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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Groh is on the HOT seat!

UVA lost badly to the powerhouse of Wyoming in its opener and do not look good. They lost 23-3 but worse they were dominated. They only mustered just over 100 yards of total offense (6 yards rushing for the game) and gave up nearly 500 yards of offense to Wyoming.

Maybe it was a bad week but it was bad. Not good for Groh who's job has to be on the line. He has been at UVA for several years and they are getting worse. He has been a good recruiter but that has not translated to wins on the field.

RobsObs is convinced that UVA will win 9 games this year and fortunately they only play one team ranked in the top 25 (VA Tech) but I still don't see how they pull out 9 wins. We'll see but I see them winning maybe 6.

UVA deserves better.


Rob said...

Dude, UVA isn't even your team. Groh should not get fired in the middle of the season - won't do any good.

Who knows, Wyoming may end up winning 10 games and being a great bowl team. They have playmakers on offense and a solid group on defense from what I saw.

Let the season play out and then let's evaluate. I say the Cavs will win 9 games. If they win 7 or more and then win their bowl game, there won't be any reason to fire Groh.


j, k, and s's d said...

I am perfectly relaxed.

I agree. Don't fire Groh during the season. I don't like when that happens. The only time that should happen is when there is a scandal or something.

Definitely finish out the season but my point is that he has been getting worse. That game was an abomination and they were badly beaten in every phase of the game.

They better be able to turn things around quickly. Still, I just don't see that happening. We'll see who is right.

Rob said...

If UVA has a losing season then I am willing to say that Groh should be fired - I've always said that.

But I don't see why anyone would call for his head now (like you have done), after just one game.

j, k, and s's d said...

What is your problem? Do you pay attention? Do you read anything that anyone else writes? Do you listen to what anyone else says? You are so busy thinking of what you are going to say/write next that you don't even pay attention. You have a serious communication problem.

I JUST typed "I agree. Don't fire Groh during the season. I don't like when that happens. The only time that should happen is when there is a scandal or something."

HOWEVER, my point was that Groh is doing nothing for the UVA football program. They are getting worse. I suggested that he be fired after last season. Many programs would not have let it have gone as far as UVA has let it. UVA deserves better. Groh had a horrible year last year and he has been barely mediocre beyond that.

We'll see if they improve.

Rob said...

I read exactly what you wrote. But, isn't the point of your post that "Groh has got to go!"?

If you are not calling for his head right now, then you should rethink your post and the title of the post.

I'm glad you called for Groh to be fired last year, but that is irrelevant. He is the coach now and since you talked about how bad the Cavs were against Wyoming and the title of your post is "Groh has got to go!" I assumed that you wanted to see him fired.

My last post agrees with your comment just above it, but then I point out that there was no reason to call for his head after just one game. (Which is exactly what you did in your post.)

j, k, and s's d said...

Okay. Fine, Mr. Sensitivity. I thought you would understand my beliefs once you read my posts but that is not enough for you.

I did not call for his head after one game in my post. I have clearly stated that I thought he should have been fired after last year. You argued that they had a great recruiting class coming in. They failed miserably against Wyoming. I have said that the recruiting has not translated into wins.

Look at VA Tech. Beamer does not get as good a recruiting class as Groh yet still he has led VA Tech into a perennial national powerhouse. They are consistently ranked in the top 10 and are always in the the national spotlight. UVA deserves the same.

Again, I thought Groh should have been fired after last year but fine he is still there. I don't think he should be fired until the end of the year UNLESS there proves to be some sort of scandal (which is unlikely) or if they continue to play atrocious football like they did against WY. If they show up consistently and play that way, Groh should be fired mid season.

Can I be any more clear?

deepie said...

Touchy, touchy. RobsObs...being a fellow Wahoo alum, I find it strange that you're so accepting of the Groh era at UVA. Under Welsh we were consistently solid, but just unable to get over the hump and contend in the national spotlight. Groh came in to resolve that problem, but unfortunately, all he has done is make things worse. If Groh has had such great recruiting classes, why don't we have a legitimate QB? Since Thomas Jones left, where has our stud RB been? Why do we have players who get suspended all the time? What's being done to address the issues?

Groh has had plenty of time to get the program to the next level, but the only thing that has gotten better since he arrived is every other ACC program. He should have been fired after last season and quite honestly, if we struggle again next week against Duke, I will have no problem with seeing Groh get fired immediately.

Rob said...

JKD, I must have been confused - the title of your post is "Groh has got to go!" I thought that meant that you thought Groh should get fired. Now I get it, you must have been thinking that Groh needed to go to the bathroom, or perhaps Groh needed to go on a vacation and relax. Excuse me for not understanding that when you say "Groh has got to go!" that you are not advocating his removal as the head coach of UVA.

At this point, I think we both agree that we'll see how the season plays out. I have no link to Groh and couldn't care less if he remains the coach after this year. But, I think the man has been a solid coach for UVA. Before his 5-7 year last year, he had 4 straight winning seasons. They aren't a national powerhouse, but his teams were not doormats either.

Deepie, we're not going to lose to Duke. Again, if Groh doesn't have a good year, let's make a decision then.

It is extremely disruptive and unproductive to fire a coach in the middle of a season. It is not like you are going to get a top name coach to come in now - so let's just wait and see.

As for George Welsh, I was there when he was the coach. I liked the guy, but there were tons of fans that wanted him out because the team never could get over the hump. Welsh's coaching record at UVA was 134-86 with 3 ties (.608 winning percentage). Groh is 42-34 (.553). Not as good, but certainly not much lower.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fine, RobsObs. I have changed the title to be more clear since you were having so much difficulty comprehending what I was trying to say.

So what if he had 4 straight winning seasons? A winning season is nothing to be excited about. Frankly, to not have a winning season is an abomination considering that every year there are 3-4 what should be easy games (Western Michigan, Temple, Duke). The fact that they struggle against these teams and they now struggle in a mediocre ACC and only beaten Tech once since 2000 are all signs that he is not doing the job.

He is failing as head coach.

Rob said...

Yes, I am not only one who could possibly think that when you write, "Groh has got to go!" that you are not actually calling for his firing.

Sure, I am the only one in the world who would draw that conclusion based on what you wrote. RIIIIIIIIIGHT!

If you had wrote "Groh is on the HOT seat!" in the first place, I would have totally agreed with you. That makes all the difference.

deepie said...

I recommend that the title be changed back to "Groh has got to Go!"

RobsObs...I didn't say we will lose to Duke, but even if we struggle it is a sign of where this program is at this time.

The team is not lacking talent. Groh has recruited very well, except for at the skill positions on offense as I indicated earlier. It is not translating on the field and that is a clear indicator of poor coaching.

Rob said...

I'll agree if they have a bad season this year. But after 4 winning seasons, there does not seem to be a reason to fire him for a 5-7 year.

They lost a lot of players and coaches before last year. Again, 2 years in a row would be unacceptable. Then let's have a discussion about his future.