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Monday, October 27, 2014

It's getting ugly in Chi-town

Jay Cutler is getting smoked by opposing defenses this season. (USTASI)

After a poor performance last week in which B. Marshall had a post game locker room tirade, the Pears were abused by NE yesterday.  Apparently, tackling and coverage was optional yesterday as Tom Brady threw for five TDs.

I didn't watch the game other than some highlights.  I'm sure it is ugly in Chicago right now as fans and media are all over Trestman, Cutler, and the rest of the team. 

Frankly, unless things turn around fast for them, it will be hard to keep Trestman around.  Cutler is wearing out his welcome as well.  As we all should know, this is very much a what have you done for me lately league.  You could have been great before but if you are not performing now, fans will turn on you with the drop of a hat. 

Problem is that the Pears just committed long term to Cutler with A LOT of money so they are stuck with him.  Not good.


JSR said...

The Bears look good to me.

j, k, and s's d said...

To add insult to injury, Lamar Woodson may have a season ending injury celebrating a sack while 25 points down. Yeah, it's been that kinda year for the Pears.