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Tuesday, September 25, 2012



Shocking ending to last night's Seattle/Green Bay game.  It was a tough battle throughout with Seattle's defense dominating the game in the first half sacking Rodgers 8 times!  The Packers clearly have some O line issues that unless resolved will most likely be their downfall this season. 

Still, in the second half the Packers realized their line was overmatched and began running the ball and adding more TEs to the line and running short passes that proved effective.  They ended up taking a 12-7 lead late into the fourth quarter and that is where the real drama began.

There were a few very bad calls in the final minutes that included:

1. On a first and like 30, Wilson threw a deep ball down the left sideline and it looked like clear pass interference on the WR yet the GB corner was called for the pass interference.  Terrible call but this sometimes happens so as bad as it was you sometimes have to live with that type of call.  The tough part was that it was a first and 30 and the call made it an automatic first down.  The call ultimately didn't hurt the Puckers as Seattle's drive stalled deep in GB territory and they turned it over on downs. 

2. The other call that everyone is talking about today was the final play of the game.  It was a fourth down with a few seconds remaining and Russel Wilson threw a hail mary into the end zone.  First, Golden Tate clearly shoved the GB DB out of the way to clear space.  This is not so egregious as it is common for players on both sides (but particularly offensive players) to do that on hail marys.  However, it seemed obvious that another GB DB came down with the ball.  The GB corner seemed to have it and fall with back on top of Golden Tate and Tate seemed to have at least one hand through the GB corner's arm on the ball and inexplicably it was ruled a TD. 

When I was watching live it seemed like an obvious INT so I was surprised by the ruling on the field.  Still, the play went to review and I figured it would be overturned.  Even more confounding was that after review the play was confirmed as a TD.  SHOCKING!!!

The call has led to number of people voicing their disgust on Twitter and other social media outlets.  It is all anyone is talking about on sports radio.  The replacement refs have been bad in most games throughout this season as they have misunderstood the rulebook, misunderstood penalties, lost control of games, and often times just look confused.  However, the height of the replacement ref issue was highlighted last night on MNF national tv on a last second play on a call that ultimately decided the outcome of a game.  I am not sure I have ever seen a more obvious play that was so critical called incorrectly.

I get that these refs are unqualified and are doing their best.  I don't believe for a second they have any bad intentions but honestly this is an embarrassment for the NFL and for Roger Goodell.  From my understanding, what the refs are asking for is not substantial so this almost seems like a battle of egos.  The dispute has to get resolved and last night's outcome/debacle only makes this more obvious.  If anything, last night's ruling only strengthens the case for the real refs so just get them back already.

Will be interesting to see what the fallout of last night's call will be in the coming days and in next week's games. 


JSR said...

Its a travesty and an embarrassment to this sport. I agree with your assessment of the game. The final play was heartbreaking. I can only imagin what the packers felt and are feelng. Mistakes can happen but when there is a review process in place it should used to make sure the right calls are made. Even more so now with these refs. The rules that the nfl has in place about reviews and overturning were made with the assumption that the refs would be capable of administering them. That assumption is wrong with these replacement refs and therefore until the regular refs return something has to be done to assist these refs even if it means bending the review process to maintain the integrity of the game. That was interception. So much is made about the reciever gaining and maintaining full possession for a moment with out any bobble as he completes the catch and fall in order for it to be considered a catch or td catch. Tate did not even have the ball in his hands for there to be a review of whether he completed maintaining possession. The rules and administration of the rules are inconsistent here and something has got to give. Extremely disappointed with what i witnessed last night.

j, k, and s's d said...

Interesting that the league said in a statement Tuesday that Seattle's last-second touchdown pass should not have been overturned.

The NFL says Seahawks receiver Golden Tate should have been called for offensive pass interference before the catch, which would have clinched a Packers victory, but that cannot be reviewed by instant replay.

Interesting that league would come out with this statement. Given how much attention it has received, I suppose the NFL felt the need to respond and backup their decision to have replacement refs.

You know, lost in all of this chaos, GB should have just done what you are supposed to do in that situation and knocked the ball down.

Whole thing is a shame.

Rob said...

Let me start by saying the Packers got robbed of the victory. That said hee replay official could not overrule the call on the field. Tate had enough of the ball to say it was joint possession - certainly it was not enough evidence to reverse the call. The problem was the call on the field. The refs should have huddled and discussed it before making a call. There were two refs at the scene making two different calls.