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Monday, September 24, 2007

JC vs. Rexy - Week 3

Latest Stats:


JC 27 (up one slot)
Rexy 33 (down one slot)

QB Rating:

JC 69.6 (plus 3.6)
Rexy 45.2 (minus 9.9)

Comp. %age:

JC 52.4 (minus 3.6)
Rexy 52.8 (minus 3.3)


JC 621 (plus 190)
Rexy 500 (plus 195)


JC 2 (plus 1)
Rexy 1 (no change)


JC 3 (no change)
Rexy 6 (plus 3)

Yards per attempt (new stat for this week):

JC 7.39
Rexy 5.62

Sacks (new stat for this week):

JC 5
Rexy 9

JC made a small improvement in most categories. Rexy tumbles.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

JC vs. Rexy

Given that we have had so much "discussion" on the QBs, I thought we should compare the two over the course of the season in the major statistical categories. That said, here is where we stand:

JC 28
Rexy 32

QB Rating:
JC 66.3
Rexy 55.1

Comp. %age:
JC 56
Rexy 56.1

JC 431
Rexy 305

JC 1
Rexy 1

JC 3
Rexy 3

After two weeks, it is pretty close but JC has a slight edge.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Redskins 2-0!

Great win last night. Especially, given that Philly was coming off of a tough loss, it was a divisional game, Philly was playing at home, and it was Monday Night Football in front of a national audience.

Campbell looked good. He had some mistakes but all in all he is showing that he has tremendous upside and he is fully qualified to be an NFL QB that can lead his team. He showed poise and good decision making. His mistakes are largely correctable. I feel really good with him leading our team.

Other general thoughts on the game include:

1. Running game was solid.

2. O line is a real concern. It is basically a makeshift line now with 3 of the guys new (Kendall, Wade, and Fabini). Still, they did a great job and can hopefully keep it up. You really want to give a young QB all the help he can get.

3. Defense as a whole was pretty solid.

4. D line is good at run defense but they struggle in pass rush. Carter is always going really wide to get around the tackle. Not sure why he does this. I will say it was nice to get a few sacks although these were basically coverage sacks. Which in a way is good since we made a big investment in DBs during the offseason.

5. Love McIntosh. Linebacker play as a whole is solid.

6. Good to see Springs in there. You didn't hear his name much during the game and that is a good thing. Rogers was also decent most of the night. DBs solid.

7. Special teams was good.

8. Coaching was good EXCEPT for when they botched it right before the half. It was just a nightmare down there. We were lucky to get the TD. I'll take it but the coaches really screwed that up.

All in all there is only one stat that really matters and that is the wins and we got one last night.

You can really feel like the team is generating some confidence and momentum. It will be really good if we can beat a struggling Giants team next week and head into the bye week at 3-0. I think we will really start turning some heads.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Is Rexy a "Mental Midget?"

After beating the Bears, the Chargers took some jabs at some of the Chicago players. Charger linebacker Matt Wilhelm stated that Coach Ron Rivera advised his players they could rattle Grossman because he was "a mental midget."

Additionally, linebacker Shaun Phillips said RB Cedric Benson was "soft."

The Bears have been challenged we will see if they step up. I hope Benson does since he is on one of my fantasy teams.

I expect both of them to have good games this week against KC. The Bears are coming off of a loss, they are back at home, but most importantly they are playing KC who SUCK!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Skins sign Reche Caldwell

Pretty good pickup. Lloyd is useless and probably the biggest mistake in Redskin history. His lack of effort in going for the deep ball against the Dolphins leading to an INT and then susequent lack of effort to run down the DB pretty much ruined any chance he had of seeing the field.

Caldwell is a proven veteran who had 61 catches last year and led the Pats in receptions. He should be a solid #3 WR.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Joke - Rate it.

What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?

A piece of ass that will bring tears to your eyes!

Redskins and Bears this weekend.


I expect the 'Skins to win 20-13 this week against Miami. The defense's solid play from the preseason will carry over into the season opener. They will get at least one sack and one turnover. JC will have a solid game and the 'Skins will win this "must win" game at home.


It's a good game with two of the better teams in football. However, the Chargers will prove too much for the Bears. Rexy will have at least one turnover. The Bear running game will struggle and the Bears D won't be able to stop the Charger offense. Bears lose 24-17.

Haugh's latest article for RobsObs

Very complimentary on Dvoracek, the team/organization, and even Rexy.,1,2033013.column?page=1&coll=cs-bears-headlines

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Second Joke of the Day - Rate (1-5)

An old man was in bed with his wife when suddenly he let out a loud fart. He yelled, "7 points!"
His wife looked at him and said, "What the hell are you doing?"

He simply replied, "Just playing bed football."

Ten minutes later the wife let a loud one and said, "Tie game - 7-7."

The husband's competitive side kicked in and he started starting straining... when suddenly he crapped his pants! His wife looks over and said, "Now what's the score?"

He said, "Still 7-7. End of quarter switch sides!!!"

Haugh's latest article on the Turners (Ron and Norv).

A nice piece commending the two brothers. It notest the differences between the two but all in all it is very complimentary. Bottom line, it is far from Bear bashing.

Joke of the day - Rate it on a scale of 1-5

A lady goes into a bar with her goose. Then the bartender comes up to her and says, "Why did you have to bring the pig in with you?" Then the lady answered, "Excuse me, I think this is a goose."And the bartender says, ''Excuse me, I was talking to the goose.''

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Haugh's last two articles - on the O line and T. Harris

These two articles are far from bashing.

The first article on the line (,1,3485129.column?coll=cs-bears-headlines) talks about the injuries to Hester and Olsen put a little bit of a damper on the passing game and also mentions that the running game has not performed well in the preseason (this is a fact) but it goes on to say that the O-line is a solid group of veterans. Yes, they are old but they are good. That is the underlying theme of the article.

The second article is about Tommie Harris and his wanting to get after Rivers for talking trash during the filming of an LT Nike commercial (,1,3878346.column?coll=cs-bears-headlines). Additionally, he also gives a lot of credit to the Bears personnel department for being able to bring in quality players.

Again, contrary to RobsObs views, Haugh is not a hater. RobsObs has been so wishy washy on what Haugh is that he has confused even himself.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Haugh's latest article.

It's far from hating. The article discusses former Bear QB coach Wade Wilson's involvement with HGH and some speculation that it could have involved Bear players. Haugh lets it be known that the involvement ended with Wilson and no other Bears were or should be implicated. (,1,3091912.column?coll=cs-bears-headlines).

If Haugh was truly the hater that RobsObs believes him to be, he could have easily cast doubt on the Bear team and "implied" that some of the Bears were involved in the taking of HGH as well. Haugh defends the Bears and the staff and makes sure it is known that Wilson acted on his own. He is also somewhat defensive of Wilson saying that he only took it for treatment for his diabetes and that he did it on his own seeking the drugs on the internet as opposed to the Bears doctors/trainers because he is a very private individual.

I am sure RobsObs will view the article differently and because he is ULTRA sensitive when it comes to his Bears, he will find some tiny nugget in the article that is WAY down in the weeds that somehow will loosely imply that the article is negative and that Haugh is Bear hater #1.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Groh is on the HOT seat!

UVA lost badly to the powerhouse of Wyoming in its opener and do not look good. They lost 23-3 but worse they were dominated. They only mustered just over 100 yards of total offense (6 yards rushing for the game) and gave up nearly 500 yards of offense to Wyoming.

Maybe it was a bad week but it was bad. Not good for Groh who's job has to be on the line. He has been at UVA for several years and they are getting worse. He has been a good recruiter but that has not translated to wins on the field.

RobsObs is convinced that UVA will win 9 games this year and fortunately they only play one team ranked in the top 25 (VA Tech) but I still don't see how they pull out 9 wins. We'll see but I see them winning maybe 6.

UVA deserves better.

Redskins - Fight for 53

Redskins got down to their 53 man roster and no real surprises in the final cut. Renaldo Wynn was let go. He was old and sucked but was a decent representative of the team and seemed like a pretty good locker room guy. Still, he sucked. The thing that always got me was last year after every game, Wynn was the guy that was always being interviewed and had a lot to say but he never played. Whatever, he is gone.

Ade Jimoh was cut as well. No real loss. The only other key names cut were Omar Stoutmire, Jordan Palmer, Dallas Sartz, and Byron Westbrook (brother of Brian Westbrook). Again, no real losses here.

We did keep both Collins and Brunell but there is no decision yet on who is the #2 QB. Doesn't really matter to me. They are one and the same and capable but I am just glad JC is starting.

The other piece of news was that we signed Cooley to a long term extension and didn't have to break the bank on the guy. RobsObs was saying that everyone wanted out of D.C. and we would have to purge all our core guys. Didn't seem to happen in this case. Cooley is a good player and also a quality guy on the team. He enjoys being a 'Skin and seems to be a good team guy. All in all, I am pretty happy with the decisions the team made this year. I feel like we came a LONG way from the decisions we were making last year. We still don't have all the pieces together but still we seem like a far better team than we were last year and that is a positive sign.