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Friday, September 12, 2014

Redskins vs. Jags preview

Sunday marks the home opener for the Skins and Gruden's first game at home.  After a somewhat lackluster performance putting up points against the Texans, the Skins offense will look to regroup and get the ball downfield to get the crowd excited and keep them excited.  Jax has a solid defense so this will not be easy.  Thoughts to the game include:

1. Need to take shots downfield.  I know you have to take what the defense gives you but if for no other reason than to keep the defense on their toes, there have to be some shots downfield. 

2. Run the ball!  Against the Texans, Morris averaged 6.5 yards/carry.  Helu had four carries and averaged 11.5 yards.  The run game is solid so use it.  Sure, it's not sexy but it's blue collar football and offenses love being able to ram it down the other team's throat and wear them down.  Morris should get at least 20 rushes and this will also set up the deeper passes downfield.

3. Get DeSean Jackson in space.  Would love to see one or two deep balls but do some deep crossing patterns where he can get into the seam and then run for extra yards.  This is where he excels and this is also what he loves doing.

4. Rambo or Ihenacho?  Ihenacho apparently will see action this week.  The question is will he get the start over Rambo.  Rambo wasn't particularly bad last week.  He had the one TERRIBLE play missing the tackle on Hopkins that sprung him for the 76 yard TD but otherwise he was solid.  Still, that one play was a crusher.  Ihenacho is more physical and probably the better tackler.  He said this week that he is comfortable with the defense and I'm sure he is itching to get out there.  We'll see who gets the nod.

5. Chris Baker filling in for Cofield. I like Baker.  He has worked hard to be in the position he is in.  I think he will have a solid game at NT and I also like Hatcher and Jenkins flanking him.  I expect the D line to be disruptive.  Another factor on the D line is Orakpo.  Orakpo wants to believe he is elite.  I think he is a very good player but not sure he is elite.  Everyone wants tons of sacks from him and he'll get some but they aren't really impact plays.  I understand he still drops back in coverage a lot so he doesn't get as many opportunities as other pass rushers but for the money he gets, he needs to be more of an impact players/difference maker.  I think he will make something happen this week.

7. Turnovers.  We need to win the turnover battle this week.  I always say that winning or losing a football game typically comes down to just a few plays in each game and typically those plays are turnovers.  We have to win the turnover battle this week. 

8. Special Teams.  We all know that last season the Skins had one of the worst special team units in NFL history.  There were some miscues last week and everyone wants to say, "same ole' special teams."  I don't think that is the case.  I believe this unit is MUCH improved.  Starting with Andre Roberts as the return man.  This guy is actually a threat to score and we haven't had that since I don't know when.  The issue last season was the unit was bad and the coaching (Keith Burns) was even worse.  The Skins invested in the offseason to bring in special teamers and the coaching is much better.  The issues last week were just bad mistakes from decent players.  They are easily correctable and I expect they will be.  Still, they have to show it and I expect they will this week. 

In the end, the Skins offense will get into gear and put some points up keeping the fans excited and win this game 27-17.


1 comment:

deepie said...

Skins will pull this one out and regain some confidence in the process. Morris goes for 100 and a touchdown. RG3 will find Jackson down field at least once and Garcon will approach 10 catches again. The defense will be unspectacular but solid. 27-17. HTTR!