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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Strasburg signs with the Nats!

With 1 minute and 17 seconds to spare, the Nats were able to get their man. Didn't seem like it was going to happen but he got record rookie money and the Nats got the deal done. By all accounts, this guy is a once in a generation talent as he can consistently top the 100 mph mark and had an impressive W-L record and ERA. It's rare when there is a by far and away consensus #1 player in the draft but he is that guy.

It was important for the Nats to sign the guy not just because of his talent but to generate a little bit of excitement into the team for the fans. The Nats moved to D.C. and built a new ballpark but they have sucked. This guy gives the fans something to get excited about and a potential ace in their rotation.

Hopefully he doesn't end up like Mark Prior and have a year or two success before blowing out his arm. I imagine it's hard for a power guy like that to stay healthy for a long career unless he takes very good care of himself.


Rob said...

Pitchers don't really pan out. I hope he ends up being the exception to the rule.

deepie said...

I've heard experts who have analyzed his throwing motion say the motion is so natural that he's probably not doing anything during his delivery that could threaten his longevity. I hope they're right. With Strasburg and some of the other young guys in the rotation, this team can improve on its record in the very near future.

Rob said...

I've heard sexperts say that he whacks off too often.

My point is this - we don't know how often he whacks off, nor do we know whether his arm will hold out.

What we do know is that history says he won't be all that he is supposed to be. We'll see.

deepie said...

Whacking off at 100 mph can't be healthy. Hopefully, for his sake, he has an off-speed pitch for that.

j, k, and s's d said...

Experts said about Mark Prior's motion that they haven't seen that kind of fluid motion since Tom Seaver and expected him to have a long and successful career.

Mark Prior had a couple of good seasons and his arm/career is done.