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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Skins beat Cowboys 20-17!

HUGE win last night!  The Skins typically save their worst performances for national TV but last night was one of their best.  Loved the way they played and I've said it many times before, teams need to learn how to win.  This was a great lesson for us.  I've felt in recent times, the Skins are satisfied with keeping it close but do not know how to pull out wins.  Even last night, it had a feeling for me that they were content with just being in the game.  Really enjoyed watching this team keep drives alive and stay aggressive and grind out the victory.  Just a real fun game to watch.  Here are my thoughts:

1. The "Real" McCoy.  This guy was huge.  He started out a little shaky.  He looked awkward back there and seemed to be telegraphing his passes.  His INT hurt as we had just gotten the ball on a turnover and he lofted one up for easy pickins for the safety.  Just a bad pass.  However, after that, the guy was gold.  He was aggressive.  He improvised.  He made plays with his feet and his throws were solid.  Have to give the guy a lot of credit for his play.  I like the way he speaks too.  Seems like a guy that is humble, very appreciative for the opportunity, and wants to prove his value to the NFL.  The only thing I find silly is this morning people are already talking about a new QB controversy.  SILLY!!!  This is RG3's team.  He will have it once he is healthy so I wish people would shut up.  Still, for what it was, Colt was tremendous yesterday and it shows how different the outcome of a game can be when you protect the ball.

2. DEFENSE.  Outstanding.  Haslett has taken a lot of criticism including from me.  However, have to give credit where credit is due and he deserves credit for dialing up a game plan that made it difficult for the Cowboys.  Yes, Murray got his yards but Romo struggled and was under duress for much of the game.  I loved that we were aggressive in dialing up blitzes and getting some good shots in on Romo. 

3. Secondary.  I know they are part of the defense but giving these guys their own bullet.  Breeland and Amerson were awesome, particularly Breeland.  Felt like we saw this guy grow up last night.  He was physical and fearless.  There were a number of plays where he was one on one with Dez Bryant including two plays from the 5 yard line where the Cowboys targeted Bryant and both times Breeland made plays.  I loved when he made the plays, he got in Bryant's face and showed no signs of backing down.  Great CBs have to have supreme confidence and this guy showed it all night.  Brandon Meriweather also deserves credit for a couple of sacks and hard hits and a forced fumble.  Thought he had a strong game.  Again, the secondary has been highly criticized all season but they had an outstanding game.  Limiting Bryant to 3 catches for 30 yards is a big win for this secondary.

4. Commitment to the run game.  Good to see Morris get a little more on track.  Glad that we showed a bit more commitment to the run game and thought Morris, Helu, and even Redd all played well.  We still have some improvement here but it was good to see them get going.

5. Special teams were special.  Forbath made a couple of long FGs.  He has significantly improved his kickoffs where this was a big problem for him last year.  Tress Way continued his strong punting and had a great one late in the game pinning Dallas back inside their 5 yard line.  Coverage was strong all night as well. 

All in all, just a great game.  I do believe this team is decent and if they hadn't turned the ball over so much in the other games, we would/should have won at least two more games.  It's two wins in a row and it gives some confidence to the team and some life to the season.  It's a short week and then Minnesota on Sunday.  While we have to feel pretty good today, to lose against the Viqueens would be soul crushing.  The Skins have to find a way to win that game and head into the bye week on a high.  Will be an interesting matchup pitting last season's Cincinnati's offensive and defensive coordinators against each other.

It's funny how everyone is all happy today.  Again, winning cures all.  The gossip and media will settle down and talk radio has a very different tone as all the callers are giving accolades and singing Cumbaya instead of chastising everyone and calling for change all over the place.  I have said it time and time again.  It's the nature of fans/media.  A win and everything is golden.  A loss and the world is crashing.  SILLY!!!

A final note about the Cowboy game, I thought it was very interesting the Cowboys chose to put Romo back in.  They guy is coming off of back surgery and took a hard hit to the back that required him to be pulled from the game.  He looked gimpy returning to the field late in the game and later revealed he got a cortisone shot to numb the pain.  Why send him back in?  Weeden was effective when he was in there and this game was not so significant for the Cowboys to risk the long term health of Romo.  Just seemed like a dumb and dangerous move.

In other NFL news:

1. The Pears are on the brink of disaster.  They got shelled in NE.  There is mounting frustration and division on that team and Trestman doesn't seem to have control.  Cutler is getting paid like an elite player and playing like a third stringer.  Another couple of losses like the one they just took and it will cost people their jobs.

2. Puckers take beating against NO.  Defense was offensive as they could not stop Brees or Ingram.  Of bigger concern was that it looked like Rodgers tweaked his hammy.  Hopefully for them it is not a significant injury because if they have to go with Flynn, the season will take a sharp downward turn.

3. Trouble in Seattle.  This team started the season looking better than how they finished last season.  Now with a couple of losses in a row and an unimpressive win against the Panteras this past week coupled with the dismissal of one of their best offensive players in Harvin have to leave you wondering how good is this team.  Reports are that Lynch is now upset with the Harvin trade and there is mounting locker room discord.  Wilson is trying to downplay everything in between of his endorsements.  They certainly have work to do.  This is what happens when you lose.  Winning cures all.

A final thought, at the midway point of the season, it's still unclear who is the clear front runner in the NFC.  It may very well be Arizona but no team looks unbeatable.  I'm sure the second half will bring lots of interesting games and stories.  Can't wait.

Have a great week everyone!  I know I will.  : )


JSR said...

I pretty much agree with you on all the points. I watched the whole game. It was as impressive a win for the skins as I have seen since 2012. The team is not as bad as many made it out to seem. There are holes, but every team has holes. Last night they won the turnover battle and those holes were overcome by outstanding play from certain players. I was really impressed with Breeland. I think he has a bright future in the nfl as a top corner. I thought Colt played a great game and every week I am thinking more and more that the acquiring Desean Jackson was an excellent move. The guy really stretches the field and makes some great catches. As much as Ive criticized the Jackson signing, I have been pretty harsh on Brandon Merryweather . I have to admit, he played great last night. I thought the offensive game plan and defensive game plan were right on.

Realistically speaking, this is Gruden's first year as head coach in the nfl. There were going to be some lumps in the beginning. He was never going to just come in here and start winning games with the team playing perfectly right away. There is some trial and error involved to learn what his guys can do. Figuring out how each guy can maximize himself in Gruden's offensive scheme would always take time. The fact that they were able to beat arguably the best team in the nfc in their home shows that this team has talent, and its a matter of time before they put it all together.

I am eager to see if they can beat the Vikings and Bucs in the upcoming weeks to get to 0.500. Anyone who thinks that there is a controversy at qb is crazy. If anything skins fans should be really interested and excited to see what plugging in RG3 will do now that other pieces of the offense have had time to get more comfortable in Gruden's offense.

Winning is contagious indeed. It is the ultimate confidence builder. Beating a top team is an added bonus.

j, k, and s's d said...

I know a lot of people were down on the Skins. I never thought they were that bad. There is talent on the team. Again, you can't win when the QB is turning the ball over 3-4 times a game. It just can't happen.

I know people want to also get on them for past transgressions in how they squandered picks and paid high priced, past their prime FAs. It hasn't happened over the last few years. Look at the guys that are stepping up. Breeland, Keenan Robinson, Kerrigan, Reed, Amerson, Riley. All these guys are "home grown" talent. Also, there have been a number of injuries this season but we continue to compete showing that there is much better depth on this team. People can't live in the past. The fact is that there have been changes and that there is talent on this team. Again, if Cousins had been able to limit his turnovers, we could have won at least two more games.

Agree with your point on Gruden. It will take a little time. It is common for teams to adjust to new coaches. The Iggles last season struggled with Chip Kelly at the beginning of the year and then after several games, it started to come together.

Not only has the team had to adjust to Gruden but they are having to play without their starting QB. I know that many people are down on RG3 and think there isn't any drop off between him and Cousins (and now Colt). The fact is a healthy RG3 is better than those guys. I believe, when healthy, he is more the guy we saw in his rookie campaign as opposed to last season. We will see and time will tell. Once he comes back, folks need to be patient and give him a few games to get better acclimated. This isn't fantasy football where you plug a guy in and expect it to automatically work. Yes, he has been practicing but games are very different than practice and when he returns, he will be coming in as if it is opening day vs. the rest of the league which is in mid season form. It will take a couple of games before he is on the same page as everyone else. Most people won't understand this and that's why most "fans" are morons and change their opinions with the drop of a hat. What you want to see is improvement each week and see if there is a plan to get better. I believe the Skins have the bones to become better. They just need to stay healthy and have some time for it to come together and then add a few pieces namely a safety (or two depending on what we have in Thomas) and fix the right side of the O line (we have Moses and Long and hopefully one or both of these guys pan out).

There is reason to feel good about being a Skins fan.