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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

JC vs. Rexy

Given that we have had so much "discussion" on the QBs, I thought we should compare the two over the course of the season in the major statistical categories. That said, here is where we stand:

JC 28
Rexy 32

QB Rating:
JC 66.3
Rexy 55.1

Comp. %age:
JC 56
Rexy 56.1

JC 431
Rexy 305

JC 1
Rexy 1

JC 3
Rexy 3

After two weeks, it is pretty close but JC has a slight edge.


deepie said...

You forgot a big one...JC is averaging 8.6 yards per attempt...Rexy..5.4. I think this stat will be an interesting one to watch.

Rob said...

Keep up the stats all year. I am quite certain Rex will end up with much better stats in the end.

I like JC, but he will make many mistakes that most young players make.

Rob said...

Deepie, you do agree with me that JC is not tearing it up. Right?

Rob said...

FYI, I am so confident that Rex is going to break out that I am starting him over McNabb this week in our fantasy league.

You cannot stop Rex, you can only hope to contain him this week!

deepie said...

Yes, I agree. 1 TD to 3 INTs is hardly "tearing it up." Still, he's got the offense converting over 50% of its 3rd downs so far (15/29) so he's keeping drives alive with key throws. I'm not sure what Rexy's numbers are in that category, but JC's performing well enough that his team has a lot of confidence in him.

I really liked what I heard from Portis yesterday. He said that during the nearly botched drive at the end of the first half, JC was the one telling his teammates to calm down and focus on scoring in the huddle. The next play was the TD pass to Cooley. The guy is a leader and I'm glad to have him on my team.

j, k, and s's d said...

I will add that stat to the weekly list of stats.

I love JC as well. He has a quiet confidence that has filtered to the team. He knows he is the leader and the team is buying into him. Now he is proving it on the field.

I agree that JC isn't tearing it up but his decision making for the most part has been very good. He has to learn to get some of the shorter throws down a little bit but that is correctable. However, his leadership qualities and decision making are sound.

Keep in mind that you (RobsObs) said that Rexy would be much improved this year having a full year under his belt (not to mention his several years of being the starting QB and working with the starting team). JC has only started 9 games.

Rob said...

Rex will be much improved - it is 2 games in. I also said that JC would have a lot of interceptions.

Leadership is all well and good. I think it is so funny that you talk about JC's meager stats and his leadership abilities with such regard, but then you criticize Rex for largely the same types of numbers.

Rex's teammates love him and feel he is a leader. But, for you he is on thin ice. Whatever.

Rob said...

If you took Rex's first 2 games last year, you would see that he was far better than JC.

Two games doesn't mean anything. We have to look at the player's body of work over the course of a season.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree we have to look over the course of the season. I am not saying that JC has far better numbers than Rexy. The numbers are what they are and I have said that JC has a slight edge on Rexy. We will see how it plays out. I will update and post the stats weekly.

If you think that I am critical of Rexy, go look at what the Bear fans are saying on the Tribune blog. Also, Rexy's decision making is questionable. If his erratic play continues, he will soon lose the confidence of his coaches and teammates and it will be time for a change.

Again, he has a HUGE game on Sunday and it will be interesting to see if he sinks or swims.

Rob said...

I don't give a F what ignorant fans think. Your opinion is not right because some idiots on a website hate Rex. So please stop pulling out that B.S.

Just go with what you think and quit trying to justify it by saying others think the way you think.

If Lovie and the Bears lose confidence in Rex, then he will be out. Monday Morning QBs and overly-negative columnists who have never strapped it on have very little impact on whether Rex plays or not.

I don't see any reason to quit on Rex now. I fully expect him to have a great year. My opinion has not changed.

His "erratic play" is no different statistically than JC - you just want to bash the guy.

j, k, and s's d said...

Easy, Tiger. My "opinion is not right because some idiots on a website hate Rex." What does this mean? How can my opinion be wrong? It is an opinion.

I don't want to bash the guy. I personally think that he is erratic and makes silly mistakes that stem from poor decision making. He has great moments but needs to become more consistent. Right now he is the 32nd rated QB in the league. It's only 2 games into the season so lets see if it improves.

As far as JC, I have said that he has a slight edge on Rexy in the major QB stats. He is not tearing it up. However, Rexy has much more experience than JC. I do like the qualities and decision making JC shows and I believe that he will show improvement.

These are my opinions. In a nutshell, I believe that JC has more upside and he will develop better than Rexy. I may be wrong. If JC starts to throw 3 INTs a game and they are bad, I will change my tune.

We will see how both QBs play out over the course of the season.

Rob said...

The point I was trying to make is that you seem to have a need to justify your opinion by saying, "See, other people think like I do."

We'll see how JC and Rex play, but I still love how Rex is erratic, but JC has is such a great decion-maker. That is an opinion that is based on no real fact. Let's just see what happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

The majority of the people seem to think that Rexy has issues yet you defend him blindly.

JC has been rock solid. He converts the third downs when he needs. He shows confidence. JC is a strong point of the team. Rexy is a weak point of his team.

You're right in that we will see what happens as the season plays out. Rexy may very well light it up and JC might stink it up.

Rob said...

Selective memory my friend.

If not for Rex playing well, the Bears don't win against the Giants, Tampa, Detroit, and St. Louis in the second half of last year. All of those teams scored 20 or more against the Chicago defense that was weakened by the losses of Harris and Brown.

The Bears also probably do not win against Seattle an New Orleans if he doesn't make some of the big plays he made.

I don't want to rehash all of this, but the fact is that Rex was a major contributor for the Bears last year. I would even say that if they had a weak QB, they would not have gotten home field in the NFC and would not have made the Super Bowl.

We'll see.