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Friday, October 30, 2009

Thank God for the bye week

6 in a row!

Caps hang on to beat the Thrashers last night for their 6th win in a row. They are second in the East only behind the Penguins. For the second game in a row, Ovie netted 2 goals. The team is playing pretty well but still not hit their stride.

The PP attack is not nearly as effective as they were last season so that needs to improve. Also, last night was the second straight game we got called for a penalty shot. Fortunately, we stopped both but our defense needs to shore up. Thankfully, we have gotten good goalie play but if we expect to win the Cup those areas are going to need to be addressed. I imagine we might McPhee might try and pull the trigger on an experienced defenseman later in the season as the trade deadline approaches.

Still, this is a very good team that is starting to build confidence.

Islanders tonight. Good teams put away teams like the Islanders so we better win.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Singletary on V. Davis last year

Singletary coaches the way he plays. With passion and intensity and he demands discipline and execution. He expects to win and wants winners on his team. He took over midway through last season and finished up 5-2 and they have been respectable to start this season. It's a clear case of how a guy that demands excellence can have a positive change on an NFL team.

Caps win!

Good game last night against the Flyers. Two teams that are expected to make a run for the Cup this year. Flyers had a 1-0 lead in the second when the Caps got 1:41 of 5-3 hockey. We had a couple of good chances but missed out on a golden opportunity. Shortly thereafter, the Flyers scored again making it 2-0. At that point, I thought that might be it.

However, Ovie came back with a goal to make it 2-1. Ovie is the greatest player in the world right now. The guy is a goal scoring machine but even better is how physical the guy is. He is a big, strong tough guy with amazing skills. On top of that, he plays every game with extreme passion. I love his celebrations. I love the enthusiasm he brings to the game. He gets the players and fans really pumped. A couple of minutes after his goal, Caps went on a power play and Backstrom got a great feed in front of the net and one timed it past Emery. Game tied 2-2. I like Backstrom too. He is another young, core guy to this very talented Cap team but the one thing he REALLY needs to work on is shooting more. He is ALWAYS looking to pass so it was good to see him not hesitate and pull the trigger.

The game was well played from the onset so it was exciting to start the third period knotted at 2. The third member of the big three, Semin, ended up getting the game winner by pulling a patented Ovechkin move. He skated down the left side and used the defender as a screen and pulled a quick wrist shot top shelf past Emery. Ovie added an empty netter to seal the deal.

Theo put together another great game. The guy has been MUCH better this year and seems to be playing the way he did a couple of years ago when he was one of the best goalies in the league. He made a few tremendous stops including stopping a penalty shot. I think he ended up with 40+ saves.

It was the Caps 5th win in a row so looks like they have found a good groove and hopefully can keep this thing going.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Redskins BLEW IT!!!! We gave the game away to the Eagles. We gave them turnovers. We gave them big plays. We had penalties. Just plain ugly. Here are where I have my biggest issues:

1. I thought the defense was very good for 99% of the game. However, they were REALLY bad for that other 1%. They gave up two HUGE plays that helped the Eagles win this game. Both of the plays were on the safeties. The Eagles first drive with the end around to Jackson, Landry bit on the handoff and then compounded his mistake by taking a bad angle at Jackson. Jackson's speed got him around the end and past Landry and into the end zone. Even more egregious was the freaking 3rd and 23 bomb to a wide open Jackson for a TD. WTF?!!! Given the way Rogers kind of released on the WR, looked like a zone coverage and Horton just blew it! Curious why Horton was playing so much rather than Doughty. The only thing I can think of is that the Eagles have fast WRs and Horton is faster than Doughty but he just blew that. That was one of a few killer plays. Still, outside of those two disasterous plays, the defense I thought was very good. Sad to see such a strong effort be wasted because of a couple of individuals on two plays. Honestly, you take those two plays away, the Eagles only managed to get something like 140 yards of total offense.

2. WTF is ARE doing returning punts?!!!! The guy can't run and now he can't even catch. The Skins are down 17-0 but mount a good drive leading to a Devin Thomas TD. The defense then steps up and forces the Eagles into a three and out which I think included tackles for losses and/or a sack. The crowd got back into it and you could feel the momentum start to shift a bit. They punt and it hits ARE right in the freaking face mask. There wasn't even anyone around the guy. Eagles recover deep in our territory and the defense has to get back on the field. That was a devastating play. Fortunately we held the Eagles to a FG making the score 20-7. I just don't understand why ARE is back there. Put D. Hall back there. Put Devin Thomas back there. Thomas said in the post game show that he wants to return punts/kicks. Let the guy contribute. He is a big, strong, fast guy and I'm sure he can't do any worse than ARE. I seriously don't understand what the fascination is with ARE back there.

3. O line sucks! Not much more needs to be said about that. If these guys were going up against no one, JC would still get sacked. They are a joke and we can't do anything with that group. Sad. Assuming we have a top 5 pick in the draft, we MUST get the best tackle available. Our next pick needs to again be an O lineman. We need to get another O lineman in FA. That group needs to be completely overhauled.

4. Playcalling seemed to be more aggressive. I actually liked the calls but execution was poor on a number of occasions. Devin Thomas said after the game that the calls were more aggressive and he liked it. Actually, that was one of the first times I had a chance to hear Thomas and he seems really anxious to get on the field and contribute. He made some nice plays yesterday and I'd just like to see more of him.

5. JC was okay. I understand he was under duress for much of the game but he had his share of issues. His muff of the snap on the Skins first drive was bad. I still want him to be more decisive on tucking and running when he is scrambling. This has been a big issue for him. The play where he stepped up in the pocket and scrambed towards the line of scrimmage and then was about to throw but got hit from behind and fumbled was on him. He should have just tucked and ran. I know he had a bum ankle but just get the safe 3-5 yards instead of risking something. Also, he missed wide open WRs on 3 or 4 plays which hurt. He still needs to anticipate the routes and throw before the WRs break and trust his arm, his WR, and the play call. I understand it is hard to concentrate when you are under constant duress and thinking that you are going to be under constant duress but he has to do better.

6. Attitude/intensity is a BIG issue. I was talking to a friend about this before the game and Scott has actually mentioned that we need a coach that can motivate. I think I had more of an attitude before that these are professionals and shouldn't need motivation at this level. I was wrong. There is no intensity or sense of urgency with this team. It was mentioned a number of times by Jaws yesterday and you can see it on the field. We don't have any real leaders on this team that can get this team going. Zorn isn't that guy. JC, Portis, Cooley, Moss aren't those guys. The closest thing we got is London Fletcher but he is all by himself. After every game, it is always the same thing. "We are improving." "We have to regroup and not panic and find a way to get a win." Blah, blah, blah. That's all JZ and JC have to say and they say it in such a monotone voice that it really doesn't mean anything. We need leaders that are going to get in people's faces and make things happen. When Sean Taylor died, the team really rallied. It was like the country bonding after 9/11. It was a special time. The team played with passion, inspiration, and motivation. Sad it took a player's death to create that type of feeling. I saw a clip recently of Tom Brady during the Buffalo Bill game this year where it looked like the Bills were going to win easily. After Brady threw a TD to bring them within a TD of winning, he was on the sideline marching up and down looking at his teammates telling them, "WE'RE NOT DONE YET!!!" The thing is you believe that guy when he says it. Brady is a killer. On gameday if he lines up against his entire family, he is going to find a way to kill them. As B-Mitch said in the post game, we need guys to put their feet on the opponents neck and then lift up the other foot. We don't have that. I was sickened seeing Portis with McIntosh and Rogers on the sideline with a few minutes left in the game laughing. UNACCEPTABLE. Robs mentioned recently how Jimmy Johnson during the Cowboys early struggles before they turned things around, there was a Cowboy laughing on the sideline late in a game when they were getting blown out. Johnson cut the guy the next day. We need that. There is absolutely no leadership or guys that can create that inspiration, intensity, motivation, etc. that this team needs.

All in all just a frustrating game because we had opportunities to win this game but we gave it to them. I'm not saying we are a good team because clearly we are not but we just find ways to shoot ourselves in the foot and beat ourselves. We also just look like we don't care. That is embarrassing.

Cooley out

Cooley suffers a broken foot in the game and will be out for an extended period of time. He's the third starter on offense (second Pro Bowler) to suffer a significant injury. Hurts but gives a chance for Fred Davis to show us what he has.

Davis had a good game yesterday receiving but his limitations in blocking only compound the issues we have in blocking. Davis was a WR coming to USC and became a TE but clearly his strength is catching the ball.

The thing I don't get about Davis is whenever he catches and turns upfield and is faced with a tackler, he always leaves his feet and tries to jump over the guy. What the heck is that all about?! Just lower the shoulder and give the guy a shot. Whatever. It will be good to see if Davis can show us something.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jason Campbell's indecisiveness

I am a huge JC supporter. I also like Charley Casserly. Here is some video on Casserly talking about JC's indecisiveness. This has been an issue with JC all along. The guy can play but he just needs to let it loose and throw the ball.

Hopefully with all the stuff that has taken place, he just relaxes and says, "What the screw! I'm playing ball!" We'll see.

Redskins - Eagle preview

I have NO idea what to expect tonight. Actually, that's what makes tonight's game so exciting.

The Skins have been on a huge roller coaster ride the last couple of weeks and there is so much up in the air and now we have to play on Monday night in front of the nation...IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!

The Eagles are coming off of an embarrassing loss to the Raiders last week where their O line couldn't provide any protection for McNabb. No doubt they will want to get back on track.

It's a divisional game and with the Giants losing last night there is even more incentive to pick up ground in the division.

If I had to provide some thoughts, here they are:

1. JC is going to get sacked at least 5 times. The Eagles love to blitz and I really hate Heyer at LT and Williams at RT. I am fine with the interior line but Williams is too slow and it's hard for Heyer to go from RT to LT.

2. I think the Skin playcalling will be more aggressive. Snyderatto want to put on more of a show and give fans something to cheer about. They orchestrated the change in playcalling duties and I'm sure they told Sherm to be aggressive.

3. Our defense will again be solid. We always seem to play pretty well against the Eagles. I think we will get a few sacks and force at least 1 turnover.

In the end, our offense will continue to struggle with all the changes (O line changes, playcalling changes). I think JC will have happy feet again and make mistakes. The fans will boo JC and the offense. Skins lose 27-10.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Redskins support group

There are others out there like us. Hope this helps console.

Steve Phillips mistress

Okay, so I don't condone affairs in any way, shape, or form but if you are going to have an affair couldn't you pick someone that looked a little better? I mean this cat looks like Vic Tayback's son (Vic Tayback was the guy that played Mel Sharple on Alice).


Joe Gibbs coming back?

There is talk of Joe Gibbs returning as a consultant and help identify and name a GM and coach for the Redskins moving forward.

Sounds like it is all a big rumor but it wouldn't be a bad move on Danny boy's part. I don't think much of Gibbs in terms of personnel and coach selection but Gibbs is revered in this town and Danny boy is trying to save face. Bringing in Gibbs to help out with that would make the fans feel good in that we get rid of Cerrato and we have one of D.C.'s favorite figures help out in moving the team forward.

Again, I don't think it will happen and I don't think much of Gibbs in being able to find the right guys but at the very least it would be change in the right direction because at least we would be getting rid of Cerrato and that in an of itself is a great start. It would all just be another day as usual in Redskin World.

Snyderatto endorses Zorny for the rest of the season

Cerrato said plain and clear on his radio show this morning that JZ would remain the coach for the rest of the year.

I am sure Snyderatto is in damage control right now and doing everything they can to try and not lose the fans/media/players any further. I will say it is a good move on their part. It's a rarity but I'm glad they put that out there so players/coaches don't have to answer those questions any more.

I actually listened to Cerrato briefly on his show this morning and for what it is worth, he spoke pretty well. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Cerrato and think he should be executed Braveheart style on the field right after B-Mitch is inducted into the Ring of Honor but he is in damage control mode and he spoke calmly and like a guy with a plan.

I would love for everything to work out but that is about as likely as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Kool Aid guy all showing up at my door presenting me with a gazillion dollars allowing me to buy the Redskins myself showing up with said new team at Robs front door, ring the doorbell, Robs answers and have them bum rush him. As Robs gets up, I present to him a tied up Danny boy with an apple in his mouth and Robs would proceed to punch him right in the face. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I still have issues with JZ and am not sure how good a head coach he really is. However, he didn't deserve to be treated the way he has been treated. He deserves some of the blame for his predicament because before accepting the position, he should have checked with former Redskin head coaches to get their take. He was going to be kicked out of Seattle so the Redskin head coaching gig was like winning the lottery for him. Also, he should have had an agent to negotiate his contract because no way would an agent accept a clause saying that you have to do whatever the owner tells you to do.

What's really interesting is the fans reaction to what has taken place to Zorn over the last few days. Many people wanted to see him fired and thought he was doing a poor job but seeing how he has been treated, I think many fans actually like JZ and want him to somehow stick it to Snyderatto. I think some fans are probably looking for the Skins to get obliterated on Monday and the playcalling to be in shambles and because of all the relaying b/t the Shermans and JC for their to be clock management issues. I think they want some vindication for JZ and for Snyderatto to be heavily embarrassed on national tv.

I don't want the players to be embarrassed but I think the issues mentioned above would be a reflection of Snyderatto's recent decisions. It would be great to see the above and then panning back and forth b/t a smiling JZ on the sideline and a yelling and screaming Snyder and Cerrato. I can just imagine Snyder and Cerrato in each other's faces yelling at the top of their lungs leading to Snyder bitch slapping Cerrato leading to a punch from Cerrato. Snyder lets out a whimper as he is hit and falls to the corner of the owner's box. He begins to cry. Cerrato's bug eyes and snarled teeth retreat into a sympathetic/empathetic/compassionate gaze. He gently makes his way over to now very vulnerable Danny boy. Cerrato bends down and cradles Danny boy lovingly holding Danny boy's head against his secure bosom caressing his deep brown locks. "Danny boy, I'm...I'm sorry," Cerrato says softly as his voice cracks. Danny boy looks up at Cerrato with big brown eyes full of tears and says, "I just want to win." Seeing the helpless and boy like Danny boy, Vinny begins to bawl and blubbers, "I KNOW! ME TOO!!!" as he further wets Danny boy's face in a shower of spittle and tears. The two embrace each other tightly, gaze into each others eyes, and proceed to engage in a full throttle, sloppy til the cops come make out session.

Alright I devolved into something cheap and petty but seriously it will be interesting what happens Monday night and the stories from the media leading up to the game, during the game, and after the game.

The soap opera that is the Redskins

I do not think I have ever experienced/seen such a universal feeling of disappointment and disbelief and mounting frustration with the way the Redskins are being run. From the fans, to the media (both local AND national), to the coaches, to the players and everyone in between there just seems to be this feeling that Snyderatto are F'd in the head.

I am actually enjoying it because I can only assume it will bring about change because if it doesn't, there will only be further backlash.

The interesting thing is that I was watching Comcast SportsNite and the players at the Park are all laughing and joking. I saw JC, Portis, Dockery, and Moss all much more relaxed and laughing. I'm not sure if it is because they are like F this and lets just relax and play ball or if it's more of a state of hysteria. Either way, it was interesting to see them so happy.

Honestly, the whole thing is mind boggling. I'm still a Redskin fan and always will be but I am shocked at the latest developments and I can't wait to see what's next.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hall of Fame receiver Steve Largent said during a radio interview Tuesday that Redskins coach Jim Zorn considered resigning when owner Daniel Snyder decided Zorn would no longer call Washington's plays.

Zorn did consider resigning, Largent said, but ultimately decided not to quit on the team. "Yes, he did consider it, and no, he did not want to give up those responsibilities," Largent told KJR, "but they went to the point of pulling out his contract and saying, 'You have got to do whatever the owner tells you to do.' ...

I understand Largent is one of Zorn's best friends but the fact that they pulled out his contract is RIDICULOUS!!!!

Snyderatto are making a mockery of the Skins and making us the laughing stock of the league with their antics. I do not think there has ever been the kind of silliness and backlash being felt towards the Skins. I can only hope that all this nonsense leads to the firing of Cerrato. Being a marketing guy, I can only hope that Snyder realizes the only way he can salvage his reputation is by firing Cerrato. The coming days, weeks, months are going to be VERY interesting for the Redskins.

Redskin Roster Moves

Redskins went out and signed OT Levi Jones, RB Quentin Gaither, and DE Renaldo Wynn who has rejoined the Skins for like the 20th time.

They had to release Anthony Aldridge, Marcus Mason, and Pakulak.

The signing of Jones can't hurt. He certainly can't be worse than Williams or Heyer. The guy is a former first rounder and has 89 of 94 starts under his belt so again he can't be worse and most likely will be a starter in a couple of weeks assuming Samuels is done.

Don't know Gaither and don't know why we signed him when we had Mason and Aldridge. Frankly, would have liked to see either one of those guys take the field on occasion. Don't care about Wynn.

Pretty soon Snyderatto will replay 1983's All the Right Moves and sign Tom Cruis put him in character Stefan Djorjavic and have him play QB or LT whichever is the bigger priority.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jason Campbell to start

By all accounts, JC will be starting Monday night against the Eagles. I like the decision. Let JC have a shot. He is the better suited and better prepared guy. He has worked withe the first team all season and he has better mobility which is needed with our makeshift O line.

What I really want to see from the playcalling and JC is more aggressiveness/decisiveness. JC needs to be decisive when he is going to pass and when he is going to tuck and run. This is even more critical given the line and the pressure he will face. He has said himself that he has not been decisive and I know the coaches want this from him. Additionally, take chances. He is pretty conservative. You look at other top QBs in the league and they are risk takers. They trust their WRs and will throw in tight and even double coverage and let their WR make the play. JC needs to do this more.

Regarding some of the playcalling/game planning, I can only assume the Eagles will be bringing heat. Set up short pass plays with the occasional deep ball. The Falcons had a lot of success against the Bears doing dump offs and short pass routes. Look at their plays for examples. I believe it was Roddy White's short pass for a long TD is what we need. Let our playmakers make the plays. Have Portis and Cooley chip and then release for the short pass on blitzes.

Additionally, I hope that our defense remains aggressive. The Raiders were all over McNabb. Lets do the same. I like that the last two games we have brought pressure. Our CBs and Safeties are playing closer to the line and threw off the timing of the passes. Haynesworth has been a monster and allowing guys like Carter to get the benefits. Send in Orakpo.

Honestly, what do we have to lose at this point. Playing conservative will get us no where. I would rather play aggressive and take chances and lose by 30 points than just sit back, be conservative, and have more of the same.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What now?

I was actually more disappointed in the Panther loss than the Chief loss because I felt like if we were going to do something this year, than we needed to win that Panther game. Yesterday was just more of the same so it came as less of a surprise. Still, it was dejecting.

The thing now is that we have SO many questions. We are a freak show and now it's almost like what is the next act of this crazy freakshow.

Who is the QB? I like JC but he deserved to be benched. Is this a permanent move or just something to try and light a spark yesterday? JC is in a contract year so does this mean he is pretty much done in D.C.?

Snyderatto is an ass! So Cerrato comes down right after JZ addresses the media and puts out a statement to the effect that Cerrato wants JZ to succeed but feels he has too much on his plate and wants him to relinquesh the play calling responsibilities. JZ in a statement thought this would be a good idea. I'm tired of the PR statements. I'm sure it was more like Cerrato saying Snyder's pissed and will fire you unless you give up playcalling. Zorn reluctantly says okay. Now we are giving it to a guy that just joined the team a week and a half ago and has been out of football for a while.

I actually don't have a huge problem with him giving up the playcalling responsibilities but again, how this is all done looks ridiculous. Things are being imposed on JZ. Still, JZ is the type of guy that you can impose things on. If he felt like he was being abused, he should just quit. In fact, part of me would actually like to see him say, "Hey Snyderatto! F you and your whole F'ing families!!! Zorn OUT!!!" This whole thing adds to the freakshow and the players are stuck in the middle.

Many players have said that they have never been part of anything like this in their careers. London Fletcher said that we are the most significant, insignificant team in the NFL. Most people wouldn't care about a 2-4 team but we still garner national headlines because we are a freakshow.

Again, I don't have a huge problem with some of the changes/issues going on but I don't like the way we are dealing with them. Additionally, I feel like things can be fixed but Snyderatto are just going to F it up even more.

There are ideal solutions and more realistic solutions. Ideally, in a nut shell, the fans revolt, raid Snyder's home, kidnap him, and burn him at the stake and we get Ted Leonsis to become the new owner of the Skins. That's not happening. Something still on the idealistic side but perhaps a little more realistic is that we get a good, proven coach in here that doesn't put up with any B.S. (from management or players). We agree to fire Cerrato and bring in a proven football guy that can serve as a true GM. We sign JC to a one year contract and then draft the best O lineman we can get. We bring in one or two O linemen. We draft more O linemen and we try and get this thing fixed.

I truly believe we have enough talent on this team to fix things pretty quickly if it's done right. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the Skins went out and signed Tebow (as Carnac has foretold). Snyderatto continue to F things up and it's more of the same. That's the toughest part is that I see this thing that can be fixed but I have no confidence it will be fixed.

Well, we'll see what Act 7 brings to the circus.


Actually, let me be a bit more specific...Skins offense REALLY sucks!!! I know Robs will say the O line sucks and that is true but it is more than that. Everything about this offense sucks. The scheme, playcalling, talent, etc. The tough part is the defense is playing well.

I was listening to Joe Theismann this morning (not a huge fan of the guy but he made sense). He was saying that when JZ first took the job he said that football is all about changing direction. When he first took over, we were doing things that opposing teams had not seen from us so we went 6-2. Teams were then able to figure us out and game plan against us and we went 2-6 to finish last year and are now 2-4 this year. At the beginning of the season, we were at least able to move the ball. Sure, the red zone O sucked but we were gaining yards in the game. We can't even do that against the worst defenses anymore. Teams know what is coming. The offense is not changing. It is not dynamic.

Conversely, I really like what has happened to the defense. The Lion game was abysmal but Blache shifted things around and made us more aggressive. We are bringing more guys to the line. CBs are playing closer. Safeties are creeping up. We are blitzing or showing blitz. We are throwing people off. Thus, we are getting more sacks. We are getting more pressure. Haynesworth gets hurt every game and comes off the field and flops like a whale but I don't care when he is playing the way that he is playing. The sad part is our offense is not helping the defense out at all. We are getting killed in time of possession. We got like one first down the entire first half. It's pathetic.

Some one said in the Comcast post game show that it's like we have an 11 win defense but a 4-5 win offense.

A few random thoughts about yesterday's debacle:

1. O line is bad but actually held up better than I thought. Still, not saying much but at least they were semi decent.

2. JC was bad. He missed Devin Thomas on a bomb on the right sideline. The ball was thrown out of bounds. Thomas still caught it but he was well out of bounds. If that is thrown properly, that's a TD. He also missed a wide open Moss in the seam for perhaps another TD. I like JC a lot. I have been a huge supporter but I didn't have a problem with the switch to Collins for a little energy.

3. Playcalling again a question. We don't/didn't seem to have any identity. We don't pass well and we don't commit to any running. Also, the play before the end of the half...why didn't we try the 53 yard FG?!!! I would have rather tried and missed the FG than try that lame ass play where JC doesn't even throw it into the end zone. WTF was that?!!!

After Portis runs 78 yards, the play calls after that sucked. We have to think of something better than that.

4. Special teams was average. I still cannot understand why ARE is our punt returner. He does nothing! Occasionally we put Moss back there and nearly every time he is there, he comes close to breaking it. ARE dances in place a few times and then hits the turf before he even gets hit for maybe a 2 yard gain. Put Thomas back there or put Tryon or D. Hall. Anyone!

I was fine with the defense. They are on the field for a long time and all in all they did a good job. Certainly, they have done plenty the last two weeks to win these games.

I'm SICK!!!

JMU loses

Season's pretty much over. We were spanked by Villanova. I'm not even sure of the score -- something like 24-0. Dudzik is gone probably for the year with a broken foot and the freshman, Justin Thorpe, will probably develop into a decent QB but he's not there now. Thorpe was one of the better QBs coming out of high school in VA but he is too young/inexperienced.

Playoffs are out of the picture. The only thing that can salvage the season is a win over W&M this weekend.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Diwali from Obama!!!!

Homecoming - #16 JMU faces #5 Villanova

I like that we never play a soft team for our homecoming games. It's a tough game against another ranked opponent. We really need the win to keep playoff hopes alive.

The tough part is that Dudzik is gone for the year. He has already suffered a couple of concussions this year and probably shouldn't even have stepped on the field last week. He also had a stress fracture in his foot but continued to play. However, during the game last week the foot completely broke and he had surgery and screws were put in place. Dudzik appears gone for the year. I really don't know the guy but seeing a few games of him playing and now hearing about his toughness, I like the kid. Hopefully he comes back next year and has a great season. Until then, looks like we rely on redshirt freshman Justin Thorpe. There was a QB battle in camp so the guy was projected as a possible starter and he has seen time this year but I've only seen him play last week and he wasn't very good. Hopefully he steps up and plays better.

Zorny stay or go?

I like Zorn and hope he succeeds. I at least hope he makes it through the season because putting in an interim midway through will not do anything.

Still, there are basic things wrong with his game plan and play calling. I have already listed a number of them and those are just the things that I can see with a very limited perspective. Deeps also mentioned a few things. Some play calling is just mind boggling. I don't understand why we try a gadget hook and ladder call at the end of the Lion game. The Lions had everyone playing back to make sure no one got behind them. I actually like gadget plays every now and then but you have to know when to call them. We were at the Lion like 30 yard line. Take a shot at the end zone. It's not even a hail mary. Favre and the Vikings had a very similar situation against the 49ers and scored at the end of the game. Sure, chances are slim but that has a better chance of succeeding than the hook and ladder. If you are going to do that play, do it when you might catch the defense off guard. Same thing with the 3rd and goal from the 5 halfback option. I'm not against the play but do it on first or second down when you might catch the defense with more D linemen and less coverage guys.

There have been a number of very questionable calls. The players keep saying that it's them and the scheme isn't flawed and it's just execution. Now either all these guys are too stupid or the scheme needs to be adjusted.

Riggo, Lavar, Sonny all have issues with the play calling. Maybe Zorny should give up the play calling responsibilities. I keep hoping for improvement but the offense seems to only be regressing. Robs can keep crying that it is just the O line but it isn't just that.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Samuels career may be over

This would be tough not just because it would hurt the Skins tremendously but because Samuels has been a tough, upstanding pillar on the O line. I'd hate to see his career go out the way it could possibly go out. However, the guy has stenosis of the spine and cannot afford to risk his long term health because of football.

Hopefully he is cleared to play but would not blame him in the least if he can't return.

Regarding the Skins, his inability to return would be devastating. I really don't like the idea of Mike Williams at RT. That guy is a big body but he is way too slow. His footwork is not great and guys are going to be fly right by him. Heyer is less of an issue but to have those two guys at the tackle positions is scary. It's one thing to have a Samuels on one side and one of them on the other but both of them out there is something that is going to be very scary. I don't mind Montgomery or Rinehart for that matter at guard. I think they will be serviceable.

Interested in why we are not thinking about bringing back Kendall or Bridges. Those guys must REALLY suck. Bridges has NFL experience and was fighting for a starting job in camp so I'm not sure why we don't look at him. Whatever. Pray JC doesn't get killed.

Redskins want Snyderatto to endorse Zorn

A few veterans have come out anonymously this week to say that they are tired of fielding questions about Zorn's job status and would like management to address the issue. It seems that the players are in large part endorsing Zorn and feel that the poor play has been on them.

Carlos Rogers said blame for the poor play needs to be shared and part of that sharing includes management.

D. Hall said that we need more/better personnel around here.

I have to admit I kind of like the mini mutiny we are seeing. One can only hope that the message may be getting through to Snyder about his mismanagement. Before it has always been the fans and media but now players are starting to chime in. It would be great to actually see Cerrato ousted and a real football executive brought in to manage the operations.

This may just be wishful thinking.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm sick of the Redskins

SO disappointing. I know Robs will blame Snyder but he will blame Snyder for the power going out during a thunder storm.

Here are my general thoughts:

1. All in all, defense was very good except for two plays. The first is on Carolina's first TD, Orakpo cannot cover. He was WAY off of the TE. It goes back to why is Orakpo a LB and covering. It is unnatural for him and it doesn't make sense.

The second was the final end around on a 3rd and 8. Where is the contain?! Delhomme is no athlete and has no business getting that first down.

Still, as mentioned, all in all we can't complain about the defensive effort. They put consistent pressure on Delhomme. They got turnovers and put our offense in a position to score points.

2. Special Teams SUCKED! Two big plays that led to their two TDs. After Portis scored on the 1 yard run, we give up a big KO return. That sucked.

The biggest issue is as we all know the punt that went off of Westbrook's leg. Just a big gaffe that proved to lead to the winning TD. That was a killer.

3. Offense SUCKED! Less than 200 yards offense. We couldn't move the ball. Few things in particular really bothered me.

- So we know Thomas is out. Rinehart started last week and seemed to do pretty well. I thought Thomas' job was b/t Rinehart and Will Montgomery so who was in there yesterday? Mike Williams. What the F is he doing there? He practiced at tackle in preseason. What happened to Rinehart and/or Montgomery? Didn't understand Williams being in there and he was less than spectacular.

- Samuels got his neck jammed and left with a stinger. He probably could have come back but still you have to be careful with any type of neck injury. Who the F is D'Anthony Batiste? I'm not sure I have even heard of this guy. He sucked!

Okay, so the O line was banged up and replaced with guys that I didn't know or didn't understand why they were in there.

- Another thing that really bothered me is Mike Sellers. So Sellers and Portis got into it earlier this week when Portis was bothered by Sellers block on the 4th and goal in Detroit. They showed the replay yesterday and Coach Billick, who was announcing the game, showed how Sellers just straddled down the line and didn't do any kind of blocking at all and said Portis had full right to be angry about that. I'm not saying that Portis should have asked that Sellers get pulled and I do believe the two are friends but looking at that effort from Sellers, he had full right to be angry. The reason why I bring this up is on the safety, Sellers again just straddled down the line. As a FB in short yardage situations, it is your job to charge full speed ahead and help create the lane for the RB. The RB is to follow the FB and if Sellers is just dancing down the line, he isn't doing anything. That was ridiculous.

- On the 4th and 3 where the Skins went for it, JC just stared down I think it was Thomas and the ball was batted down. JC cannot just stare that play/WR down.

- With the O line being decimated, why are we running play action? Every time we did that, JC would turn around and someone would be right in his face. Instead of doing play action, concede the fake and get in shotgun or at least have the RB just serve as an extra blocker to help JC out on passes instead of acting as a decoy. From a coaching standpoint, you know the O line is banged up and depleted so give them help.

- Coaching still SUCKED. I was fine with the defense and their coaching but offense just too tame. Again, need to throw mid range and deeper balls. We threw one deep pass and it should have been caught by Devin Thomas. It would have been a good catch but one that should have been made. Take more shots downfield. I'm not sure if this is JC or playcalling or what but take the shots. Also, take shots on mid range passes. Offensively we just are not meeting our potential. Players and coaches keep talking about leaving points on the field and execution and that they all believe in the scheme and I believe them saying that but I'm tired of listening to it. If it is such a good scheme, why is it not working?

Phillip Daniels apparently tore his bicep. Can we please try Orakpo at DE? I know that the concern is that he is too light to play against the run but give the guy a chance.

The season is very close to being over at this point. This is the first game that really got me down because it started out so good and is one that we should have won. It would have been a good win. I don't think the Panthers are as bad as their record. They were 12-4 last year. We should have won it. I'm so disappointed with the offense and not being able to get anything really going.

The one thing that seems for certain is that barring a miracle, Zorn will be fired. It's just not happening. I actually don't think I will mind his firing. The tough part is if JC goes. I still like him but I think the two are tied together and they may end up both going. The thing is if JC goes, who the F is our QB? He certainly isn't on the team now and not sure if we will be able to get Bradford. Not sure who is out there in FA that will be any good.

I think we will still win a few games this year and I think we might even surprise a couple of teams but playoffs are not in the picture. We'll see what happens.


Dukes fall to #1 Richmond 21-17 in a good game. Dukes were pretty lifeless in the first quarter. We started red shirt freshman Justin Thorpe at QB and we didn't get anything going offensively. Part way into the second quarter down 14-3, enter Dudzik. He proceeds to throw a bomb for a TD. On the ensuing Richmond drive, we stop them 3 and out. We block their punt and return it for a TD. Dukes go into halftime with a 17-14 lead. Unfortunately, Dudzik gets hurt (not sure what happened). He comes back with a foot cast so he's done.

Thorpe comes back in for the second half and does nothing. He throws 2 INTs but the defense holds up until the fourth quarter when Richmond converts a 4th and 1 on JMU's 25. They score the go ahead TD to make it 21-17 with 7 and a half minutes left. I wasn't feeling real good with Thorpe having to lead from behind. We end up marching down the field with power running. With 1 and a half minutes left, we have the ball on Richmond's 25 and after a number of running plays, we fake the run and throw to a wide open Duke on the sideline. He gets pushed out at the 5 yard line with 1 minute remaining. I feel real good having a first and goal from the five with 2 timeouts and 1 minute left. What do we do? Thorpe calls play action, doesn't find the receiver and tries to run it in. He doesn't tuck the ball away and is barely holding on to it and he fumbles. Richmond recovers. Game over. SUCKS!!!

I was ticked off at Thorpe for not tucking it away but was also annoyed with the coaching staff. We had 2 timeouts and we are a running football team. Pound it. Whatever. It's over and we could have gotten back well into the top 10 rankings. Instead we are 2-3 and will have to fight the rest of the season to get into the playoffs.

We need Dudzik!

Friday, October 9, 2009


JMU faces number #1 ranked Richmond this weekend in Harrisonburg and apparently we are making a number of personnel moves because of injuries. Coach Matthews has shifted junior Griff Yancey (Glen Allen, Va./Hermitage) from free safety to running back, will employ sophomore Corwin Acker (Landover, Md./Blake) in more of a receiver's role than at running back where he's been used previously, and will start redshirt freshman Justin Thorpe (Richmond, Va./Varina) at quarterback when the Dukes host Richmond Saturday (Oct. 10).

Nothing like making significant personnel moves when you are about to play the #1 team. I like Matthews and he has had tremendous success so hopefully his moves pan out.

Redskins vs. Panthers

Interesting game this weekend. Keep waiting for the Redskins to have that breakout game but the longer I have to wait the more I think that it may never come.

Sherm Lewis was brought in but given that he isn't sure what his role is and he showed up on Wed. doubt he will have any impact on Sunday's game. It's a tough time to play the Panthers as they are winless and desperate for a victory, had a bye week last week so they are rested and had another week to game plan, and will be playing at home.

The Skins meanwhile are 2-2 but everyone is acting like they are 0-4. As mentioned, the team has brought in Lewis and there is a lot of talk of Zorn being on the chopping block. There is also the pressure of having to play another winless team. We have to keep in mind that the Panthers were 12-4 last season so they are not a pushover. Delhomme has been terrible but he is kind of shifty and seems like he could be hot one week and cold the next. Hopefully he continues his cold streak. His job is on the line as well. The Skins will need to not press and play good, solid football.

As I have mentioned for the last couple of weeks, I can only hope that the Skins get more aggressive on both sides of the ball. I would love to see some occasional blitzing and put Delhomme under pressure. Part of the reason we don't create as many turnovers as we should have is because we do not get creative on defense and put pressure on. If we did, I am certain we could get more turnovers. That is how other defenses in the league get their turnovers.

Offensively we should establish the run. The Panthers have a poor run defense so it would be good to get Portis going and again, run some delayed draw plays, run some end arounds, run left/right/middle. Do not just run a basic run left. The defense will stack that side of the line and shut it down. Also, I think the Panthers are probably expecting us to just run so lets get aggressive and pass. Just be aggressive with the ball. That's all I ask.


Caps thoughts

So the Caps are 2-1-1 so far in this young season. I have caught at least parts of all four games and here are a couple of general thoughts.

1. Ovie is awesome and starting off where he left off last season as the league MVP. Despite everyone knowing how good he is and game planning against him, he continues to shine. He just seems to be getting better each year.

2. Semin got off to a hot start last year and was that complement to Ovie last year before getting injured and then he really cooled off. He too is off to a hot start and is tied with Ovie as the league leader in goals scored. Hopefully Semin will continue his hot start and be that complement to Ovie all year.

3. I really like the Ovie, Semin, Backstrom line. That is a very young and potent line that should create opportunities left and right.

4. Defense is a big concern. We have not had much issue scoring goals so far this year but our defense is keeping us down. That has to change. We have veteran defenders so not sure what the issue is but it will definitely need to be addressed.

5. Goalies are still a question mark. Varly has been less than spectacular. I know he is the darling of the Caps for his meteoric rise and play in last season's playoffs but so far he has not been great. I expect that to change. Also, Theo has been erratic as well. He is starting off better than last year and last night against the Rangers he had a couple of tremendous saves but he also let in 1 or 2 suspect goals. It's the inconsistency that is bothersome. Right now I feel like we do not have a true #1 goalie. That is a problem as you look at some of the contenders and those teams having a solid #1 (Lundqvist, Emery, Fleury, etc.).

6. Mike Green where are you? Green has been horrendous in the playoffs the last two years. The scary part is he has been pretty poor so far this year. It looks like we are allowing him more flexibility to make offensive runs as he appears in the offensive zone quite a bit but to me, he just isn't looking that great so far. He is a young star but he needs to loosen up and play his game.

It's a young season and we have a very good team but I almost feel like this team is buying into the hype a little bit and thinks that they are an elite team. Maybe these losses will be good for them to take a step back and realize they need to get back to some basics. I still look forward to them having a great year.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Skins hire Sherman Lewis

The Skins bring in former long time O Coordinator of the Packers and expert on the West Coast offense as a consultant to help with the Redskin sputtering offense. I have mixed emotions about this.

First, there is no question that our offense is sputtering and as I have mentioned on numerous occasions, I believe it is play calling/schemes/game planning that is the biggest issue. If Lewis can be another set of eyes and help make a difference with the offense, than I am all for it. Zorny wears a lot of hats (head coach, QB coach, playcaller, partial O coordinator) so if he is on board with this and it provides him some relief and again, if it makes a difference, I am for it.

However, bringing Lewis in seems to undermine Zorny. Zorny may have wanted to opportunity to fix the offense himself. It also seems to send a message to the team that Zorny can't fix it by himself. Charlie Casserly called this move the "kiss of death." He may very well be right. This may be the beginning of the end for Zorny.

Again, from my limited perspective, I have been disappointed with the coaching and if this move sharpens the offense and makes us better, great. However, if it causes more issues, it is the end for Zorny. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Favre wins

Pretty good game last night. It was entertaining. It had the feel of a playoff game. As much as I dislike Favre, I have to say that he really came through. The guy seems to save many of his special moments for Monday Night Football.

I really like Rodgers but his O line is failing him. He is under constant pressure and it's so difficult for him to produce. Even still, he had a solid game.

The Vikings seem to be separating themselves as one of the better teams in the NFC. I still think Favre will fail them deeper in the season but he did have a great game last night.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Skins win Ugly

Skins pull out the victory but it was nothing to write home about. The first half offensively was pathetic. Two sacks on the first drive with JC fumbling leading to a Bucs TD. We got nothing going at all in the first half. JC was terrible with the fumble and 2 INTs in the first half. We couldn't muster much of anything.

Fortunately, the defense kept us in the game and in the third quarter we got things going a little bit. JC looked better and hit Cooley over the middle for a TD and Moss along the sideline for a deep TD. Tagged on a FG to put up 16 points in the quarter. Still, it wasn't the kind of victory that answered any questions and we need a much better effort.

Was disappointed in JC. It was the first game this year that he just didn't look good. Still, a win is a win and I would rather win ugly than lose pretty.

On to the Panthers.


JMU falls to Hofstra

Tough loss. We are in somewhat of a rebuilding season but we were ranked high and needed that win. I'm sure we will tumble from our #6 ranking. We face #1 Richmond next week so a win against them will put us back at the top but that will be a tough matchup against the reigning national champs who returned most of their team from last year.

P.S. #5 W&M lost to #2 Villanova. Was hoping both teams could win out until their showdown later this month. Still, that game could have playoff implications at this point.

UVA gets win against UNC

Good win for the Cavs. Pretty boring game. Two teams that could barely move the ball. Watched for a few minutes and fell asleep.

UVA plays Indiana next week in Charlottesville. It's a winnable game but UVA hasn't won those games so far this season so it is no gimme. If UVA can win a few more games in the weak ACC this year they may find themselves in the Sassin Noodles WhoGivesAShatNoOneIsWatchingBecauseWeReallySuck Bowl!

Good luck, Cavs!!!!

To Robs, I will post after a UVA win. I typically don't post things over the weekend that was the only reason I hadn't posted anything yet. Interestingly, you only have anything to say about UVA if they win. You have never posted anything on any of my other UVA postings.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Horton benched for Doughty

So the Skins have decided to bench 2nd year man Chris Horton in favor of Reed Doughty. I like both of these guys and apparently Doughty has played well when he is out there so I am fine with this move. Horton was the one that got the big pass interference call last week that led to the Lions final TD. However, apparently it wasn't just that one play that led to the benching. Again, I'm fine with the move.

Also, Greg Blache took blame for the poor defensive play last week. He should. It was coaching that lost that game. Yes, players play but the coaches have to put the players in a position to make the plays. Our defense last week was so vanilla. There was no disguising. There was no blitzing. There was nothing. It was high school defense at its best.

Apparently, he will change the defensive philosophy a bit. Blache said, "I've got to be just a little bit more of a maverick, Not necessarily a McCain-Palin maverick, but a Bret or Bart kind of maverick, and be a little bit more of a riverboat gambler."

Thank goodness he is talking about the Bret or Bart maverick vs. McCain-Palin maverick. We'll see how this translates on the field this weekend.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

CAPS Opener Tonight!

The road to the Cup all starts tonight with the Caps taking on the Bruins. It's the #2 vs. the #1 seed of the East from last year. Should be a good test early on.

I like the additions of Knuble and Morrison both of whom should provide some veteran leadership and presence in front of the net which we were sorely lacking last year.

We have one of the youngest and most talented teams in the NHL and anything less than the Cup this year should be considered a failure.

The issues with the team are goaltending where Jose Theodore is the #1 but his inconsistent play from last year was not what we had hoped for. Varlamov became a sensation in the postseason but he is still young and learning. The good news is that they are capable and we still have Michael Neuvirth at Hershey who is solid so hopefully the goaltending situation will be decent.

Also, defensively guys will have to step up.

Whatever. Just excited that the Caps are back.