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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Josh Morgan gets death threats for mistake

Redskins wide receiver Josh Morgan revealed Wednesday that he received death threats after his costly gaffe late in Sunday’s 31-28 defeat at St. Louis.

“I heard everything, especially when they got you on Twitter and they’re sending you death threats,” Morgan said, “and wishing bad on your family, your first born. You see it all, hear it all. You don’t got no choice. But you never let it get to you, especially me being from DC.”

Indeed, a quick look at messages directed at Morgan on the social media website including name calling, racial epithets and at least three death threats, including ond that read, in part, “I will kill you in your sleep you [expletive]…”

This is pathetic.  Yes, it was a bad play and it was maddening for me being a Skins fan but do send him a death threat even if it is not meant is pathetic.  It's football.  It's a game.  The guy made a bad mistake but it's not worth threatening his life or his family's life.  Once again, just more proof that people are stupid. 


Rob said...

It is crazy. I think the cowards who sit on their Twitter accounts or who post anonymously on the Web only do it because they think they can hide in obscurity. These same people would never say this to Morgan face-to-face.

I'd like to see these bozos tracked down, arrested, tried, and then sent to jail.

j, k, and s's d said...

Agree 100%.

It's not totally surprising when this happens. Joel Ward got death threats when he took that stupid penalty in the Rangers playoff game last season. That punt returner for SF got death threats when he botched the punt in the Giants playoff game. I understand it happens.

As a fan, it certainly hurts and at home we might curse the player that committed the gaffe but to send something to the player threatening his life or his family's lives takes things to a whole different level. Again, even if the person sending the message is not genuine it is ridiculous. These messages put the mistake into context and while the mistake is heartbreaking, it is just a mistake. Most of us are guilty of committing a mistake at work. I know I have made mistakes and I certainly wouldn't expect a death threat sent to me.

I actually would love for these idiots to be tracked down and prosecuted.

JSR said...

I agree as well. Atleast we live in a land where the law is powerful and these crazies have to hide behind their screens and for the most part wont actually act on their feelngs. One that comes to mind is the colombian soccer who scored an own goal in the 94 world cup and was murdered when he returned to Colombia. Really these fans are narrowsighted. Being three points short when the clock hit 0 was a result of the actions all of the players on both teams that played over a period of 4 quarters and not just josh morgans mess up. Seems just plain silly that these people dont see that as obvious as they see 1+1=2.