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Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So Lance Armstrong has finally decided to come out and make some type of admission to his use of performance enhancing drugs.  This is ridiculous.  The guy has strongly denied the accusations for a decade.  Even with former teammates admitting their use and implicating him as well and mounting evidence, Armstrong stood defiant denying the accusations. 

Several months ago, it was recognized that he had cheated and his titles were stripped and he lost millions in endorsement deals being pulled.  He received a lifetime ban from competitive competitions.  Only now has he decided to give some type of partial admission.  Where is the courage in that?  Where is the honor in that?  No where. 

He isn't sorry he did what he did.  He is sorry he got caught.  Do you think for a second the guy would admit to anything if he hadn't got caught?  Of course not.  This guy is a loser.  Sure, I give him credit for Livestrong and the money he has raised for cancer research but to deny the way he did for a decade and to only come out now after losing so much shows his true character and how cowardly he is.  He is only coming out now to try and save and repair any type of character he has left.  It's too late.  He is trying to salvage his money.  He is trying to be reinstated so as to compete again.  It's all a sham.

It's simple.  I tell my kids that if you do something wrong that I may not like it but if you lie about it, I will be a whole lot more upset.  You can respect guys like Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi for admitting to their use of performance enhancing drugs.  While it's not good that they used, at least they were open and honest about it when they were asked about it. Armstrong is an arrogant ass and he is deserving of the penalties that have been handed down to him and that continue to be handed down to him.


Rob said...

Very disappointing that all of his accomplishments were a result of cheating. I have no doubt that many cyclists were doing the same during that period of time, but that does not excuse him.

The way he tried to deny after his teammates came out against him was particularly disturbing. In addition, he is now saying that he will cooperate and testify against other guys. Crazy.

j, k, and s's d said...

He's a coward and an idiot. Back in August when Armstrong, who won the Tour de France an unprecedented seven straight times, said that he would not continue to fight the charges levied against him by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, which contended that he doped and was one of the ringleaders of systematic doping on his Tour-winning teams.

Armstrong said, "There comes a point in every man's life when he has to say, 'Enough is enough,'" He also added that his decision is not an admission of drug use but a refusal to enter an arbitration process he believes is improper and unfair to athletes facing charges.

"The toll this has taken on my family and my work for our foundation and on me leads me to where I am today — finished with this nonsense."

Armstrong says USADA doesn't have the authority to vacate his Tour titles. USADA chief executive Travis Tygart thinks otherwise.

He NEVER wanted to admit guilt even when it was obvious he doped. He doesn't want to now but I'm sure he was hoping for some sympathy and some leniency after realizing all that he has lost.

I don't want to hear his lame excuses and see his crocodile tears. He's an arrogant dope.

Rob said...

Lance reaped rewards for his cheating, but he will now face even bigger consequences and has fallen into appropriate infamy.