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Friday, January 11, 2013

Movie endings

So in a change of pace, I had an issue with movie endings.  I was watching Shutter Island the other night on tv and for those that have seen it, I thought it was a decent movie but the ending kind of leaves it up to the viewer for interpretation.  Anyone that has seen it, I'd be curious as to your understanding of it.  I have my own understanding but won't share yet in case you haven't seen it and want to see it.

Still, there are other movies that I enjoyed but the ending is a bit confusing.  Namely The Dark Knight Rises and Inception.  Both good movies but the endings are not clear.  My preference would be an ending that is more definitive just so I don't leave the movie guessing. 

Anyway, just something that I wanted to throw out there.


Rob said...

Haven't seen Shutter Island, so I cannot help there.

As for Inception and Dark Knight Rises, I'm not sure I understand what your concern is. For Inception, it could be that he is still in a dream or he has made it out and is free to see his kids. I believe the latter.

For Dark Knight Rises, what is your confusion? I thought it was pretty straightforward - and I loved it.

j, k, and s's d said...

My point exactly. For Inception, it's not clear. You said that it could be that he is still in a dream or he has made it out and free to see his kids. It is up to the viewer. I would prefer something more definitive.

As far as the Dark Knight Rises, is he dead or alive?

Rob said...

I liked the way Inception ended and had no problem leaving the end to the viewer.

As for Dark Knight Rises he is alive and well. The autopilot on the Batwing was fixed. I missed it the first time I watched it, but after the explosion there is a part where Fox is talking to a technician who is working on a similar Batwing vehicle. Earlier we heard Batman tell Fox that the autopilot didn't work, but the technician says that a new piece of software was uploaded.

Basically, Bruce slipped away and now the Batman can retire. Watch the end of the movie after the explosion - you'll see it.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'll watch again. That's fine that Batman can retire but why does Bruce Wayne need to be dead? Are there enough people out there that know Batman's identity?

Seems like Bruce is well known enough that he could be spotted.

Why doesn't Alfred say "hello?" Alfred has lived for the Wayne's and loves Bruce like a son. Seems as distraught as he was with his supposed death he would have a bigger reaction than the one he had.

The "open ended" type of endings as in Inception leave me with a "WHAT THE...?" type of feeling. I don't mind it but I want the TRUTH!!!

Rob said...

Dude, you need to watch the movie again. Alfred wanted Bruce to retire the Batman. Earlier in the movie, Alfred said he goes on vacation to some foreign place and sometimes he imagined seeing Bruce there (when Bruce was gone earlier). He said he would love to see Bruce happy and retired. If he saw him there he wouldn't go up to him, he just wanted to see Bruce happy.

So at the end, Bruce went with his girlfriend, most likely expecting to see Alfred. Alfred was perfectly happy seeing Bruce happy and true to his word he didn't rush up to him and bother him.

I'm sure some day they will get back together, but it was perfect the way it was. It fit right into the story and was foreshadowed earlier in the movie.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm sure I do need to see the movie again. I know Alfred wanted Bruce to retire the Batman. However, Alfred didn't want Bruce to die so why was he left to think Bruce was dead. Was it to protect him?

Despite what Al said about going on vacation and imagining to see Bruce there seems to me if you thought the most important person in the world to you had died and you ended up seeing them, you wouldn't just smile and drink a port wine.

Whatever. I enjoyed the movie and will watch again.

matar-alloo said...

You guys got it all wrong. In the end of ALL those movies Arnold, Bruce, and Sly come in and blow everything away. And then the movies are over. What the hell do you not understand?!?!

j, k, and s's d said...

Watched again and matar's right. They do all come in and blow everything away but then they start celebrating with high fives. Then they start hugging and kissing and before you know it, it escalates to full on three way gay sex with sweat and muscles and weird grunting and cursing all over the place. Pretty weird dude especially that the same thing happened in all those movies.

Rob said...

I think you are projecting the way you, Deeps, and Matar close up each night after watching some male-testosterone promoting movie.

JSR said...

Lol. These open ended so called endings are sometimes aggravating. Especially when the movie is so great until it leaves you unsatisfied with the ending. Dark Knight rises he is def alive at the end. There is a conversation between the tech and Morgan Freeman (I believe) that proves it. Shutter island has a good ending because it tries to put you in Leo's insane mind at the end. It's a psychological thriller so it was fine but movies like Grey would have been more bad ass if they showed him killing the wolf and surviving instead of the unknown.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, we just wanted to be like our heroes and thought it was worth a try. What was weird was when I looked up, I saw you in the corner with your pants down and scratching the tuft of hair where your dong dong should have been and why were you wearing the bunny ears and clown nose? Whatever. Pretty weird dude.

Glad that Bruce is alive.

Rob said...

That wasn't me, that was you looking at a mirror while you were doing your thing. You must have been dreaming of me in the whole twisted, sordid event.

j, k, and s's d said...

No. I was wearing a raccoon hat and Groucho Marx glasses/moustache. I know it was you because I have seen you wear that same bunny ear get up at your kid's birthday party. Nice try Sandusky!