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Monday, August 27, 2007

Rexy - Not Hating.

Okay, before some people fly off the handle, I want to make it clear that I am not hating on Rexy. My points have been that Rexy has shown flashes of brilliance but he has also shown moments of tremendous suckiness. Basically, he has been erratic and inconsistent. I have said that I am not alone in feeling this way. Additionally, I have been told by some people that the majority of fans in Chicago support Rexy.

I will pull the following excerpts from the Tribune and let you be the judge on whether I am just a hater or if I have tried to be objective. Again, the below was taken from David Haugh, a Tribune writer who covers the Chicago Bears.

"The pass, intended for tight end Greg Olsen, never should have been thrown even if the Bears did lead 24-7. It resembled the type of mistake that marked Grossman's wildly inconsistent 2006 season."

"The fans' boos after Grossman fumbled a snap were much louder than they were after Harris' interception. Maybe the first bad play made them angry and the second just made them anxious."

"The Bears just might have to accept the reality that he can be as bad one series as he is good the next, and vice versa. But anytime Grossman wants to stop driving that point home, it would be fine with Bears fans."

"Four plays after the Harris pick, for example, Grossman nearly gave it away again when outside linebacker Manny Lawson stepped in front of intended receiver Jason McKie but dropped what could have been another returned TD."

Additionally, in a poll conducted by the Tribune on who should start the final preseason game (Grossman or Griese), nearly 54% said it should be Griese. Also, at the time I viewed the poll, more than 2,400 people voted. Haugh said in another article that Griese should start the final preseason game. Not so much as a threat to Rexy but the game is largely meaningless and it would give Griese the opportunity to work with the first team to see how he performs.

Okay, before some people fly off the handle and say that I am hating or bashing I want to make it clear that my point is more to let some people understand that I am not alone in my views on Rexy.

I have said many of these things before and have been labeled a "hater" or a "basher" by some people. My point is that Rexy has shown that he is inconsistent. Also, fair or not, he is under a microscope and every mistake is magnified. In some ways, it is sad because he has had success and every mistake in his home field he is going to hear it from his home town fans.

The boo birds are already out in full flock and he has to become more consistent to win them over.

I have long contended that the great thing is that Rexy has full support of his coaches and teammates (even if he doesn't have the media and fans support) which means a lot. Still, he has to become more consistent and cut down on the blunders (especially the big ones).

Personally, I think Rexy will improve this year. However, it will be tough given the scrutiny he is under. Fortunately, he has a strong team and coaching staff behind him.

I know that I have been a little more colorful in previous postings on my thoughts of Rexy; however, I have tried to be relatively sensitive in this posting for some people. Again, my points are that I am not alone in how I feel. Many others believe Rexy has been inconsistent and contrary to some people's beliefs, Rexy does not have full support of the Chicago fans. I have also said that Rexy is one of the bigger stories going into the season. We'll see how this story plays out. He will have every opportunity to silence all critics and win over the fans/media. Also, I will reiterate that I am not saying whether the criticism he faces is fair or not but still that is the way it is.


Rob said...

You are selective and certainly take things out of context. I don't think you understood the point of the Trib poll today. If you are deliberatly attempting to mislead then you are only proving you are nothing more than a Rex hater.

Haugh's piece in the Trib today says that Grossman is the established starter and the Griese should start because it will get him some reps - NOT BECAUSE REX IS A PROBLEM.

The Trib poll shows that 54 percent agree that Rex should not play because it will get Griese some reps. In addition, it will keep Grossman from getting hurt.

You pull out some quotes that point to Rex's deficiencies, but you don't include other quotes like the following:

. . . Ron Turner said. "But [Grossman] played well, and I don't know why anyone would focus on the one bad play. Rex is a hell of a football player."

"Granted, questioning whether Grossman truly has improved after an exhibition game in which he competed 13 of 20 passes for 211 yards and posted a passer rating of 112.7 risks being unfair. Truth is, neither Brian Griese nor Kyle Orton is capable of making some of the throws that exploded out of Grossman's arm."

Or from Mullin's article:

""Rex played well, the defense put us in position to score a lot of points and we scored a lot of points," Kreutz said. "You do get tired of [the Grossman questions], but with this team, what do you talk about negative if you're not talking about Rex, I guess? It's usually always bad. All I say is be fair. When he plays good, talk about him as much as when he plays bad."

Rob said...

No one questions whether he has had moments of inconsistency. I have always agreed to that.

You are a hater - because after a game in which Rex had full command of the offense. Led the team to 31 first half points and had a 112.7 rating, you are dwelling on the negative.

You distilled down an article by taking its worst quotes about Rex and then pretending to be objective.

Read the Sun-Times article about Rex's performance. Read what the players said. Read what the coaches said. Just look at the numbers. He was great, but still you want to criticize. That is hating.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am trying to be sensitive. I really don't know what I took out of context.

Before I continue, if anyone is interested in the article and reading it for themselves, here is the link:,1,4319899.story?coll=cs-bears-headlines

I will say Rexy had a fine game and if you look at the numbers, I would be happy with that type of production. Again, my concerns are that at this point, you don't know what you will get from Rexy week in, week out. He is still prone to making the big mistake. I may have been selective in choosing my quotes and yes, there are positive quotes backing Rexy from Ron Turner and Kreutz but ther underlying theme of the article is that Rexy is inconsistent. The title of the article is: "Performance still rates as shaky Grossman posts 112.7 passer mark, but it's hard to overlook his all-too-familiar flaws." Again, I apologize if I was not being overly selective in my choice of quotes and some how misrepresented Rexy somehow but my point was simple and that is Rexy has still proven to be inconsistent.

I have said it multiple times but will say it again, Rexy will have every opportunity to prove that his work with Pep has paid off and that he can be a consistent QB and be a solid performer. He is one of the biggest stories going into this NFL season and we'll see how the story plays out.

Hopefully, this is a fair posting.

Rob said...

100% pure, concentrated, undiluted Rex-hate. That's what you are brewing up in your original post.

How much of it are you drinking these days?

I watched the game on NFL network. Grossman was not shaky - not at all. He had complete control of the offense. Benson rushed for 33 yards on about 19 carries - it was evident that the Bears running game was not working. If not for Grossman having a great game, the Bears don't pin up 31 on SF in the first half.

The idea that Grossman's 112.7 rating was somehow an anomaly, or that it somehow masked Rex's deeper problems is just plain ridiculous. Focusing on the negative after his great game is just plain old hate. Or, if you are a sportswriter it is an effort to sell papers by keeping the "controversy" going.

There is no QB controversy and Rex has played better this summer. That will continue into the regular season.

j, k, and s's d said...

I did not see the game so it is not fair for me to comment. I did see the drive charts and read articles by the Tribune, ESPN, SI, and the AP. All of them mentioned the "good Rexy, bad Rexy" syndrome. I did not make this up on my own.

Again, I would be happy with the production Rexy put out on Saturday but I agree with all of the columnists in that Rexy still has not erased or diminshed the issues surrounding him. I am not really sure how this equates to "Rex-hate." If you think it does then you are truly, madly, deeply IN love with Rexy. It's the same thing in my book.

Rob said...

Apparently, the only thing that is good enough for you is perfection and a Super Bowl win. Throwing for 211 yards and 2 TDs, leading the team to 4 TDs, and having a 112.7 rating in one half isn't good enough.

But, you are not hating - you are just pointing out his deficiencies after he has just come off a great performance.

j, k, and s's d said...

I have said many times that it was a good performance. I would be happy with that performance. If he gives that type of performance more consistently, I will have no problem with Rexy. He will have proved that he has gotten better and has limited his mistakes.

The funny thing is that I am far from the only person who is not sold yet on Rexy being consistent. Again, SI, ESPN, the Tribune, the AP all share my feelings.

I am not hating nor am I asking for perfection. I am just merely asking that Rexy prove that he can give that type of performance on a more regular basis. Why can't you understand that?

Rob said...


j, k, and s's d said...

Clearly you are drunk on Rexy spew and it is pointless to debate this with you at this time. Good day!