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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Review - There Will be Blood

More like There Will be SHAT!

Is it me? I just don't seem to be getting some of these movies lately. It probably is me to some degree as my mind is deteriorating. Still, don't know what the big deal about this movie was. It was okay. Just didn't really see the point about the story. Maybe I wanted more from it. I will say that the acting was very good. However, I just thought there was an overall lack of story or maybe it was just that this story wasn't all for me. Either way, I was waiting for it to pick up some. Ending was pretty strange too.

Give it 2 stars and that is mostly for the acting.


Rob said...

I'll have to see it, but I think your taste is a bit different than mine - I'm not saying it is worse or better, I am just saying it is different.

I forget, what did you think of "No Country for Old Men?"

j, k, and s's d said...

Here are my thoughts on No Country for Old Men:

Good movie. Strange ending. Not what you would expect. It's interesting because I don't think there was any music in the movie. You kind of figured the Josh Brolin character would get away with it and there would be some show down with the other dude but it never materialized and the other guy ends up walking away from everything.

Then there is T.L.J. He kind of has his side story which is mildly interesting.

All in all, I was entertained and while I enjoyed the ending, it felt a little strange.

The movie left me with some questions. For instance, what happened to Brolin's wife? What happened to the Javier Bardiem character? Is TLJ just bored and wants to come out of retirement? Again, it was a different sort of movie. It was entertaining but had an atypical type of ending and I am okay with that but because it was atypical, it was a little strange.

What were your thoughts on the movie?

Rob said...

Brolin's wife was killed (in my opinion). My guess is that Bardiem just continued doing his thing until he was killed or caught (that is just what he does). I think the part where Javier is talking to the old man in the store and he flips the coin and ends up not killing the dude was cool - but it showed how ruthlessly crazy he was.

But I did not understand TLJ's thing at all. I didn't get him going into the hotel room, I didn't get the story of his dream, and I didn't get the ending at all. I watched it over and over.

Still, I liked the movie and thought it was pretty cool. If I had a big bag of money, I would immediately go somewhere, open it up and count it. I would have found the transmitter and smashed it right away and then probably moved away. But then again, that wouldn't be much of a movie.

j, k, and s's d said...

My opinion is that she was killed as well.

I figured Bardiem did as you said.

Didn't understand TLJ's story either. I'm sure there is something to it but I am not artsy enough to figure it out.

Yes, the scene in the convenience store with the coin was pretty intense. Good scene.

Not sure what I would do with the money. If I found it at that type of scene, I would probably just call the authorities because chances are if I keep it, something bad will happen to me and I wouldn't want that.

Rob said...

If I came across that scene with all of the bodies and then the one guy under the tree with the money, I'd know it was drug money.

I'd probably turn it in also, but I still would open it up and count it. To be perfectly frank, I might even pocket some of it for myself before turning it in. Who would know?

j, k, and s's d said...

It's hard to say what exactly I would do. I don't think you can say what you would actually do in those types of situations until you are actually in that situation.

I might try and pocket some of it for myself but at the same time I might be too worried to touch any of it and just call the cops.

Why would you count it? I wouldn't really care to do that.

Rob said...

I love money and if I saw that much sitting around I'd pull it out and look at it. I might not open up each stack of bills, but I certainly would count at least one of them and then count the number of stacks just to see how much was there.

When else would you ever get a chance to actually see what a couple of mil look like?

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't really love money. Money is good to have but I don't love it so I wouldn't really care to know.

Nice to know you are a greedy lil' bugger.

Rob said...

Just being honest.