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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skins sign Hackett

Good move for depth. We wanted to bring him in last year at a higher cost. We end up getting him this year and don't sacrifice much. He will be good for depth. He has decent size and is young and knows Zorn and his offense so it was a good move. Should be a good fit for any 4 or 5 WR sets.


deepie said...

Who cares about the 4th or 5th option when we don't have a solid 2nd option? DJ Hackett won't make a lick of a difference if the two knuckleheads from last year's draft don't step up and become formidable options for Campbell.

Rob said...

If Hackett gets significant playing time, it will mean that Danny's Manny, Vinny, blew it last year with their top three picks (I'm including Davis).

j, k, and s's d said...

By all accounts, Davis has been very impressive in camp. Will be interesting if we find ways to get both Cooley and Davis out on the field together. This could create good matchup problems.

Per usual, Kelly and Thomas have been hampered in camp by injuries. While those injuries are not significant, they are still keeping those guys off the field.

I fully expect one of them to step up and be the #2 WR. From what I have heard, Thomas has obviously had more time to learn since Kelly was hurt most of last year but Kelly has been more impressive in camp.

Hackett is nice for depth.

deepie said...

From what I've heard on ESPN980, it seems that everyone agrees Fred Davis will be a contributor this year. I'm not as concerned about him because, if nothing else, he adds depth to a position the 'Skins are already stacked at. I'll focus my attention on Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. Thomas and Kelly can't seem to go 5 minutes without pulling a hammie. Those two need to step it up and stop being so fragile. They had reputations as big, tough receivers in college. It's time to live up to that reputation.

Rob said...

ESPN980? You mean Danny's propaganda station? Who are you listening to? Larry Michel as he takes it up the arse from Vinny as he takes it up the arse from Danny Boy?


j, k, and s's d said...

I think it is more like Larry Michael jerking off as he takes it up the ars from Vinny who is taking it up the arse from Danny Boy who has a wad of made up $1M bills with his own face printed on them plugged up his arse.

I have no problem with Larry Michael the play by play commentator but don't really care for him as the host of the Redskins show on Comcast or doing analyst work on the radio.

deepie said...

Doc Walker. He's the last guy left on the station who remains cautiously critical of the team. He won't get fired like the others though because he has never outright criticized Danny Boy for his tactics. I trust his opinion though...He is an excellent analyst on TV for the ACC games and he is not afraid to say that someone is or isn't talented on the 'Skins.

Rob said...

Doc is a tool. I'm sure he has the same opinions as B-Mitch and Smokin' Al, but he is too much of a Danny tool to express himself. That is why the other two got fired and he is still around.

Do yourself a favor and start listening to WJFK (106.7 FM). I'm sure it will be far more objective in its analysis of the Redskins. The on-air talent won't have to worry about getting fired by Danny Boy when they call it like they see it.