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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Redskins 2-0!

Great win last night. Especially, given that Philly was coming off of a tough loss, it was a divisional game, Philly was playing at home, and it was Monday Night Football in front of a national audience.

Campbell looked good. He had some mistakes but all in all he is showing that he has tremendous upside and he is fully qualified to be an NFL QB that can lead his team. He showed poise and good decision making. His mistakes are largely correctable. I feel really good with him leading our team.

Other general thoughts on the game include:

1. Running game was solid.

2. O line is a real concern. It is basically a makeshift line now with 3 of the guys new (Kendall, Wade, and Fabini). Still, they did a great job and can hopefully keep it up. You really want to give a young QB all the help he can get.

3. Defense as a whole was pretty solid.

4. D line is good at run defense but they struggle in pass rush. Carter is always going really wide to get around the tackle. Not sure why he does this. I will say it was nice to get a few sacks although these were basically coverage sacks. Which in a way is good since we made a big investment in DBs during the offseason.

5. Love McIntosh. Linebacker play as a whole is solid.

6. Good to see Springs in there. You didn't hear his name much during the game and that is a good thing. Rogers was also decent most of the night. DBs solid.

7. Special teams was good.

8. Coaching was good EXCEPT for when they botched it right before the half. It was just a nightmare down there. We were lucky to get the TD. I'll take it but the coaches really screwed that up.

All in all there is only one stat that really matters and that is the wins and we got one last night.

You can really feel like the team is generating some confidence and momentum. It will be really good if we can beat a struggling Giants team next week and head into the bye week at 3-0. I think we will really start turning some heads.



Rob said...

2-0 is 2-0. I am not convinced, but that doesn't really matter.

Getting a divisional win on the road is like winning 1.5 games, so it should really help.

My impression is that they are playing about as well as they can play, but their competition has been weak so they are able to win.

The Bears are 1-1 and have not looked good offensively.

Both teams will have to prove it on the field and in the end we'll see. I won't use injuries as an excuse, so I expect you to do the same. Injuries are part of the game.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think we are playing as well as we can play. We can and should be better.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think we are part of the NFL elite or anything but we have taken dramatic steps to improve from last year. I believe we are a solid team and heading in the right direction.

Have only seen part of the Chicago/S.D. game. From that game and what I have heard about the K.C. game, I would agree that the Bears O is struggling. The line sounds like they are having issues and Rexy continues to be erratic. I thought some of that was due to the strong S.D. defense but they were torched by N.E. and Chicago didn't do much against K.C. We'll see if that improves.

I am not using injuries as any excuse. In fact, I said that the guys that stepped in did a very good job. You were saying that the O-line was a big problem for the 'Skins - particularly that we had no depth. Thus far, you have been wrong on both. We'll see if it holds up.

Big games for both teams next week.

deepie said...

Playing as well as we can? Com'on Rob. Don't hate just to be annoying. Look at the facts. We have very green QB who showed great improvement between week one and week two. We have an o-line that still hasn't gelled. We have a young but very talented secondary. There's A LOT of room for improvement and we should see it in the upcoming weeks.

It's still early, but what JKD and I had been saying all offseason is apparent. The defense is much better and the QB play has improved. We will be competitive this season and that is a huge positive step. We're still a good pass rusher and an experienced QB away from being a very good team, but I'm very happy with what I've seen so far.

Rob said...

I'm glad you're happy, but if the Eagles and Miami end up as 5-11 teams - then winning in OT and holding on like they did on Monday night is not all that impressive.

I don't believe their offensive line is as good as it has been playing. Certainly the injuries will take a toll. And, I still think their D-line is weak. The Eagles really helped out the Redskins on Monday night with their play calling. To me, they abandoned the run way too early and threw far too often. There was no need to throw 46 times when they were running the ball so effectively. Westbrook had 17 rushes for 96 yards.

They should have beaten down the Redskins, but they made it easy on them by calling so many pass plays and McNabb not being able to hit open receivers on many plays.

If the Redskins lose at home to the lowly Giants - I don't think they will lose, but if they do - then questions will emerge.

All that said - 2-0 is 2-0 - that's great. But that does not change my opinion about this being a 7-9 team.

Look at some of the teams that are 2-0 right now: Redskins, SF, Houston, Detroit, Green Bay. After a couple of more weeks, I doubt they will be leading their respective divisions. We'll just have to see.

deepie said...

Beating two lowly teams still means they won when they were supposed to. The Eagles play calling was a bit strange and McNabb was clearly off, but beating a division opponent on the road on Monday night is no small task. You say the Eagles should have kept running. Remember that 42 of Westbrook's 96 yards came on two back to back carries in the 3rd quarter. He was averaging 3.6 yards a carry otherwise. After the game Andy Reid said the 'Skins D was stuffing their running attack late in the game so they had no choice but to pass. You may have your opinions, but that tells me the 'Skins were dictating the tempo of the game and deserved to win.

I'm still not sold on my team. There are a lot of obvious weaknesses...But every team has weaknesses and the ones that succeed are the ones that can compensate with strengths. If the 'Skins keep running the ball well and keep stuffing the run, you'll see this team continue to be competitive and they'll come out on top more often than not.

Rob said...

I agree that being undefeated is great, and like I said in my first post, winning a division game on the road is like winning 1.5 games. I just don't see the Redskins as being a very good team right now.

I like JC - always have. But he is not exactly tearing it up. His numbers are not all that different from Rex. Both have 1 TD and 3 Ints.

In my opinion, the O-line has overperformed. The D-line has played about as I would expect. As the season wears on, their weaknesses up front will show up even more. It is a long season.

As for Reid's comments, I don't put much stock in them. He lost a game that he coached poorly in. Come on - 46 passes for a gimpy McNabb in a 20-12 game? Saying that 42 yards came on 2 carries, only points to the fact that the Eagles should have been running the ball more. Westbrook only had 17 carries.

Teams that are patient and wear down the Redskins' D-linemen and linebackers will be far more effective in both the running and passing games. Reid blew it for his team this past week. Other teams won't.

Rob said...

Dr. Z has bought into Redskinmania. He has the Redskins ranked at #7 and the Bears at #10.

No matter what the rankings are this season, December 6 the Bears are going to scalp the Redskins.

deepie said...

Westbrook only had 17 carries because they were down by two scores in the 4th quarter. There was only a minute to go when their last drive ended. They had no choice but to pass and move down the field quickly.

Regarding Rex and JC having similar stats...I expect better analysis from you. Same TDs, INTs, and Comp. %. Everything else says JC is playing better.

Passing yards: JC 431, Rex 305
Yards/Attempt: JC 8.6, Rex 5.4
Rating: JC 66.3, Rex 55.1
20 yards or more: JC 5, Rex 3
40 yards or more: JC 3, Rex 0
Sacks: JC 3, Rex 6.

I know Rex had a tough game against the Chargers, but each team's schedule is what it is. The QB has to perform regardless of who they play.

Rob said...

What is the point of doing an in-depth QB analysis? It has only been two games! After this weekend's games Rex may be up 5 TDs to 2 TDs. The larger point remains that it is not like JC is tearing it up.

We'll see as the season goes on. I still say JC will end up with about as many interceptions as TD passes.

deepie said...

What's the point? The same reason why you are already posting team comparisons between the Bears and Skins on your blog site.

Don't be upset just because Rexy is playing like Rexanne right now.

Rob said...

I am not posting them up for anything other than information purposes. I put up the numbers every week last week and I am putting them up every week this week.

I am making no claim, whatsoever, about who is better or who is worse. I am just putting up the numbers.

You cannot argue with me that JC is not tearing it up - that is a simple fact.

I have no problem with the way Rex is playing. It is a long season, and I expect Rex to have his great games and his tougher games. We'll see at the end of the season.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am a little late to the game. I just saw all of these postings. As you may have noticed, I have started my comparison of JC vs. Rexy. We'll see how it plays out over the course of the season. Right now, JC has a slight advantage. He also has received a lot of credit this week by many critics for the poise and decision making he made on Monday night.

As far as your postings, we play who we play. You have made that claim A LOT, RobsObs. We don't make the schedule. We don't determine their play calling. Bottom line, we are 2-0. Also, a lot of people thought Philly was going to be great this year. Even your analysis had them crushing the 'Skins, "Game will get out of hand early. It will be a Monday Night debacle for the 'Skins. A desperate and angry Donovan McNabb and Eagle squad will shake off the rust from last week and win the battle up front on both sides of the ball. People will start to wonder why Heyer isn't starting in place of Wade (even though I don't think Heyer is much of an improvement). CP and Betts will end up with a combined 100 yards and at least 1 fumble (probably Betts). JC will struggle because he will be harassed all night. He'll have a fumble and 2 more interceptions. Iggles 31 - Redskins 9." You could not have been more wrong.

The good news is that we are generating momentum and confidence. Many of the players speak of a different attitude this year and more faith and understanding in the coaches and the game plan.

The thing is that we need to build off of this. If we lose to the Giants (who should be coming out knowing they can't fall to 0-3), much of the hype and talk of the 'Skins will change. However, if we win, we will be 3-0 and going into the BYE week undefeated. It should make for an exciting game.

The Bears also have a big game Sunday night. Rexy will be playing at home, in front of a national audience against a good team. We'll see how he and the Bears perform. I am looking forward to both games.