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Sunday, April 27, 2008

ESPN's Fans Draft Grades

Just a point of interest, out of more than 8,500 voters, the Skins received a draft grade of "A" by the majority of voters (40+%). The other 60% was dispersed among the other grades.

Out of more 9,700 voters, the Bears received a draft grade of "C" by the majority of voters (27%).

I know this doesn't mean a whole lot but just thought it was interesting.

As a Skin fan, I'm comfortable with our picks. I like that we traded down a couple of times for more picks. I like the WR additions. I am a little disappointed with not taking a D lineman. Still, I like the depth we picked up at O line and CB. We seemed to have gotten some quality guys. Hopefully they pan out.


Rob said...

This is a bunch of B.S. I think there are teams that draft well and teams that don't. But, you have to look over time.

I love what the Bears did and I thought that the Redskins were OK. But we will have to see.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree. It is all subjective and good for entertainment but it is largely meaningless.

You can't really measure a team's draft until you allow some time for the draft picks to develop.

I am pretty happy with the 'Skins picks. We seem intent on developing our offense and looks like we got the guys to build that up. We have a very young and talented offense. Hopefully Zorn can bring it all together.

Rob said...

I have to say, that I liked the move to trade down. They got a player they wanted, but they still would have ended up with a good receiver prospect.

They were also able to get a couple of more picks. That is how you have to manage the draft.

The Bears had 12 picks (5 in the 7th round). But, I would be shocked if 1 or 2 of their later round picks did not emerge as real talents. Having more picks usually helps because you are going to have some busts, but if you have more picks you can afford a couple of busts.

Rob said...

Let me say this about the Redskins draft. I thought it was OK. They will run more spread offense and needed some bigger receivers. They got them with their first three picks (Fred Davis is a big receiver more than he is a tight end).

The Redskins season all will come down to JC being able to pick up the West Coast offense. They have an aging line, but with the short drops and quick passes, they won't have to be able to hold guys for the 7 step drops JC has had to do in the past. We'll see if he can pick it up and run it efficiently, but I still believe that he is not really suited for that type of offense.

D-line would really help, but they clearly went offense this year. The thinking may be that they will get in some young guys who can learn the new offense, get some experience, and then next year they can focus on O-line and D-line. It is going to take them a year to learn the offense anyway.

I like the pickup of Colt Brennan. Little risk, a lot of potential upside. He is more suited for the West Coast offense anyway. I am not suggesting that he will supplant JC in training camp, but I am saying that if JC goes down, or things just don't work out, Colt may be a guy who can work in the new system.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am curious on the thoughts at D line. Part of the curiousity is the development of Chris Wilson. He showed a lot of promise and if he can improve, he could be a legitimate starter. His problem is that he is undersized. He did see more playing time towards the end of last season and apparently he is working hard so maybe he will get more time this season.

I think JC can pick up the offense. It may take some time but the guy is a bright kid and coachable so I don't foresee a problem with that.

I am not a big fan of Colt. He lacks arm strength. He could get away with that in college but it will be difficult with the speed of the pro game. At 6' 3" and only 205 lbs., he's not that big of a kid. He needs to strengthen up. I don't think it's a terrible pick where we got him but I just don't think the numbers he posted in college will be a great indicator of his success in the pros.

Rob said...

The thing I like about the way the draft, and even the whole offseason, has been handled is that it looks like they are being patient and are going to build for the future.

This year, you get your offense through the struggles and hurdles of learning a new offense. Then, next year, you try to upgrade the D so that next year you can really compete for a playoff spot. Then by the third year, you have a chance to fill a few more gaps (perhaps with a couple of key free agents) and go over the top.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am satisfied with the draft and the direction of the team right now. We'll see how the coaching and personnel changes translate on to the field.