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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Giraud is gone

More surprising was that Lambert was in the bottom two. Not sure if this was the producers way of making the show more interesting or if he legitimately is losing ground. Still, surpising that Kris hasn't been in the bottom two or three ever. The guy is average but is reaping the benefits of the "Sanjaya effect." Now he has more talent than Sanjaya but he has been dubbed the cute one and that is what is carrying him through this contest.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I love how Ovie dismisses Crosby in their little skirmish.


So I didn't watch as much or as carefully given that the Caps were on but I saw enough to make comments. Here are my scores:

1. Kris: C+. The judges loved him. I didn't. Thought he was just okay. He seems to really be eating up the fact that he is the cute one out there. As Robs says, he looks like a monkey when he sings with the way he closes his eyes and curls his lips. Didn't care for his performance.

2. Alison: B. Thought the performance was decent. She surprised me a bit given that she has a rocker voice but she pulled it off and she looked decent too. The problem with her (and Simon has an issue with this) is that she is content just being in the competition and doesn't really seem to care whether she wins or not. She needs more of a competitive fire and really want this thing if she has any hope to win. Still, she is only 16 years old and probably just amazed that all this is happening to her.

3. Giraud: N/A. I missed it. Too bad because he is the one guy I would've wanted to see last night. I thought the rat pack theme would fit very well with his jazzy kind of crooner type persona. I did hear the judges comments and they thought he did well so good for him.

4. Gokey: A-. Thought he did a very good job. What I liked was that it was the first time where I felt like Gokey wasn't singing the same old song. He sang a different type of song than we are used to and did it well. Still, his performance is just okay. Great vocals but he has that goofy Robert Downey, Jr. look that doesn't help him.

5. Lambert: B+. Why does Lambert always seem to get to go last or near the end? I'd like to see him go first. He was good but as always, his performance outshines his vocals. He did some more of that Axl Rose type yelling which I don't really care for but I suppose the audience likes it. The thing for him is that he can just act out and sell these songs. He does it by far and away better than any other contestant.

In the end, who really cares because the CAPS WON, BABY!!!! BRING ON THE PENS!!!


So the odds were against them being down in the series 3-1. Only 9% of teams in those situations have come back to win the series but last night the Caps overcame the odds and pulled out a 2-1 win to advance to the second round of the playoffs.

Frankly, we were lucky to advance. For the majority of the game, we were outplayed by the Rangers. They definitely beat us the first two periods. Var-LA-mov made some very good early game saves to keep us in the game but he still let in one goal that he had very little chance of stopping. I started worrying because it looked like it was going to be a blowout. What also got me was that I was saying before Game #6 that I would rather lose Game #6 in NY than win that one, come back to D.C. having fought back from a 3-1 series deficit and play for a decisive Game#7 only to lose at home. The way it was going early was conjuring up images of Kelly Hrudey, Pat LaFontaine, Ron Hextall, Pierre Turgeon, Martin Biron, Daniel Briere, Tom Barrasso, the Easter Epic and all those other guys and games that have killed the Caps and ended great Caps seasons in disappointing fashion.

However, when we tied it up on Semin's fluke goal, I started thinking this is going to be one of those games where we are getting outplayed but we might be lucky enough to pull it out by being lucky. Period 2 was scoreless despite some quality scoring chances by both teams. In the break between Periods 2 and 3, I was thinking that if the Rangers score first, it's over. Game #7 reminded me a lot of the games we have lost in this series. We just looked tired and lethargic and we are not setting up screens or being aggressive. We are taking low percentage shots from the point with no one there for rebounds. In the games we have won, we looked totally different. Again, last night looked like one of those games we have played when we have lost. Also, very disappointing was the play of Mike Green. For whatever reason, he looked tentative. There have been games in these playoffs where he has looked tentative and apprehensive which is not like him. I know they mentioned a couple of games ago that he wasn't feeling well but that's no excuse. It's the playoffs and last night could have been the last game of the season and you got to lay it all out there. I do remember in last year's playoffs, he made a couple of critical mistakes where he tried to do too much and ended up giving up bad turnovers so maybe he was worried about making a mistake but again you can't play like that.

Despite our lack of play, crafty veteran Sergei Federov came up huge with 5 minutes left to score the game winner. What was interesting about him and his goal was not more than a few minutes before the goal Smokin' Al Koken was talking about how he interviewed Federov before the game because of his playoff experience and especially his Game #7 experiences to get his take on this Game #7 and Koken said that you just knew that Federov "would have something to say before this game is over." Great call by Koken.

Again, after all the disappointing Caps seasons I have watched growing up, I almost expected to be disappointed again but winning last night was tremendous. After having such a great season, to lose in the first round would have been devastating. I'm glad that we were able to pull it out and maybe the comeback will be what we need to propel us deeper into the playoffs. The good news is that I think we are getting our mojo back and also that we are getting tremendous goaltending play from Varly. Defense has also stiffened up. I like Pothier in there instead of Schultz and Jurcina did a tremendous job on Avery last night. I also like the veteran leadership from Poti. Can't say enough about Erskine. We just need for Green to play the way he did in the season.

The best part is that we get to go up against the Penguins. The NHL got their dream series. You get the top three points leaders to face against each other in Ovie, Malkin, and Crosby. You also get guys that don't like each other. I loved it when Ovie gave Crosby a shove and Crosby tried to grab Ovie and Ovie kind of manhandled Crosby and then dismissed him. Also, how Ovie seems to almost go out of his way to hit Malkin any chance he can get. Those two used to be roomates on the Russian national team but apparently they had a falling out and Ovie is just out to get Malkin. It's so bad that Malkin has said that he doesn't even know why Ovie is like that and can't understand why Ovie is always trying to hit him. They did have some reconciliation at the All Star game thanks to a third party but I expect those two to be back at it again. I also love that Semin said that he didn't see what the big deal was with Crosby and basically called him overrated. Crosby has said that he doesn't care for Ovie's celebrations and Ovie has said that Crosby talks too much and likes that Crosby doesn't care for his celebrations. Bottom line, this is the series we all wanted and now we are going to get it. This is the series I want to win. I expect a lot more intensity and I expect to win this series.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Skins Draft

First and foremost, thank goodness for not getting Sanchez. I am happy about this on so many levels. Second, very happy Orakpo fell to 13 and we were able to snatch him up. Fills a HUGE need for us.

After that, I don't really know the guys. We took some MD CB in the third round. Seems pretty good although CB wasn't really a need for us. We have Rogers, Hall, Smoot there. I suppose we needed some depth as Tryon is a backup but he sucked in preseason last year and seems to think he is much better than he is so Barnes may be a decent selection.

We then took two LBs with our next picks. LB is a need. Washington may resign with us but he is always injured anyways and I believe we lost a couple of backup guys so it's good to replenish with some younger guys.

After that, we took a FB and a WR in the seventh round. Most likely these guys won't make the team but they're fine if we think they have any talent.

The only thing I was a little surprised about was that we didn't draft any O linemen. We did sign some guy that was the 4th overall pick in 2002 but he hasn't played in a couple of years. The guy played with Dockery at the University of TX but chances are the guy is soft like dough now and won't amount to much.

I suppose we can bring in some undrafted rookies and see if any one pans out.

Frankly, not signing Sanchez and getting Orakpo makes the draft decent for me.

Skins sign Chase Daniel

The Heisman hopeful was not drafted and signed as a FA. No big deal. He might be able to compete for the third string spot or land on the practice squad.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rak - The Beast!!!

Video says it all. Can't wait for football season!

Skins get Orakpo!

LOVE the pick! Was scared they were going to do something stupid to try and get Sanchez. Robs predicted that the Jets wouldn't give up picks to move up but they did. They gave up next year's first AND second round picks to get Sanchez. Hopefully for their sake he is decent. I'd be worried that moving the east coast and playing in NYC will eat Sanchez up. Whatever. I don't care as long as we didn't get him.

We get Orakpo and fill a HUGE need at DE. This guy is a beast and gives our already very good defense another boost. Our D line is Orakpo, Haynesworth, Griffin, and Carter that should be pretty formidable. It should also allow us to only have to rush the front four which plays into Blache's scheme and allow the rest of the defense to cover. Our defense alone should keep us in games. Seriously, if we can score 17+ points per game, we should at least go 10-6. 20+ points a game should make us at least 11-5.

I am SO grateful the Skins didn't blow it with Sanchez and we got the guy I wanted in Orakpo. We fill a HUGE need AND JC gets the opportunity to prove he can be the franchise QB.


Friday, April 24, 2009

JC - Enough is Enough!

Good article I found on JC and the possibility of drafting Sanchez. Enjoy!

Jason Campbell was pretty cool about the whole "we're gonna get Jay Cutler!" business that the Redskins pulled a few weeks ago. He didn't make a stink about the possibility of being demoted and/or traded. And he didn't cry when the 'Skins publicly slapped him in the face.

But things will be different if Washington -- rumored to be interested by the way -- makes a play for Mark Sanchez, according to Steve Wyche at this time around, Campbell will reportedly demand that the team trade him if they go looking around for another signal caller.

And this shouldn't be surprising. Or effective for that matter -- if the Redskins do plan on drafting Sanchez, they'll be trading up, obviously, and after that sort of move, it has to be assumed that Dan Synder and Vinny Cerrato will make some sort of move to recoup their losses. Such a move will probably involve sending Campbell to a team in immediate need of a starting quarterback, like the Jets.

In other words, Campbell can posture publicly all he wants, but if the Redskins are dead-set on getting Sanchez, Campbell is already out the door anyway. Of course, two potentially fun amusing nightmarish situations could emerge. First, the Skins draft Sanchez and trade Campbell and all the JC-apologists immediately fire up the hate machine on Sanchez.

Far more enticing though, is the idea of the Skins trying to trade up, having their move made public and still managing to get beat out for Sanchez by the Jets or Seahawks or Browns. Then everyone's in a world of pain. Except for those of us who get to watch.

All I have to say is Snyder better not F this up!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Noop's gone

As I predicted, Rounds and Noop Dogg were ousted last night. Rounds actually seemed relieved probably because she was getting tired of the judges coming down on her and because she missed her husband and kids. However, Noop Dogg genuinely seemed disappointed. Frankly, at this point, much of this is a popularity contest. I'm not saying that the contestants can skate by with mediocre performances but I think America knows who they like and will pick for their favorites. I also think that Lambert is probably far and away the winner. I say this because he mixes up his performances with different types of songs, his acting background have made him by far the best performer, and then the judges only pump up the crowd/America even more. Even if the judges like someone else's performance, they commend them somewhat timidly. However, when they like Lambert, they are yelling and screaming at how great he is. Again, this only adds to the excitement surrounding Lambert.

I imagine he is running away with this thing. You could probably eliminate Giraud and Allison right now too and just get down to the final three. The only chance that Kris or Gokey have is that they can take over the votes of those voters that were supporting those that had fallen off.

One final note, I found it ironic that Noop probably looked/dressed his best last night.

Caps Lose!

VERY disappointing. Sure, it sucks we lost but what made it worse was that I felt that we were outplayed and outhustled. The Rangers came out early and dominated much of the first period. They looked like the ones that were desperate and needing a win. Consequently, they jumped out to an early lead. It wasn't until well into the second period that the Caps finally looked like they wanted to play. Still, even after they started getting more aggressive, we still didn't get around Lundqvist. The game reminded me a lot of the first two games where we took plenty of shots but they were all from far away with no one crowding around their goalie. It just looked a lot different to me than Game #3. I can accept a loss when I feel like we play our best but that didn't seem to be our best. I will still give credit to their goalie. The guy did have a couple of big saves and we did out shoot them 19-5 in the second period but still I didn't feel like we got too many quality shots on him and we just weren't as aggressive as we were in Game #3. Also, I was very disappointed in how the game started when it looked like they were dominating us.

I don't believe it is over. Sure, I don't like being down 3 games to 1 and it will be difficult and the odds are not in our favor but I do believe that when we play the way we are capable of playing we are the far superior team. We need a great effort on Friday at home and then send it back to NY on Sunday. Losing Friday would make this season a huge disappointment. Hopefully the Caps can get their act together.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A.I. comments

I was largely unimpressed with everyone's performances. My comments are as follows:

1. Lil Rounds: D. Sucks. Every week she sucks and we keep hoping she does better the next week and she keeps disappointing. At some point, you have to realize that she just isn't that good. I think we believe that she is better than she really is and hope she meets our expectations. She had a golden opportunity with the disco genre and she failed again. She is the worst of all the contestants by far.

2. Kris: B-. He did his own rendition of the disco song. I give him credit for that. I also give him credit for going back to what he does best and bringing out the band and playing along with them. The judges loved it. I personally didn't think it was anything special. Kris reminds me of a guy that I would see singing in a coffee shop or something. Some where in a small, intimate venue playing indie type music and that's it. I don't see him a as mega star.

3. Allison: C. It started out okay but like the judges, I didn't care for the arrangement. I was waiting for the song to pick up its pace and it never did. She yelled in her rock type voice but I didn't care for the performance.

4. Gokey: B. Decent but he is always decent and not special. His performances are always good but I forget about them.

5. Lambert: B. Again, the judges loved him. He seems like the golden boy that cannot do any wrong. I do believe he is the guy that America wants to see since he does give varied and great performances. Clearly, his acting background is a huge bonus for him as he is able to sell his songs. Last night, he did a slow rendition of his disco song. I like that he is bold and isn't afraid to change things up. However, I thought it was an okay performance. Frankly, I thought it was his worst performance to date. One final note, I am sick and tired of Paula looking like she is in a state of ecstasy every time she sees Lambert.

6. Giraud: B+. I liked his arrangement and his performance. I thought it was pretty strong. I enjoyed his look and he too went back to doing what he does best and it worked for me.

7. Noop Dogg: B. I liked it. He did well until he hit that last note where he tried to hold it and his voice cracked and then the song was over. Noop's face was classic because he looked shocked and looked like he thought he had just blown it. Otherwise, I thought it was a good performance. All of the judges liked it except for Simon who thought it was horrible. Interesting. Thought Noop looked better. His hair was better and I liked the facial hair made him look less clean cut and preppy and a little edgier. Still, his dress sucked. What is up with the pink?! He looked like Don Johnson from Miami Vice circa 1985. I really don't get that.

Final notes: Again, largely unimpressed. Based off of the performances, I like to see both girls sent home. However, given the trend of who has been in the bottom three the last several weeks, I expect Rounds to go and probably Noop Dogg. I think Lil is out of her league and I think Noop has a very good voice but he has lost his fan base and I'm not sure he will be able to survive. Still, I won't be surprised if Allison or Giraud are sent home.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A.I. - Disco Night.

Not even sure what to say about this. I suppose I will wait and see how it goes tonight. Frankly, I think most everyone will struggle with this genre. The only people I see doing well are Lambert and Rounds. Lambert is like a chameleon. He can change his look and his sound and adapt very well. As I have mentioned, he is by far the best performer of the group so I expect him to do well. His acting background has REALLY helped him in this competition.

I believe Rounds can do well just because of all of the good female disco songs out there from artists like Donna Summer and Gloria Gaynor. Once again, she has another opportunity to shine. She has disappointed the last several weeks but maybe she will finally come through. Anything less than a stellar performance and she should be gone. Frankly, she should already be gone.

People like Noop Dogg, Giraud, Kris, the Red Head I feel will all struggle because the genre just doesn't suit them but they may surprise. Nooper is more of an R&B guy, Giraud is more of a jazzy guy, Kris more of a acoustic/artsy guy, and Red Head is a rocker. Again, it will come down to song choice so it will be interesting to see what these guys pick.

We got ourselves a series!

Caps needed a win in Game #3 and came up HUGE! Now that was playoff hockey. It was the first time that the Caps looked like they were comfortable and knew what they were doing in the playoffs. They didn't play like they were pressing or anything. They played with passion and control. Boudreau had said that we played pretty well in the first two games and probably good enough to win in the regular season but that effort won't cut it in the playoffs. To win in the playoffs, you need great goaltending, you need to play great defense, you need to be able to crash the net and be scrappy around the net, you need to be willing to sacrifice your body on checks and blocking shots, and you need to show control and not take stupid penalties. The Caps did all of the above last night and we were rewarded with a strong win.

One of the big stories was the play of Simeon Varlamov. I love this kid. He came up with some tremendous saves and you need that in playoff hockey. In every game, the goalie of the winning team will need to come up with a couple of great saves and he did that. I also love that he again gave Avery a shot at the end of the game and frustrated the frustator. All night Avery was angry and we turned the tables on him. I also love how we showed control and didn't get baited in by Avery. Avery gave John Erskine a shot to the face and Erskine didn't respond. If he did, he could have easily pulverized the scrappy Avery but he showed control and let Avery take the penalty. That is what we need. It was just another difference b/t last night and the previous two games in that we demonstrated poise and control. Going back to Varlamov, I just can't say enough about the kid. He played like a seasoned vet and the guy that can carry this team. I don't want to put too much on the guy and too much on two playoff games but still, I love what I see from him.

I also have to say that the entire team was much more aggressive and we didn't just settle for outside shots or have individuals try to take it on their own to make something happen. We got close to the net and we were scrappy and we hit the ice when we needed to. Loved the play where Ovie got on the ice to block the shot and then Varlamov came up big with a save and then the two of them gave each other slaps on the back for good play. It was indicative of the night on how guys were sacrificing and confident in each other. Also, Backstrom's passes all night were fantastic. The last assist to Poti was perfect in that Poti made a run to the net. Backstrom saw him and did a backhand, no look perfect pass to him for the easy goal.

The other big thing about last night's game was that we jumped out to the lead and then the play of the game was when the Rangers had a break and their guy hit the inside of the post and the puck bounced behind Varlamov and then the Caps came right down and scored making it 2-0. Essentially, it was a two point swing because the Rangers almost tied it. We were able to take the crowd out quickly and many of their fans were walking out midway through the third period. All in all just a perfect game.

As great as the game was, we have to gear up for Game #4 tomorrow night. No question the Garden will be rocking again and the Rangers will come out with more drive. The pressure has really shifted to them because another loss ties the series and will send it back to D.C. for Game #5. It should be a good one. I expect more of the same. I also expect the Rangers to play with more passion. The keys to the game will be to jump out to the lead and again, to play with control and as a team.

Monday, April 20, 2009

NFL Draft - Redskins and Dirty Sanchez

Alright, I am getting worried. The draft is this coming Saturday and the more I tune in, the more I hear about Snyder loving Sanchez and wanting to go after him (Peter King has a good article on this>). This scares me. Not only do we not need a QB but there is no guarantee with Sanchez. He really doesn't have much experience, he plays in a weaker conference, and he plays on USC where they are talent rich. Not to mention that we will have to trade up to get Sanchez meaning we will have to give up draft picks.

I am very concerned about this and am hoping that we do the right thing and go either O line or D line

Caps MUST win tonight.

So a very disappointing loss on Saturday. Caps started Varlamov and he played well. He wasn't really tested too much but he made all of the stops he needed to and the one goal he let in wasn't his fault. It was a two on one break and the Rangers executed it perfectly.

The Caps had plenty of shots but few of them were quality shots. It really looks like the Caps are pressing. Ovie looks like he is trying to do too much and it just doesn't look very crisp out there. It really looks like we are panicking. We take a lot of shots from far out and it seems like there are 3 or 4 Rangers in the way to block the shots so few are getting through.

As tough as the situation is right now, a win tonight will do wonders. We can make it 2 to 1 in the series and the pressure shifts to the Rangers because should they lose Game 4, they would be forced to come back to D.C. with a tied series. Perhaps playing away will take some pressure away from the Caps as well. Who knows? All I know is that it is a must win because if we lose, the series is pretty much over.

A couple of interesting notes: Jeff Schultz didn't play in Game 2 as he was replaced by Brian Pothier who had a nice game.

Also, I did like the aggressiveness of Varlamov. I really liked that he took a jab at Avery early on knocking him down. It showed that he wasn't going to be intimidated by the bully.

I expect Varlamov to get the nod again tonight and hopefully we can give him some goals and support tonight.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Theo or Varlamov?

So the big question going into tomorrow afternoon's game is will it be Theo or Varlamov. CSN replayed the Caps/Rangers game last night (not sure why unless it was meant to upset us even more) and I got a chance to see Theo's performance again.

It was uneven at best. The first goal was terrible; however, the next two seemed to be just really great shots that were taken when the Rangers were on a power play. The last one was when Schultz tripped over the blue line and allowed the Ranger come in unmolested. I don't understand the technicalities of hockey goaltending and from what I understand Theo may have been wise to come out from the net some to take down the angles but that also leaves much of the goal exposed behind him for a pass or a rebound.

I am not a huge Theo fan and I expected more from him. Frankly, I was disappointed we weren't able to resign Huet from last year given that he was so instrumental in our road to the playoffs. However, we are what we are and a decision needs to be made on who are goalie will be.

I still say Theo. Much like yanking a QB, you can't take the decision lightly. Theo is a veteran and has been in situations like this before. He has been our #1 all year and deserves the opportunity to get us back on track. The other thing is that it's not like Theo is backed up by Marty Brodeur or someone. He is backed up by a 20 year old kid with 6 NHL games to his name. Everyone loves the backup QB or the backup goalie but there is no guarantee that the backup is going to light it up. I understand that it's a tough predicament but I think the right thing to do is play Theo but keep him on a tight leash. If he struggles early, pull him. I understand this might be more damaging to his psyche than not starting him but it's the playoffs and there isn't time to not perform.

The other things to watch out for is, again, the Sean Avery effect and not allowing him to get to the Caps. No question he will be on the mind of some of the Caps (namely Mike Green who was tripped up by him on the Rangers first goal and checked over the railing by Avery in the game). That is Avery's job and much like Matthew Barnaby and Tie Domi, he does it very well. His pestering and annoyances can take the focus off of players and create scoring chances for his team. We have to be aware of him and what he does and not get caught up in his antics.

One other thing I noticed watching the game was how poorly we were passing the puck. I haven't seen a Cap game where players were not able to get their passes on to their teammates sticks. The passes were bouncing or at their feet. They were all over the place but the sticks. This takes away from scoring opportunities. Not sure if this was nerves or what but that definitely needs to be corrected.

It's tough because the extra day only gives the players more time to think about the previous game and the series and the importance of winning Game #2. All the pressure is on the Caps. Will be interesting to see how they come out. It's a 2 pm Saturday start on national tv so this will also be interesting to see how the different start time has an effect on the players. It probably takes some of the players out of their routines national tv will only add to the pressure.

Looking forward to the game and all of the games within the game. LETS GO CAPS!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Madden retires

Kind of hard to believe. You kind of assume that Madden will be there forever. Still, it was time. He's 73 years old and I'm sure the demands of broadcasting have gotten too much for him.

Will be curious who will get the spot opposite Michaels. While it won't be the same, it will be fine. Frankly, we don't watch football because of Madden. We watch football because it's football.

Giraud voted out but saved by judges

So Giraud got the least number of votes but was eventually saved by the judges. I knew that if any one but Rounds was voted off, they would use their save. Rounds is so lucky. She has been bad the last several weeks but she has a strong following that has helped to keep her in the show. She is not in the same class as the rest of the field.

What was also interesting was that Noop Dogg was in the bottom three yet again after giving probably his best performance to date. The thing is that at this point it is becoming a popularity contest. Kris and Gokey had terrible performances but Kris is the cute one and Gokey is guy with the good voice who tragically lost his wife. They have a strong following. Again, Rounds has been terrible but has a decent following. Despite Noop's performance, he was in the bottom three because he doesn't have the same type of following.

The tough part about the save was that two people will be kicked off next week AND the theme is disco. This will be tough. Frankly, I think Noop will REALLY struggle with this one. Disco is more upbeat with dancing and he cannot do that. I expect him to have some problems with that one. Honestly, I think a lot of guys will have trouble with the disco theme. Giraud is a jazzier kind of guy and he seems like he will struggle. I don't see Kris doing well. Red Head has a raspy, rocker type voice so she might have issues. Not sure about Gokey. Frankly, I only see Lambert and Rounds have decent opportunities here. Lambert always puts on a good show and I can see him changing his look and dancing around yelling and exciting the crowd again. Rounds has, yet again, a great opportunity to shine. She could sing songs by Donna Summer or Gloria Gaynor or someone like that that suit her voice/style. She has been given opportunity after opportunity to shine and she has always disappointed. This is another golden opportunity for her and we'll see if she can take advantage of it.

Caps Lose!

Very disappointing! We really needed to win the opening game. Now the pressure is on that Game #2. Frankly, the Rangers did their job and they could afford to lose the second game. Winning that one would be a huge bonus for them.

It's tough because we have a young team and they will no doubt feel the pressure on Saturday's Game #2. I'm worried that they will really be pressing.

Watching last night I was disappointed with Theodore. Again, he was a concern going into the game and he didn't do anything to qualm the concerns. The first goal was a soft shot from Gomez from a bad angle and it went right through him. The other goals weren't as bad but he didn't do anything remarkable and, if anything, looked pretty shaky the entire night. Conversely, Lundqvist looks much more comfortable/confident out there. This is a big concern because I almost feel like the Caps players feel like they have to make up for Theo's shortcomings and know that they are facing a very good goalie. Again, this only adds to the pressure of a young team.

In order to advance in the playoffs, you need good goaltending and right now we aren't getting that. The thing is I don't think you can make a change right now. If you did, you are basically saying to Theo we have lost all confidence in you and you have ruined him for the rest of the playoffs. I say give him another shot in Game #2 and hopefully he steps up. If not, time for Simeon Varlamov. Although that would be difficult if we were down 2 games to none and had to go to NY for Game #3. Tough task for a young goaltender. However, looking from another perspective, it would be an opportunity for Varlamov to prove he can be the guy. This would be my plan but I'm not the coach.

The other concern is the Sean Avery effect. That guy is a jerk and he is paid to be one. I'm sure he is getting to the Caps players and guys like that are a real pain in a series because you know he is going to be a jerk and he can take players out of their game. That is what he does. He was a pain last night and we cannot afford to let him get to us. Easier said than done. There is a lot of intensity in playoff hockey and again, we are young so a guy like Avery can make a difference.

Game #2 is Saturday at 2 pm. I'm still confident in this team but we have to protect our house!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rock the Red!

It all starts tonight. The opening round of the NHL playoffs. The #2 seeded Caps will be hosting the #7 seeded Rangers. Everything that happened in the regular season is done and over with and the second season starts. It's important for the Caps to get a victory tonight and take that 1-0 series advantage. They are a young team that feeds off of momentum so a win would make a big difference. It will also take the pressure off of having to win Game #2 should they lose tonight.

Keys to the game will be the goalie play of Jose Theodore. He was a big offseason acquisition but started the season terrible. He picked it up as the season went along but we are going to need him to play big in the playoffs. Last year, we got great goaltending from Cristobal Huet. If we get anything as good as that, we will be fine.

The other key will be controlled aggression. As mentioned, the Caps key players (Ovie, Semin, Green, Backstrom) are young. No doubt they will be pumped up going into the game. However, they cannot get so pumped up that they get carried away and make mistakes. They need to play within themselves and the system. We are the better team. We just need to show it.

I'm really looking forward to the game tonight. Rock the Red and LETS GO CAPS!!!

A.I. Grades

Decent show last night. As always there were some winners and there were some losers. Here are my grades:

1. Red Head: B-. She is a good singer and has a good voice and as I always say, does not sound at all like she is 16 years old. Still, the performance of that Aerosmith song wasn't great. It was just alright for me. Nothing really spectacular about it.

2. Noop Dogg: A-. Perhaps his best performance so far. Great song choice with Adams, "Everything I Do, I do it for You." He nailed the vocals (as he normally does) but more importantly, he was dressed half way decent and he gave a very good performance. He sold the song to us. This is what he needs to do. Continue with the slower songs and give it the R&B flavor. He has a very smooth voice and it suits R&B. I really enjoyed the performance and it should help put Nooper back in the running. Given that he has been in the bottom three the last couple of weeks, it will be interesting to see if he finds himself there again after giving such a strong performance.

3. Lambert: A. When I heard he was going to sing "Born to be Wild" I didn't think it was going to come across that great but he did a very good job. Once again, he put on a great performance. The guy knows how to look and act like a rock star. It's a talent and a credit to him. He does a great job with the lighting and working the stage. He knows how to get the crowd hopping and it's something that you have or you don't have. It can't be taught and it's something that he certainly has.

4. Gokey: B-. He sang "Endless Love" and he just didn't sell it. It was good that he tried something different but that song requires more of a "tender" voice and he just doesn't have it. Also, he has that perpetual grin on his face and it doesn't work when singing that kind of song. The vocals were just okay for me too. Probably the worst performance I have seen from him.

5. Giraud: B. He tried to back to the piano which was a good idea. It's one of his stronger points. The song started out good but as Randy mentioned, he screwed it up at the bridge of the song. He tried to do too much with it and it didn't work. He should have just kept it softer and he would have been okay.

6. Kris: C+. I didn't know the song he was singing so it's hard for me to compare it to the original but it all just seemed pretty weak to me. The vocals were weak and the performance was weak. It looked like he was trying to be tender but came across kind of cheesy.

7. Rounds: C. The worst of the night. She took a classic song and try to give it an R&B flavor. The problem was that it was neither classic nor R&B. It was kind of just in the middle of those two and it didn't come out well. I am a little sympathetic towards her because I think she is trying to take the judges comments and work with them but it isn't working and she is further losing herself. The only good thing is that she looked pretty good. I know that that is a Paula comment but that's about the only good thing from her performance yesterday.

In conclusion, I expect Rounds, Kris, and probably Giraud in the bottom three with Rounds leaving. It's time for her to go. She has just lost herself and can't seem to recapture what it was that got her to this place.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A.I. Tonight

It's down to the final 7 and the theme tonight is movie songs. Will be interesting to see what Nooper comes up with. For goodness sake, hopefully he dresses reasonably well. It's pretty clear though that his fan base isn't as strong as the others and regardless of how well he does, he will probably find himself in the bottom three tomorrow.

Kris, Rounds, Giraud, Red Head, and Nooper all need to have strong performances tonight.

I expect Gokey to have another strong but not extraordinary performance. Lambert is always interesting so looking forward to hearing him.

Prediction for bottom three without even hearing them: Nooper, Rounds, Red Head.

Paulus Works out for the Pack

So after a promising start to his Duke career as a point guard, Greg Paulus was relegated to backup with very limited minutes his senior year. So what does he do? He goes and tries out for the G.B. Packers. Interesting move.

Though Paulus, from Syracuse, N.Y., opted for the Blue Devils as a basketball player, he is not without some serious football credentials. He was offered a football scholarship by Notre Dame as well as the University of Miami, and was a former Gatorade football player of the year at Christian Brothers Academy.

Paulus, 6-foot-1, 180 pounds, was a four-time all-state football player; a starter in the U.S. Army All-American game; and set six state passing records. Christian Brothers was 42-3 during his time there, and he had 11,763 career passing yards and 152 touchdown passes in 45 games.

Not sure what will come from all of this but it makes for an interesting little story.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dirty Sanchez a Skin?

So on Kiper's latest mock draft, he has Mark Sanchez going to the Skins at pick #13. If this happened, it would be very upsetting. Not just because I am a JC fan and think he is deserving of being the #1 QB and proving that he can be a franchise QB but more importantly, we have other pressing needs (OT, DE, LB). The Skins have taken the position of drafting the best player regardless of position on the draft board but I don't like that. We have some specific needs that need to be addressed. If all of their primary options are taken by pick #13, trade down for more picks. Do NOT pick Sanchez. College QBs are hit or miss in the first round. You have to pay top dollar for them and you never know what you are going to get. Sanchez has only started 16 collegiate games and he has been the beneficiary of having the most talented team in the country. Now he may very well end up being good but the Skins should not even be entertaining the thought of drafting the guy based on our needs.

Well, draft day is less than 2 weeks away so we'll find out who goes where.

Golston resigns

Good move. Gives us decent depth. Golston is not a superstar but he is productive. I assume that Haynesworth and Griffin will be the starters and it's good to have Golston and Montgomery there for depth. They are both young and solid. Now we just need to fill in the other DE spot.

Kevin Gregg vs. Carlos Marmol

So the Cubbies are 4-2 so far this year. A decent start to hopefully a great year. There is some issue as to who the closer should be. Last year, Carlos Marmol was the set up man to Kerry Wood. Kevin Gregg was the closer for the Marlins and apparently had decent success. This year, Wood is off to Cleveland and the Cubbies brought in Kevin Gregg. There was an open competition in spring training for the closer's spot and Gregg won it. I don't know Gregg; however, I have seen him in two games so far and he lost one of them and struggled a bit in the other. On the other hand, Marmol has been lights out. That guy's stuff is just plain filthy. Apparently he was disappointed in not getting the closer's spot and maybe he is making a push for it now.

The closer's role is difficult and it takes a special person to take on that role. Maybe Marmol is too young and doesn't have the make up yet but we need to see better stuff from Gregg or there will have to be a change. The Cubbies are built to win it all and we need to have our best people in the best positions to help us win. I am not giving up on Gregg by any means. He was given the closer's spot in spring training and I assume deserved it and you can't make a change too quickly. However, continued erratic pitching will warrant a change. The biggest issue with Gregg has not been the hits he has given up but rather he is walking guys and putting tying/winning runners on base. That cannot happen. Again, we'll see if he improves. The Cubbies have their home opener today and another couple of shaky outings will really get the crowd against this guy. Hopefully he improves.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bye, Bye, Scott!

The right choice was made. Scott had a terrible performance the other night. Sadly, when it was determined that he had the lowest number of votes and had an opportunity to be saved by singing again, he was worse than before. He tried to be a power balladeer and he is not. His voice is not strong enough and when he pushes it, it just sounds like screeching and yelling. Again, the right decision was made.

Interestingly, Noop Dogg was in the bottom two again and was only spared the bottom spot by a mere 30,000 votes. Despite his solid performance, he still found himself very close to being eliminated. I think it is telling that Noop just doesn't have the fan base to support him on the show. The tough part is that he is actually one of the better singers in the field. However, the guy cannot dress. I mean even last night he looked silly. He just wears these plain sweaters that don't do anything for his image. The guy is tall and lanky and clean cut and when he puts on the hum drum clothes he looks like Mr. Rogers. The guy needs a little edge to him. All the other contestants have taken advantage of the stylists the show offers and have come out looking more like stars. However, Noop looks as though he has bypassed all the stylists preferring to allow his mom to continue to dress him in Garanimals. That is probably his biggest problem.

Next week Noop should make sure to sing another slow song that focuses on his vocals because that is all he has going for him. We can only hope he wears something other than a weird sweater or member's only type of jacket.

On to the Final 7!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So here are my grades:

1. Gokey: B+. The guy is consistently good but he is getting boring to me. There isn't anything that is "wowing" me with him anymore. It seems like the same type of performance week in and week out. I like him and think he has a good voice but he really needs to do something to push him over the top. That something would be to try a different type of song or to put on a better performance. Just something that will remember that he is unique and different. The other issue he has is that he just looks like Downey, Jr.'s shorter, chubbier, funnier looking younger brother. Not the best look. Still, he got the show started off on a good foot.

2. Kris: C-. After two strong weeks, he really lost the momentum last night. Very disappointing. I was actually coming around to enjoy him and think he might have an outside shot at this thing. What made him so good the last couple of weeks was that he took songs and made them his own. He had good arrangements and did good jobs bringing in the guitar and piano and backup singers and placing them all in the right spots and doing a good job. Last night was the exact opposite. The song choice sucked. Where he was position was a bad move and the arrangement was terrible. Disappointing after two such strong weeks.

3. Lil Rounds: D. She was the most disappointing to me last night. I agreed with most of the judges comments. I suppose I have expected more from her and week after week now she has disappointed. I believe she is capable of singing but it's been about three weeks since we have seen a halfway decent performance from her. Each week, it's like I think she will do better next week and she only disappoints more. She basically did a bad copycat of Tina Turner and it did not work. She would have been better off trying to make the song her own than trying to do a complete copycat. She should be off the show soon.

4. Noop Dogg: B+. Great job of getting back to a slow song that shows off his vocals and limits his movements. Once again, a TERRIBLE job with his outfit. What is up with the green striped sweater? It's almost like someone is trying to sabotage his wardrobe and Nooper is colorblind so he can't tell the difference. Still, the performance was solid and hopefully he has lived for another week. Actually, I think his good to bad to good performances probably give him some more attention as opposed to a Gokey who seems to have just kind of peaked and plateaued. If he is in the bottom three again this week it will be pretty telling that his fan base has left him. For the future (if there is one for him on the show), he should stick with the slower songs that focus on his vocals and limit his movements.

5. Scott: D-. Horrible. The guy does not belong in the contest. His voice is well below the caliber of the rest of the field. Before he sang, I actually thought he had picked a decent song for his voice. He is more of a soft rock kind of guy but he butchered the song. When he tried to hit the high note, it was like the sound I make when I pinch both my testes as hard as I can (for the record, I only do this when I am very upset about something to try and make me forget about what I am upset works very well). Seriously, this guy is terrible. This is not a competition of how good a blind guy can sing. This is an open competition and I admire him for what he has been able to accomplish but frankly the guy is not good and doesn't deserve to be in the competition anymore.

6. Red haired girl: B. Solid performance. Again, I am surprised at how mature her voice is. She does not sound like a 16 year old. Good performance but not great.

7. Giraud: A-. Like Nooper, he went back to what works. He put on the hat and got the Timberlake look going again and played up his jazzy side. That works for him. He also took a Stevie Wonder song and unlike Lil Rounds, really made it his own. That is why it worked. If you take a song done by a classic artist and sing it exactly the way it was originally sung, it is a recipe for disaster because you will never be able to compete with the original. However, when you put your own spin on it, it is now your song and if you do it well, it will really work. Giraud nailed it and did a really good job and at that point, in my mind, was the best of the night.

8. Lambert: A. I don't really like this guy but he nailed it. Great song, great lighting, and even better performance. The thing you have to like about Lambert is that week after week he changes the types of songs he sings. Whereas Nooper and Giraud and Gokey are proving to be one trick ponies, Lambert is mixing faster paced songs with slower songs and doing it well. He is by far the best performer in this group. I'm not sure if he is the best singer but no question he puts on a show. He seems like he has been a drama queen his whole life but because of that, he is able to almost act out the song. By doing that, he makes you really feel like we are connecting with him. I don't know if he has anything to do with the lighting but he nails that too. I like the fact that he is bold in his song choices and his arrangements. He doesn't stick with any one type of song but mixes them all up and does it well. He was deserving of the best performance of the night. He's the guy I hate to like but he is beginning to separate himself from the field.

It will be interesting who is in the bottom 3 tonight and who gets kicked off. My choices for bottom 3: Rounds, Scott, and Kris with Scott packing his bags.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Idol Tonight

So the theme is 80s music. I love it! Strange because many of these guys were barely even alive in the 80s. Dag! I'm old. Anyhoo, looking forward to the contest. I have been a Noop Dogg supporter but he really has struggled with his performances and will need to step up big time tonight to continue his stay on the show. It's a tough genre for him because, in my mind, Noop is at his best when he just stands there and sings a slow song. When he tries to dance and move around, it looks kind of corny. Still, the 80s music is largely silly, fun type of music and not conducive to the standing alone at the mic. Noop has struggled with his song choices so we'll see what he chooses tonight.


The Cubs won their opener and are undefeated! Only 161 more games to go. I think this is the year they go undefeated! Sadly, they will then get swept in the first round of the playoffs! No! That is impossible! This is the year we win it all! However, I say that every year.

Seriously, I do like our chances. We have very good starting pitching in Zambrano, Harden, Dempster, Lilly, and maybe Sean Marshall. The lineup is solid with Soriano, Lee, Rami as the main producers. Adding Milton Bradley should only shore up the lineup. I love Marmol as the set up man and hopefully Gregg can be strong as the closer.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Like a Boss!

Great skit by Samberg!

Friday, April 3, 2009

JC is a class act

So after all the Cutler trade talk, the Redskins are trying to do damage control with JC and repair the relationship. Jim Zorn had a long conversation with JC yesterday and has always shown his support for JC. Frankly, it seems like JC is fine with his teammates and coaches but does hold some harder feelings towards Snyderatto.

In speaking with Michael Wilbon, JC said, "I still went and worked out. My teammates said, 'Jason, why are you here?' And I told them: 'I'm still the quarterback of this team until they get rid of me. You haven't seen the best of me. I'm not here for ownership. I won't miss days working out with you, and I won't miss time preparing for the season. Who knows? A trade may not work out.' "

Campbell acknowledged that he was disappointed in having his name involved in the trade speculation, "but you can't let that get to you. You really just have to understand what it is. That's the business side of it and you have to go do your job still."

Campbell said he spoke with Coach Jim Zorn after completing his workout today at Redskins Park and said that Zorn was very supportive and encouraging, telling him that they are in this together and that Campbell is his quarterback.

"That meant a lot to me," Campbell said, "to know that he's behind me and he's been behind me all along. You need to have that trust with your head coach because he's the one I'm going to be dealing with most of the time. I know that the coaches and my teammates are behind me. I trust them. That means a lot to me."

JC is all class. I really like this kid and I sincerely hope he has a monster year not because I am a Skin fan but because I am a Jason Campbell fan. What's interesting is that many fans didn't want the Cutler trade to go through and because of what has transpired, JC has garnered a lot of respect and many fans are feeling the same as me in hoping he has a big year. I really hope it all works out for him.

P.S. Cutler could probably take a lesson or two from JC on how to be a professional.

Bears sign Pace

Shortly after signing Cutler and giving up first round picks, the Bears tried to help out their O line by signing Orlando Pace. It's a 3 year, $15M deal with the first year payout being $6.1M. Pace will be 34 years old by mid season and has battled injuries the last few years. It will be interesting to see what he has left in the tank. It will also be interesting to see where he plays on the line. He has spent his career at LT. However, the Bears have their second year player Williams (who was injured all of last year) that plays LT. One of them will have to bow out and probably play RT. Williams is probably the more talented at this point but Pace is the more respected. The Bears are an interesting group this year. They still play in a weak division so they have a chance to have success this year. I am interested to see how Cutler and the Bears do. It's a critical year for Lovie because with the moves, I'm sure the organization is expecting them to compete with the Vikings for the division and if they struggle, it will be the end for Lovie.

Personally, I think Pace is too old and injury plagued. He will be okay but nothing spectacular. Cutler will struggle with the new team, the weather, and lack of WRs and cry.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cutler is a Bear!

Cry Baby Cutler goes to the Bears for two first rounders and a third rounder and Kyle Orton. I guess they weren't as committed to Orton as they said. Now they just need to get some WRs for him to throw the ball to. Actually, I have never really thought about Cutler much until yesterday when rumors were flying around about him coming to the Skins. I am actually interested in watching what he does next year. It could be a good move for the Bears. He certainly has the arm strength to battle the weather in Chicago. We'll see how he takes to his new team and fans and how he likes being in a big city/market.

As far as the Skins and JC go, I am disappointed at the lack of respect they have shown JC. I really think he is deserving of this year to prove if he is indeed the franchise QB. He will have it now (barring some weird transaction). The interesting thing is WRC's Lindsay Czarniak interviewed JC shortly after the trade was made and he was as calm as ever and just said that there was nothing he could do about the trade talk. He can only focus on himself and preparing himself each Sunday as the starter. He has always said that if he just plays the way he knows he is capable of playing, everything will take care of itself. Now this may be all spin but still that is the way you handle yourself like a professional. There was not crying or anger or bitterness. I am sure he has some of that bottled up and he will be playing with a chip on his shoulder this year. Hopefully he will use it to his advantage. Frankly, I hope he lights it up this year and not just because it would help the Skins but because it would help JC. Then I hope he takes every cent he can from the Redskins giving no discount. As Apollo told Rocky, when it's over, this whole town is going to owe him one big apology.

A.I. Results

Noop Dogg hung on. He was in the bottom two but thankfully Megan was kicked out. It was long over due.

Still, Noop Dogg has definitely lost his luster. He seems to have lost the momentum he had generated. The judges seem a bit tired of him and his fan base seems to have dwindled some. Again, the guy can sing but he cannot dress nor perform. No worries for him though. I am sure he will have a career in music (as will all of the remaining contestants). They all have talent and reap some success.

Crazy haired dude should be next to get ousted but we'll see. Frankly, after him, it will be interesting to see who gets kicked off each week because they are all viable finalists.

I personally still like Noop Dogg but barring a remarkable turnaround, believe he will only last a couple more weeks. I still think Gokey will win although Kris has been making a very strong push the last couple of weeks. Lambert seems to have won over the crowd and I will admit is a very good performer. I just don't think he has the chops and am annoyed that Paula drools all over the guy.

Jay Cutler...a Redskin?

So there is some talk of Cutler coming to the Skins. Apparently on the ticker yesterday on ESPN News they had the Skins were showing interest in Cutler. I don't like the news. I don't like Cutler. He is a whiner and a guy that is too fragile. Seriously, the whole thing with Denver is just nonsense. The guy got his feelings hurt and now he doesn't want to play with them any more.

As far as the news of him coming to the Skins, again, don't like his whining. Also, don't like how this news is probably affecting JC. First, they opt not to give JC an extension. I am okay with that. Sure, why not let him work with the same coach/system for the second year and see what he is capable of. As far as his age, he is in the prime of his career and now is when we should expect him to take his game to a new level. If he performs, he will probably be more expensive than if we signed him now. However, if he doesn't, than perhaps we will have to think about going in another direction. Frankly, it is going to be a crucial year for both Zorn and JC and they both better have success if they intend on keeping their jobs.

JC has at least publicly shown that he is okay with not being offered an extension. He says that as long as he plays the way he knows he is capable of playing, it will all take care of itself. He seems confident in his abilities and raising the level of his play and becoming the franchise QB. However, with the Cutler news, I'm sure it has to be upsetting. It's similar to how Cutler got upset with the news of Cassel coming in. The organization isn't showing much faith in JC. I don't really like that. I'd really like to see what JC is capable of this year and also I don't really want to see a prima donna like Cutler leading the team.

Cutler has interest from a number of teams, namely the Jets, Bucs, and Lions. Even the Bears are in the running and would probably be willing to give up their #18 pick and Orton for Cutler so we'll see where he eventually winds up. However, I am just not thrilled with the Cutler to D.C. news.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A.I. thoughts

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with almost all of the performances. Sure some were better than others but all in all I expected more from the group given the theme. Anyway, here are my grades/comments on each:

1. Noop Dogg: B-. It's clear the guy can sing but more and more I realize the guy doesn't have the kind of stage presence needed and his clothes still suck. I think he tried to listen the judges comments last week and go with a more upbeat song but he is at his best singing slower songs. Not only does that suit his voice better but then he can limit his movements which have proven only to hurt him. I suppose I am more disappointed in Nooper because he seems like he knows himself as an artist and his strengths and weaknesses and I expect him to do a better job with his song choices. People need to recognize that just because they like a song doesn't necessarily mean they can sing/perform it well. As Robs has mentioned previously, if you close your eyes and just listen to his voice it's good. However, watching him just brings the performance down. I agreed largely with Randy's comments. Basically, he said, good vocals and bad performance. Again, Nooper should have stuck with the slower, love songs because he is starting to lose his luster. I think he will be safe this week but he has to start picking it up.

2. Megan: F. She is just out of her league. I am getting REAL tired of her weird voice and stiff movements. I am also getting real tired of her arrogance. For the second week in a row the judges basically said she sucks and shouldn't be on the show anymore and she just smiles stupidly and says, 'I liked the song and I have my fans so screw you!' She has got to go.

3. Gokey: A-. Another good performance. It stood out a bit more since the other performances weren't that great. Still, the guy doesn't really have the "look." He looks like the smaller, chubbier, goofier looking brother of Robert Downey, Jr. He still didn't do anything to "wow" me but it was definitely a good performance.

4. Red Haired Girl: B-. It started out decent but the chorus parts didn't have the "strength" I thought it needed. I will say that she does not sound like a 16 year old at all. The judges got on her for her outfit. I really didn't care about that. The song was just a little weak for me.

5. Crazy Haired Dude: C+. I agree with the judges that this was his best performance to date. He was the first contestant last night that I felt picked a good song that suited him. I see him singing Billy Joel, James Taylor, James Ingram or something along those lines. Softer songs that use the piano. He is at his best behind the piano and I commend him for his song choice. However, I wasn't crazy about the arrangement and his voice is still kind of weak in my opinion.

6. I missed Rounds and Giraud so I have no comment on either of them.

7. Lambert: B-. He is the opposite of Nooper. He shrieks like Axl Rose (in fact, I would actually like to hear him sing some GNR) so I don't care much for his vocals. However, he knows how to put on a good performance. He can capture the audience and that is his strong point. I will say that I am really sick of Paula. Half the time I don't even understand what her comments are. It's like she is trying to come across as really technical and deep but she just comes across stupid. Her comments to Lambert yesterday comparing him to legends Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler are ridiculous. Clearly, she is just in love with this dude and has lost her sense of providing any fair comments on his performance. She's an idiot.

8. Kris: B+. Kris is interesting because for most of the season I have felt that he is largely forgettable. However, the last two weeks he has put on some strong performances and good arrangements taking songs and making them his own. He has done this effectively and done well playing both the guitar and keyboards. Suddenly, he actually seems like he is in the mix. I still think he is just on the periphery but he has definitely made some strides in this competition.

Again, all in all, I wasn't amazed by any one person. Some performances were better than others. It will be interesting to see who gets eliminated. My thoughts are still that Megan and Crazy Haired Dude should be eliminated before anyone else. We'll see what happens.