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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Theme for tonight's A.I. is...

Top Downloads. That leaves it pretty much wide open to the recent popular songs. I expect all the contestants to find something that suits their strong points. It will be a critical performance for all the contestants because they will have the opportunity to pick something that they really like as opposed to being pigeon holed into the Grand Ole Opry or R&B. Given that, we should expect to see really great performances tonight. Mediocre or poor performances should be really trampled on since the theme is pretty wide open.

Good luck contestants.

Daniels Expected to be back with the Skins

HOORAY!! We got Wynn and now Daniels all we need now is to bring back Mann, Manley, Mondo, Bam Bam, and Dickie LaRue and we'll be set!

Actually, I am okay with this signing. He is supposed to sign a one year, veteran minimum contract so it doesn't really hurt. He is coming off of knee surgery but he is supposedly 100% so it's not bad. He's a big body that can be pretty effective. We could certainly use a young stud at DE but given that we are really lacking any depth there, the move is good. Daniels and Wynn can be pretty effective on first and second downs and Chris Wilson is good for third and longs.

Will be interesting who we take in the draft at #13. Biggest needs are RG/RT, DE, and outside LB probably in that order.

Idol Tonight

Not sure what the theme is tonight but for goodness sake, Meghan has got to go. I almost don't even care what/how she performs, she is not in the same league as the others.

Also looking forward to seeing Noop Dogg, Giraud, Gokey, and Lambert. These guys should be in the Final Four. Given the comments by the judges from last week, I am interested in the choice of song by Noop Dogg as well as seeing if he can get his clothes straightened out. Time to stop with the '80s style Members Only jackets and get with the times, Noop!

More Nooper - Pre Idol

Tony Bennett named UVA BB coach

Never heard of him. Seems a little disappointing to me. Would have liked for them to have made a move for Anthony Grant (the VCU coach that took the Alabama job). Grant apparently is a very good recruiter and has served under Billy Donovan. He seems like a young, sharp guy that will have success.

Who knows maybe Bennett will be decent. He had some success at Washington State. However, he is moving to the ACC and it's whole new ball game in that conference. He also will have to adjust to the culture of the east coast. I'd like to see UVA improve and I'm not sure this is the right guy but he deserves a chance.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Giraud in the Bottom 2. WHAT?!!!

So interesting elimination show on A.I. yesterday. Giraud was in the bottom two with Sarver. Fortunately, Sarver got kicked off. Frankly, even if Giraud had gotten the least amount of votes, I am sure the judges would have kept him on the show. The guy is deserving of going much further in the competition.

Equally surprising was the fact that tattoo blondie wasn't even in the bottom three. The thing that got me was that she showed no worries at all yesterday as if she knew she wouldn't be put into the bottom three. She had this goofy face and either seems very confident in herself or is just a moron that doesn't care because given her performance the other night, she should have easily been the one eliminated. Perhaps, people are just caught up in her looks or perhaps it's the Sanjaya effect where people are interested in seeing how silly she is going to be week after week. Not sure but she is not even close to the caliber of rest of the class of singers up there.

Still, I was okay with Sarver leaving. He had run his course. Good guy, decent singer but time to go home. Frankly, I think he was happy to have gotten as far as he had gotten. I think he knew he wasn't going to win it. He just seemed elated that he had made it to the final 10 and that he would be able to go on tour with the rest of group and also that he had become a local celebrity. Good for him.

As for Giraud, this may be a blessing in disguise. I think America knows that he is a better singer than many of those left standing and getting so close to being eliminated will only get his supporters to vote more for him so I expect Giraud to be safe for several more weeks...assuming he continues to put on strong performances.

For me, Noop Dogg is still my boy and I'm pushing for him.

Down goes Duke!

Good thing. I can pretty much take any other team winning the tourney other than Duke. They got demolished last night. They have no inside game. No big man and no slasher to cut to the hoop. This is typical. They always rely on the outside game and three pointers. They were beaten by the bigger, more physical team.

I'm glad I don't have to see Greg Paulus anymore. The problem is that for every Paulus that leaves there is a Scheyer or Singler that replaces him.

Too bad for Paulus. The guy came out of high school as one of the best basketball and football players in the country. He was a starter pretty much his entire career at Duke and then mid way through his senior year, he was benched and saw very limited action. Probably leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Still, it was probably deserved. He got in late in the game yesterday probably when the coach thought it was out of reach just to let him finish his career on the court but he was terrible.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Noop Dogg/A.I.

So Nooper had another strong performance last night. Strong vocals where he showed a lot of range. The comments from the judges were that he needs to kick it up and have some showmanship. They liked the vocals but thought the performance was a bit boring. Fair comments. The great thing about Noop (aside from the fact he can sing) is he seems "coachable", he is smart, and he is confident. I fully expect Nooper to bring the heat next week. If he has a downside it's that he doesn't really have the "sexy" look. He is tall and lanky and kind of looks a little nerdy. Still, he has a strong following and there are many that think he is sexy so I expect him to go deep into the competition. Below are my grades and comments on the individual performers.

Noop: B plus - strong vocals, needs to work on his look/clothes and showmanship.

Blond Girl: F MINUS - I am tired of weird voice and even weirder movements. She seemed to brush off all of the negative comments from all the judges and said, "it's okay. I have my fans." She's attractive but it's just awkward watching/listening to her. I expect her to be out tonight.

Michael the Roughneck: D - I didn't think it was as bad as the judges thought. However, it did seem a lot like yelling. He seems like he is just enjoying the moment and being in the competition at this point and doesn't seem committed to winning it. I'm glad he is having fun and enjoying the experience but his time is running out.

Visually impaired guy: D minus - Probably a good idea for him to get back behind the piano. However, he did not have a strong enough voice for You Can't Hurry Love. It just sounded weak. He is more of a James Taylor type singer. Didn't enjoy it.

Lil Rounds: C minus - By far the most disappointing of the night. Like Kara said, I expected more from her last night with the Motown theme and she didn't do it for me. She can sing but that theme was perfect for her and she didn't nail it like she could have/should have.

Gokey: B - I like Gokey and he had a solid performance. I think the problem with him is that the expectations are high for him every week and he always delivers a very good performance but he isn't able to wow us anymore. It's like he has leveled off and I'd be afraid that his fan base is getting a little bored of him. I still expect him to go far into the competition but he really needs to do something to catch our attention again.

Lambert: A - For some reason, I still don't really like this guy but at least he molded himself to fit the music as opposed to last week where he molded the music to fit him. Definitely did a good job. I liked the unplugged version of the song. Did a good job and he'll go on deep into the competition.

Young dude with the guitar: B - He's good but not great. There is nothing special about this guy and with this field of competition, he will get lost. Seems like a nice guy that will last a couple of more weeks but he will bow out at around the final 6 or so.

Giraud: I can't comment because I only caught the end of the performance. From all accounts, he did well. I think it is good that he got away from the piano. He also seems like a guy that will go down towards the end of the competition.

Red Haired girl: No comment because I missed all of her performance.

Conclusion: I expect this competition to go down to Giraud, Gokey, Lambert, and Nooper. I suppose the good thing for all of these guys is that they will all end up having a career in music and will be able to cut a record. Good for them.

One final note: I am sick and tired of Paula. She adds nothing of value to the show. Her comments suck and she seemed to try especially hard last night to give some more "technical" type of comments but she just comes across as an idiot to me. Also, it appeared to me that Paula and Kara don't seem that close to each other. I don't know if Paula is threatened that there is another female judge now or what but I got the feel like it was just a little cold between them. I also get annoyed that Paula and Simon are constantly whispering to each other during the performances and have their hands all over each other. I'd like to give Paula a swift kick with a steel toed boot right in the arse!

Sweet 16 Baby!

So the NCAA BB Tourney kicks back up today. The featured game is probably the Villanova/Duke game tonight. I like the Wildcats but no matter what the odds, you have to suit up and play the game. That's the beauty of sports.

For the record, I was 22 of 32 in the first round games. I was 12 of 16 in the second round games. All of my Elite 8 teams are currently alive. I have Pitt, Louisville, Memphis, and UNC in my Final Four with UNC beating Memphis in the final.

Noop Dogg - Pre Idol

Just a little something showing Nooper Pre Idol when he led the UNC ocopella group. This boy can sing. Who'd of thought from an Indian boy?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Idol Update

No surprise last night with the small blond girl being booted off. She wasn't going to last. Hard to read her. She seemed kind of indifferent to being kicked off. Hard to tell if she was arrogant and didn't care to hear the comments from the judges or if she is truly upset at leaving. Whatever. She's deservedly gone and we are down to the final 11.

Motown is the theme for next week so hopefully Nooper can keep this thing going.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Renaldo Wynn rejoins the Skins

So what.


So Nooper needed to come out big last night after last week's debacle. I was worried given that it was country week and I don't see Nooper as much of a country singer. I was really concerned going into the show that he would blow it again and really lose the fan base that he has built up.

Surprisingly, he came out and did a heck of a job singing Willie Nelson's "Always On My Mind." The kid nailed it and got a big ovation and more importantly stellar comments from all the judges. In many ways he had redeemed himself for last week's train wreck.

I'm glad Nooper did well. Frankly, many of the contestants did well. Including Danny Gokey (the guy I expect to win this thing), Matt Giraud, and a few others. I will say that this is by far and away the most competitive class of "Idols" we have seen yet.

The people who I didn't really care for last night include the visually impaired guy, the girl with the tattoos, and the small girl with the blond hair with streak of pink in it. I was a bit bothered by the girl with the tattoos. I didn't think it was that great of a performance but the judges gave her good marks and credited her for coming on while being sick. Then as they were giving their comments, she was up there coughing. I kind of felt like she was milking that and trying to garner the sympathy vote. If she couldn't hold the coughing for the 2 minutes while the judges gave her their comments, how could she sing an entire song without coughing a single time?

One final note...Adam Lambert gave an interesting rendition of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." He definitely made it his own by turning it into some kind of Middle Eastern version that you would probably hear smoking dubage from the hookah naked being surrounded by 20 other drug induced naked people writhing all over each other. I didn't really like it. It sounded weird. However, I will give him credit for taking the bold direction he did. He certainly doesn't look like a country singer and it might have been worse had he try to sing it as a country song. Who knows? I don't really like him.

Just glad that 'Noop Dogg is BACK!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I missed it but heard about it this morning but that Syracuse vs. UCONN game sounds like an instant classic. Six OTs?!!!! Are you kidding me?!!! I LOVE MARCH MADNESS!!! IT'S AWESOME BABYYYY (said like Dickie V.)!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Haynesworth Indicted

Haynesworth has been indicted on two misdemeanor traffic charges in Tennessee after an accident that seriously injured another driver.

District Attorney Kim Helper says Haynesworth faces charges of reckless driving and having expired registration.

Haynesworth, a former Titan who signed with the Redskins last month, was released after surrendering Wednesday. Maximum punishment is six months in jail and a $500 fine on the reckless driving charge and 30 days and a $50 fine for the other charge.

I don't expect a whole lot to come of this. Maybe some driving classes or community service or something but I don't expect this to turn into a big deal.

'Noop Dogg Survives!

So I think America made the right choices in who they dismissed yesterday. Jorge was bad and didn't look the part so he was a goner and the 17 year old African American girl wasn't quite ready to be the Idol. She has a good voice but frankly she was just a little too young. She needs to mature a little bit and strengthen her vocals some and then she could certainly compete for the crown. I think she tried to sing more mature songs and Simon's comment to her after she sang was that she should act more her age and I couldn't agree with her more.

As far as our friend, Nooper, I didn't ever seriously think he was in danger of being eliminated. The guy has too strong a following. I know he was placed there for elimination with Jorge at the end of the show but just because he was there didn't necessarily mean he didn't get a lot of votes. I am confident he got more votes than most of the contestants. However, he was put up there next to Jorge because of his dismal performance and for dramatic effect.

Regardless, 'Nooper has to come out really strong next week if he wants to reestablish himself as a legitimate contender. Again, he has a strong following but that following will dissipate with more performances like he had the other night.

We'll see what happens. Until then...NOOP DOGG IN THE HIZZOUSE!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Say it ain't so, Ovie!

If Ovechkin wasn't the greatest player in the world, you'd think there was something wrong with this guy.


'Noop Dogg in the HIZZOUSE!!!! Looking forward to watching 'Nooper tonight do his thing. I don't think he is the best singer out there (although I do think he is pretty good). However, I think there are a lot of people that like him. I also think that given what he has been through on the show (was a unanimous choice by the judges to come back and compete for the wild card, was the last person selected by the judges to be in the round of 8 for the wild card, seemingly did not make it to the final 12 until the judges surprisingly made it the final 13 and included 'Nooper), he has by far more attention than any other contestant to this point.

I expect 'Nooper to go deep into the contest but I'm not so sure he can pull off the win. Again, he does have that likability about him and he also has a confidence about him which helps him make up for him very good but not great vocals.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Sharper becoming a Bear unlikely

The Tribune is reporting that Darren Sharper is still interested in joining the Bears but the Bears are not interested in Darren Sharper. Safety is a need for the Bears and it's intriguing that they would balk at the veteran who has spent his career playing within the division and who could provide some much needed leadership and stability in the Bear secondary.

Jermaine Phillips was resigned by the Bucs who the Bears were interested in. Former Cowboy Roy Williams is available but I don't think he would be a good fit. His pass coverage skills are an issue. He is more of a LB type. With NFL offenses becoming increasingly pass oriented, you need to have a fast FS that can cover a lot of ground and good pass intuition. Roy Williams is not that kind of guy.

Not sure what the Bears intend to do but from the Tribune's blogs Bears fans are certainly upset with the direction of the team.

T.O. lands in Buffalo

Him landing in Buffalo is a pretty good indication that there probably wasn't a whole lot of interest in the guy. If there was a lot of interest in him, I imagine T.O. would want to go to a big market team that was close to a championship. T.O. loves the spotlight and despite his claim, Buffalo is not North America's team.

I suppose in the end it works out for most everyone. T.O. gets yet another opportunity and Buffalo, who had that difficult season last year where they started out so hot only to fall apart in the end and miss out on the playoffs, gets a star player to excite their fans for the coming year. T.O. gets a one year deal where he typically is a decent teammate in the first year. He will have to be a model player, teammate, and citizen to make sure he gets is one last multiyear/multimillion dollar contract. Even Dallas should be happy for releasing him as they are in the process of cleaning house (T.O., Pacman, R. Williams) in order to get a better locker room atmosphere.

Good luck, T.O. or I should probably say "Good luck, Buffalo." You'll need it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Buh Bye, T.O.!

The Cowboys actually did a good thing by cutting T.O. Sure the guy has talent (although that seems to be waning) but he is such a locker room headache that he isn't worth it. The guy gets 18 passes thrown to him in a game and he will still cry that he isn't getting the ball enough. When he drops a ball (and he drops plenty), it's not a big deal but if the throw is too high he will have a hissy fit.

He has now been kicked off of two teams and he has had major issues with almost all of his QBs (Garcia, McNabb, and Romo). It will be interesting to see who will want to gamble on him. I just hope Danny Boy isn't thinking something stupid. He would be a disaster for JC and Zorn. Both those guys are still trying to find their way and having a T.O. would just set them back. The only way I would want to sign him is to a 1 year minimum contract where it would not be much of an issue to cut him if he started acting up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Redskins Draft

So the Redskins took care of some of their issues to FA. We definitely improved our D line with the addition of Albert Haynesworth. However, we lost Jason Taylor at DE. I don't think that is that big of deal frankly as Taylor has aged and really didn't seem like a good fit in the NFC East. He had one very good game last year (against the Eagles) otherwise he was hurt and often times looked his age getting blown of the line of scrimmage and just looked sluggish.

We also improved our O line with bringing back Derrick Dockery. I really like that pickup because he is young, talented, and knows the Skins. We still could use help at the O line since many of our guys are beginning to show their age.

I am okay with the Hall signing. He is young and a 2 time Pro Bowler and he wants to play for the Skins and is a playmaker. The guy can actually get turnovers.

So looking at our team in general:

1. I'm comfortable with the secondary. Having Hall, Landry, Horton, and Rogers gives us a very young and talented group in the defensive backfield.

2. LBs: Fletcher is solid. McIntosh is okay. We got rid of Washington (which was a good thing) and the likey replacement is Blades. He is more suited as the middle LB but I think he is pretty good so hopefully he can step it up this year.

3. D line: Need help at DE.

4. QB: I like JC and really believe he can be a franchise QB. People got on him late last year but you have to look deeper and see how poorly our O line played (in the Baltimore and Pitt games he was pressured heavily on nearly every play) and also look at our mediocre receiving corps. Again, it's not all JC.

5. RB: Portis is still one of the best out there.

6. TE: Cooley is a perennial Pro Bowler and young so no issue there. Fred Davis is also available to help.

7. WR: Very average group. Moss is decent but even he drops alot of balls. Randle El is not a #2 WR. We NEED for Thomas and/or Kelly to step up this year. They have the size and talent to be decent but they need to stay healthy, come into camp in shape, and be ready to produce. I think we will see that happen this year. They both are saying the right things in the off season and Kelly has been at the Park nearly every day working on his knee and says he wants to put any criticism of his knee to rest this year. We'll see.

As far as the draft, given the additions in FA, it does open some opportunities for us in the draft. I would still probably like to go O line as I want to make sure we can give JC the time he needs because I believe if we give him time, he will make the play. However, if there are certain players on the board at pick #13 I wouldn't mind taking Brian Orakpo. He is arguably the best DE coming out. He had a great combine and would certainly help with our much needed pass rush. Also, if one of the USC LBs are available, I wouldn't mind seeing one of them come to town.

I know we had a strong defense last year and conventional wisdom would probably dictate that we draft on the offensive side of the ball. However, as good as our defense was last year, we lacked sacks and turnovers. Both of those can have big impacts on the game. Also, by strengthening our defense even more, it would almost guarantee that we would be in every game knowing that teams would not be able to move the ball against us.

The other option regarding our pick would be to trade down to try and get more picks. Point is that we have some options with our draft pick.

Dock is back!

You couldn't hope for a better O line pickup than Dockery. I am almost excited about this pickup as I am about Haynesworth. First, we are getting a guy that can play and is young and experienced. Second, he is familiar with his other O linemates (Samuels, Rabach, Thomas, and Jansen). Third, we didn't have to overspend to get him.

It's kind of funny how he landed with us seeing how he was VERY close to be traded to the Lions. Still, I don't care how we got him, we got him. Apparently Buges was crying as he hugged him yesterday at Redskin Park as he was re-introduced as a Redskin. Dock looked happy to be back and he will certainly help us on the O line front.