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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Uh Oh, Roger!

From SI, "A tearful Mindy McCready confirmed to the New York Daily News that she carried on a longterm affair with Yankee star pitcher Roger Clemens.

“I cannot refute anything in the story,” the country singer says of reports that she met Clemens in 1990 when she was 15 years old and singing in a karaoke contest at a Florida bar."

It's amazing how quickly Roger went from being arguably the greatest pitcher in MLB history to a liar, cheater (in more ways than one), and a guy whose illustrious career has been completely tarnished.


Rob said...

He could have done what Petite did and no one would have said anything. Instead, he wagged his finger and expressed false outrage at being accused. What a f'ing idiot.

All those Republicans in Congress who cozied up to him are going to run for the exits. That's what rats do when there is a sinking ship.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree. If he had just told the truth, he could have saved his career and his reputation. Now he has ruined himself. He will be facing a whole lot more questions from not only the fans/media but now also his own family.

Again, he was one of the most celebrated players in the history of baseball and now he is a joke.

Rob said...

I'm sure there will be other women who come out of the woodwork (some true some not true) who claim they jumped on his dong.

I have to say, it is clear he isn't very bright, and he probably was delusional because he has been such a "hero" for so long. But his lawyer should have known better and should have given hiim some better advice.

j, k, and s's d said...

Rusty Hardin is as delusional, arrogant, and stupid as the Rocket. I'm sure they are just sitting in Hardin's offices stroking each others dongs saying that all these guys are idiots and we are going to come through fine.

Rob said...

Well, I am guessing that they will drop the suit against McNamee and they better pray that Roger gets convicted of anything (e.g., perjury, statutory rape) he is going to be convicted of before Bushie leaves office.

Then Bushie can pardon Roger so he doesn't have to go to jail. Bushie and Roger are old family friends.