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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Watched this movie last night.

I think they got the name of the movie wrong. I think they meant to call it "Shitter." Movie was mildly entertaining. I would give it 2 stars. Wahlberg was a very poor man's Jason Bourne. I thought it was hilarious how in the beginning he becomes disillusioned with the government for selling himself and his partner on the mission and then goes into isolation for 3 years living off of the land. He is coaxed back into serving a special mission where the President may be assassinated. He is supposed to consult where and when the President is to be assassinated. He does all of his surveillance and such and then when it's supposed to go down, he is looking out the window with binoculars saying it's going to happen now! Do something! He turns around where a guy shoots him. He ends up being blamed for the assassination attempt and the rest of the movie he is trying to clear his name.

I thought it was kind of silly that he was able to escape from all of the security. Then he goes to his dead partner's wife's house for help and they look like they are going to get it on. I thought that was a real jerkweed move on his part. In general, thought it was too unrealistic. I either want something like Rambo where it is clear this is just a blood fest and that Rambo will be in a room with 100 of the fiercest Cambodians with tremendous amounts of weaponry but he is able to escape because he has his trusty utility knife safely tucked away in his arse. That and a couple of vials of HGH. Either that or something more believable. This was something that some where in between.

Again, it was okay but nothing great.


Rob said...

I thought it was a pretty good movie but just ended kind of suddenly and weakly.

matar-alloo said...

I thought it was a good movie. Agree that the ending was kind of weak. It was much bloodier than I expected.

Everything sucks compared to Rambo.

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