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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Redskins - Fight for 53

Redskins got down to their 53 man roster and no real surprises in the final cut. Renaldo Wynn was let go. He was old and sucked but was a decent representative of the team and seemed like a pretty good locker room guy. Still, he sucked. The thing that always got me was last year after every game, Wynn was the guy that was always being interviewed and had a lot to say but he never played. Whatever, he is gone.

Ade Jimoh was cut as well. No real loss. The only other key names cut were Omar Stoutmire, Jordan Palmer, Dallas Sartz, and Byron Westbrook (brother of Brian Westbrook). Again, no real losses here.

We did keep both Collins and Brunell but there is no decision yet on who is the #2 QB. Doesn't really matter to me. They are one and the same and capable but I am just glad JC is starting.

The other piece of news was that we signed Cooley to a long term extension and didn't have to break the bank on the guy. RobsObs was saying that everyone wanted out of D.C. and we would have to purge all our core guys. Didn't seem to happen in this case. Cooley is a good player and also a quality guy on the team. He enjoys being a 'Skin and seems to be a good team guy. All in all, I am pretty happy with the decisions the team made this year. I feel like we came a LONG way from the decisions we were making last year. We still don't have all the pieces together but still we seem like a far better team than we were last year and that is a positive sign.


Rob said...

Like the Cooley signing. As for the cuts, nothing really notable. It is good that they are going with youth, but I don't see much talent in the youth.

We'll see.

j, k, and s's d said...

They are a much better team today than they were at this time last year. They made good moves this offseason and took steps forwards. Of course, they still have problems and were not able to take care of everything but if they can continue with the same progress the next couple of years, they will be fine.

Rob said...

We'll see if they are a much better team. You seem to have a short memory. Last year, I knew the Redskins were going to be terrible, but I seem to remember you saying that they were going to the Super Bowl. You felt that they were a great team last year at this time.

To say that they are now a much better team than they were at this time last year is silly. Their D-line still appears weak and if their offensive line is as bad as I think it is going to be, the Redskins won't be much better.

Rob said...

Let me try to make my point a little clearer.

So last year, when you were arguing that the 'Skins made good moves and took steps forward by signing Lloyd, Randle El, Arch, and Carter, as well as bringing in Saunders you were just mistaken.

But this year you know they are in better shape because NOW, REALLY the Redskins have made good moves and taken steps forward.

If we agree that football is won in the trenches, then I think we can agree that things are not looking great for the 'Skins. The D-line is still suspect and the O-line looks significantly worse than last year.

j, k, and s's d said...

What is your problem? Seriously, do you just like to be an ass?

Yes, I thought they would be good at this point last season -- so did A LOT of other people. Yes, I was mistaken in thinking that. There were a number of issues that contributed to their lack of success. It was a surprise to many people how poorly they performed. We discussed this too all of last year. Do you remember that?

Yes, I think they are improved from last year. Yes, I think they made some decent moves. Still, the Redskins had several problems. They cannot fix them all just like that. They addressed certain areas and I like the signings of Betts and Cooley (young, core 'Skins guys that could have gotten more but wanted to stay in DC). I like that JC is the QB. I like that we got rid of dead weight like Arch Deluxe and Wynn. I like that we upgraded our DBs from Fox, Vincent, Arch Deluxe, Wright, Rumph, Jimoh to Landry, Smoot, Macklin, a healthy Springs. I like that we have Fletcher. A proven leader and a guy that hustles and regularly gets over 100 tackles a game. I like that we have McIntosh instead of Holdman. By all accounts, McIntosh was the second hardest worker during the offseason (only behind JC) to understand the defense and get stronger. Thus, far the changes made to the defense have panned out in preseason as the defense looks much more aggressive and sure handed in tackling.

I like bringing in Kendall. He is a huge upgrade from Wade or Pucillo. Also, it didn't make sense to spend that much on Dock and we got Kendall for a bargain.

I agree that the D line is still a little suspect. I am comfortable with the O line barring injury.

Given where we were last year, I feel that we are on the right path. Again, we could not change everything overnight.

You kept saying that people wanted out of DC and the Redskins were going to purge, blah, blah, blah. That hasn't happened.

I expect the Redskins to improve on their 5-11 season last year. Three or four more wins this year would be a nice step in the right direction. We'll see what happens.