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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vick is back!

So the world will get their first taste of Vick tonight. Security will be beefed up as their will be both Pro and Anti Vick demonstrations prior to the game.

I gotta believe Vick is nervous/anxious/excited about playing tonight. In some ways, it probably feels like his first big college or pro game. He hasn't taken the field in two years so it will be interesting to see how he reacts and plays.

The interesting thing is if he performs and should Donovan struggle early on in the season, the fans will be pushing for Vick. However, I like Donovan and think he will have a good year and I think Vick will be called upon for certain plays/packages and right now, I think this arrangement will work out pretty well for the Eagles.


Rob said...

Redemption time. Before he went to jail I was pretty neutral toward Vick. I didn't like him or dislike him.

Now, I want him to succeed. He has paid his debt to society and he is trying to make amends. Let the guy live his life.

I'm rooting for him to be a great player in the NFL. I think he was a good player before, but I'd like to see him really elevate his game.

Sitting behind McNabb for a year or two (although I am sure he will have a handful of plays each game) will be good for him.

deepie said...

I would really like to see Vick succeed on and off the field after his stint in the clink. He seems remorseful and sounds as if he realizes that what he did was wrong. I don't like the fact that he's in the NFC East though...The 'Skins seem to match up well against the Iggles, but Vick complicates things.

j, k, and s's d said...

If he is genuinely remorseful for what he has done (and I think he is), I want to see him do well too. Like Deeps, not thrilled that he is in the East but I still wish the guy well.

The worst thing that could happen is that he is successful, people forgive/forget what happened, he signs multimillion dollar endorsements, and then he says F U ALL!! VICK IS BACK, BABY!!! EAGLE FANS BETTER HIDE YOUR BEAGLES!!!!

Okay, I'm kidding about the last part and that is a little insensitive but still hopefully he is truly remorseful.

Rob said...


Hilarious. What I have learned over the last day or so is that you are either a comedic genious or one sick dude. Either way, your rantings are funny.