scott said...

ESPN was speculating today that if Farve does retire, the Vikings may go after McNabb.

I don't think that Farve has anything left to prove. He is definitely going to the HOF, why risk further injury. It's doubtful that the stars will align again for him to have a chance for the Super Bowl.

Rob said...

I totally disagree that Favre was the ONLY reason the Vikings were in the championship game.

The Vikings have the best overall O and D line play in the NFL, when you look at both sides of the ball. Leslie Frazier, their D coordinator, did a great job with schemes and overcame a lot of injuries.

They have a great running game with Chester Taylor and AP.

They have the best receiving trio in the NFL (Rice, Berrian, and Harvin). The Vikings were loaded and Favre played surprising well, but the idea that Favre carried the team to the NFC Championship game is laughable.

The Vikings were expected to make a run with or without Favre. They did a little better in the regular season than I would have expected, but when it came right down to it, Favre was Favre when they needed him to deliver and he cost them a trip to the Super Bowl.

Rob said...

If McNabb is in Minnesota next year, they will again challenge for the NFC crown. Of course, they won't get there because Cutler and the Bears are going to be lifting the Halas trophy and heading to the Super Bowl next year.


j, k, and s's d said...

Favre had a very good year and even surprised me with his play but as Robs mentioned, he was surrounded by perhaps the most talented team he has ever played on.

Probably the best O and D line combination in football. You have the best running back in football and his backup (Chester Taylor) would probably be a legitimate starter on many teams. The young WRs (Harvin, Rice, and Berrian) and Shiancoe gave him a number of weapons to throw to. Again, he had a good year but it sure does help when you have that type of talent surrounding you.

Imagine if Brett Favre had been on the Redskins. Just think about how many INTs he would have thrown. Frankly, his body wouldn't have even been able to handle the pounding he would have taken.

It's not hating. I think you would agree with the above.

It will be interesting if he does come back because we'll see if he can replicate this past season. If McNabb came to the Vikings, they would probably be in line to challenge for the crown as well although McNabb would blow it in the Championship game or Super Bowl because he crumbles in the big game.

I will say that Favre did not carry this team and I can agree that if you think he did that is ridiculous.

Rob said...

Favre did his part during the year, but he did not have a strong Championship game - as usual.

In fact, the only reason the Saints did not destroy the Vikings was that the Vikings D played pretty well.

They had to mop up after all of the Vikings offensive and special teams mistakes.

I hope Favre does his little dance all off-season and then comes in at the last minute. Then, he'll throw his inteceptions and the team will sour on him when they lose some games.

Scott said...

Too bad we will never no, but there is no way they would have been in the championship game with T. Jackson or S. Rosenfelds despite how good the rest of the team is. ESPN did a comparison of Farve's best years and this year was right up there. ESPN also showed how the number of points and yards that the team generated far exceeded the 2008 levels with T. Jackson and Gus "Ouch My Head" Ferotte. Therefore, based on the numbers, it's doubtful that the Vikings would have had as many wins this year at 12-4.

Scott said...

that's "know", sorry.

deepie said...

Whatever. You haters obviously weren't watching the game. The Saints were relentless on defense and the fact that Favre only threw 2 picks is amazing. He made some amazing throws despite taking a severe beating. Had AP, Taylor, and Company not fumbled SIX TIMES (losing three), the Vikings would have blown away the Saints. Two of the fumbles were deep in Saints territory. They got there because of Favre's command of the offense.

Favre's boneheaded throw at the end was terrible. His legacy will be one of a gunslinger who made a bunch of bad decisions. In this game, however, everything that he did right is being lost on the fact that he made a terrible throw at the end. I think for that reason alone he will be motivated to return next year...after he retires and annoys everyone in the world of sports with his indecisiveness.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, it's not hating. You said yourself that he is annoying (has annoyed) everyone with his selfish B.S. in the offseason and then trying to portray himself as the victim. We have been over the whole ordeal with his initial retirement with the Packers and the timeline of events and how he held the Packers hostage. The Packers did it for one offseason and the following offseason (the one after he threw the INT in OT against the Giants in the NFC Championship), they made every effort to reach out to Favre to see if he wanted to come back, he continually said no. The Packers had no alternative but to move forward with Aaron Rodgers. Then, right before the preseason, Favre says he wants back in and expects everyone to drop everything for him and annoint him starting QB because he is the great Brett Favre. When the Packers say it will be an open QB competition, he got annoyed. That is the problem with Brett Favre. He is a selfish SOB and because of it, he has damaged his legacy. He is a surefire first ballot HOFer. No question on that but had he stayed retired initially, he would have gone into the Hall as one of the most celebrated and decorated NFL stars in history. He is undoubtedly and unequivocally Wisconsin's greatest son and the entire state would have shown up for his induction. Because of his antics the last couple of years, he has by and large turned a number of those fans against him.

He had a good season and a good Championship game. In fact, he played better than I thought he would in both cases. It certainly helps when he had the talent around him that he did but he deserves credit and I'm more than happy to give it to him. I'm not hard up on him as you seem to be. Unfortunately, despite his play during the year and during the game, he will most likely be remembered this season for that one stupid play. It pretty much typifies Brett Favre the player. He is the gunslinger. He is the rebel. He is the guy that can make great plays but at the same time, make some really stupid ones. Again, that call was a very safe call coming out of a timeout. Trips right and do a roll out. I am quite certain the coaches were thinking worst case scenario is Favre throwing it out of bounds. He had the receiver options in front of him. More than likely with that type of call there would be room to run so he could have run for at a bare minimum 5 yards or simply throw it out of bounds. He did the ABSOLUTE one thing no one expected him to do and the one thing that any QB at any level is taught not to do.

Again, it's not hating. I am not sure why you call it hating. I'm calling it like I see it. Basically, he was selfish in the offseason. He had a good year. He blew it at the most critical time of the game in the Championship. How is that hating?

He may very well come back next season and I wouldn't be surprised if he did. The Vikings have loads of talent and by all accounts, he gets along with his teammates so why not? The thing is we all know he doesn't want to go through OTAs, minicamp, training camp, etc. Why not just say, look guys, I want to come back but I will show up a week before the first preseason game and I expect to be the starter. Yeah, it's kind of dickish but at least you can respect the guy for being honest as opposed to dilly dallying all offseason on what he is going to do and creating a media frenzy and distraction for his team and holding them hostage.

Again, even you seem to agree that his antics in the offseason are annoying so why is this hating?

Rob said...

Brett Favre lost the game for the Vikings. He is not a big time player. His team was on the verge of winning and he single handedly threw it away.

Would the Vikings have been in the championship game with TJ or Sage, who knows? Favre had a great year but his team was also great.

Call it hating if you like, I don't really care.

The fact remains that he made the absolute worst play he could possibly make at the most critical moment of the game and it cost the Vikings their chance to play in the Super Bowl. That has been Favre's MO over the last decade.

deepie said...

My point is...The title of this blog subject is "Favre blows it...AGAIN!!!" which is short-sighted and completely inaccurate. One play didn't lose the game for the Vikings. The fumbles and the defense's inability to stop the Saints in overtime were much greater factors in the loss than the bad throw Favre made.

You and Robs are falling in with the popular notion that despite six fumbles and despite giving up 31 points, Favre was responsible for the loss. His reputation for being a gunslinger and his off-season antics are preventing you both from analyzing what actually happened in this game. After playing about as well as anyone could have under the pressure he was constantly facing, he made a bad throw when trying to get his kicker in position for a field goal shorter than what would have been 57 yards at the time. It was the wrong decision, but it was one that would have resulted in a very makable 40-ish yard field goal instead of a 50+ yard hope and a prayer had it worked.

I'm just calling you both "haters" because it provokes some funny responses out of you...But I do believe you both are blaming Favre for losing the game for the team when others contributed less to the success the team had in the game and had a much greater role in the loss.

Rob said...

The Vikings made mistakes - but the team overcame them. The D was solid against the NFL's best offense. There were fumbles, but AP rushed for over 100 yards and had 3 TDs. The game went back and forth and Favre played OK for most of the game.

BUT, when it came right down to it and the Vikings were getting in a position to try to win, Favre blew it - AGAIN!!!

His last two passes in his last two NFC Championship games were interceptions.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deeps, it was a sloppy game on the Vikings part. There were a number of poor plays and the Vikings statistically dominated the second half. That said, Brett Favre was brought to the Vikings to win a Super Bowl. He was supposed to be the missing piece. When the Vikings got the ball late in the game with a chance to win, this is what Brett Favre was brought in to do. It's not that he made a bad pass. He made an INCREDIBLY STUPID pass. I'm sure it boggles his mind and the minds of his teammates/coaches more than it does us. Again, the play was a very safe play. Trips right on a roll out. Defenders will have to back up because if they don't, Favre will find the open receiver. If they cover, run for 5, probably 10, and possibly 15 yards. If there is nothing, throw it out of bounds and you still leave your kicker with a chance to kick a FG. Instead, at the most critical point of the game for the Vikings, Favre did what no one would have thought he would do and something taught on every level of NOT throw across your body/across the field ever. I don't blame him entirely for the loss but the game was what it was at that point and in big moments you want your stars to have the ball in their hands. He didn't just make a bad pass. He made a dumb pass. He should and probably does take a good portion of the loss on his shoulders.

As far as setting up the kicker, it would have been a 52 yarder when the Vikings were called for 12 men on the field which is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous in it's own right but the Vikings were planning a running play on that down so assuming they get 3 yards which seems fair, it would have been a 49 yarder. Now if Favre had just run it, he would have easily gotten the 5 yards back and more than likely more lining up for a FG at the same spot they intended in the first place. Again, he made a very dumb mistake.

The thing was when you watch the play, it looks like I believe it was Chester Taylor was open on the sideline for an easy catch that would have gained them some yardage. Also, in the postgame interview, Favre mentioned he wasn't even sure where the ball was lined up when they ran the play. Are you freaking kidding me?!!! You are on a last minute drive in the NFC Championship game closing in on a potential game winning FG and you don't even know where the ball is spotted?!!! I agree he had a good season and a solid game but, again, when it mattered most, he didn't just make a bad throw but a incredibly dumb throw that he should have known better to have never thrown in the first place.

To be continued...

j, k, and s's d said...

Regarding the title, "Favre blows it...AGAIN!!!" and being short sighted and inaccurate, consider the following Favre games:

NFC Wild-Card Game
Jan. 4, 2003
Nobody thought the Falcons had a shot against Green Bay in this matchup. Not only were the Packers perfect at home, but also Favre boasted a 35-0 career record at Lambeau when the temperate was below freezing. But Micahel Vick outplayed Favre, who finished with two interceptions and a lost fumble in the 27-7 defeat.

NFC Wild-Card Game
Jan. 9, 2005
After winning both regular season games against Minnesota, Green Bay was heavily favored against the 8-8 Vikings in the their first ever playoff matchup. But Daunte Culpepper had other ideas. The Vikings QB threw four touchdowns without an interception. Favre, meanwhile, threw four interceptions to one touchdown as the Vikings won 31-17.

End of 2008 season
On Dec 1 of Favre's only season in New York, the Jets were 8-3, including a win over undefeated Tennessee, and Favre was an MVP candidate. But then it all went downhill as Favre threw two touchdowns and nine interceptions in the final five games and led the Jets to only one victory in that span. The Jets missed out on the playoffs and the Favre era in New York came to an unsatisfying end.

NFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan. 20, 2002
It was advertised as a dream matchup -- Kurt Warner vs. Brett Favre -- in a battle of the league's two best quarterbacks. Favre, however, didn't hold up his end of the bargain as he was picked off six times, two of which were returned for touchdowns. The Rams easily defeated the Packers, 45-17, to advance to the conference championship game.

NFC Divisional Playoffs
Jan. 11, 2004
Favre isn't the only who should accept blame for this loss. The Packers defense let Philadelphia convert a fourth and 26 to set up a game-tying field goal at the end of regulation. But Favre choked in overtime, throwing a ball up for grabs that was intercepted by Brian Dawkins. The Eagles took advantage of the miscue and went on to win the game on a David Akers field goal.

NFC Championship Game
Jan. 20, 2008
Playing at frigid Lambeau Field with a Super Bowl berth on the line, the Packers just needed to get past the underdog Giants to advance to Super Bowl XLII and face the undefeated Patriots. The game went to overtime and the Packers seemed to be in good position when they won the coin toss and elected to receive. But on the second play from scrimmage, Brett Favre's pass to Donald Driver was well short of its target and picked off by Corey Webster, giving the Giants excellent field position. Lawrence Tynes delivered the game-winning field goal and Favre was left pondering his NFL future.

It's not hating. Favre is one of the most decorated and celebrated QBs in history holding a number of QB records. Still, it's not like the guy is a demigod or something. He has struggled a number of times and saved some of his worst performances and plays in critical playoff games.

Again, it's not hating. I just call it like I see it.

Scott said...

All I can say is, "Wow!". I think we should start our own internet show like the Sports Junkies started on public access tv. Just think how popular we would be with the Indian and Arabic communities. I think the real appeal would be if we speak English with either Indian or Arabic accents to make it more realistic and of course, funny. We can sell advertising to cover our costs. I would love it if one of you said, "I will put a hole in your ass" or "You are the world's number 1 swindler". We could have guests such as writers for the Washington Post and Redskins.

Rob said...

Brett Favre did what Brett Favre always does - he blew it when his team had a chance to win it.

j, k, and s's d said...

Scott, I'm not sure what Redskins or Post writers would want to be on an Indian/Arabic Sports program.

Secondly, I don't know who would sponsor us. We might get lucky and sign Rawalpindi Culinary School or Omar's School of Rock Throwing.

Scott said...

I'm sure I could get some sponsors just from my neighbors, such as Bonarati's and Dominion Jewlers. You could hit Woo's Garden. It can be done.

The viewers will appreciate the passion that you, Rob and Deepie bring to your posts. I believe that I can be an effective mediator and devils advocate to push things along. We can structure it like the Sports Reporters.