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Monday, August 20, 2012

Skins vs. Pears

As a whole, it was an exciting game capped off with a last second Gould 57 yard FG that won the game.

Here are my thoughts:

1. Skins were pretty bad as a whole in the first quarter.

2. Skins were better in the second quarter.

3. Skins were much better in the second half but this doesn't mean as much since you had backups and guys that will be driving trucks in a couple of weeks playing.

4. RG3 was fine.  Not a great performance but he was under duress and he made a couple of nice plays.  It was okay.

5. Skins O line not real good (particularly in the first quarter).

6. Cedric Griffin is making me a little nervous back there.  Not sure he is the best option but it was one game so we'll see.

7. Morris was okay at RB.  He ran hard and had a couple of nice rushes so it will be interesting to see how the RB story plays out.

8. Cousins was very good but again, he was going up against nobodies so shouldn't get overly excited about him.  We saw the same thing happen with Colt Brennan a few years back and everyone fell in love with him.  Now where is he?  ZACTLY!

9. That WR #11 was very good but we are crowded at the WR position so not sure he will make the team.

10. Interesting that the Pears came out strictly passing.  They looked good. 

11. Good to see JC out there.  I thought all in all he did good and I'm sure that there were some idiot Skin fans that wondered why he didn't do that in D.C.  The answer is that he played the same it's just that QBs in D.C. are under super microscopes and fans expect perfection (even if talent around the QB is suspect).

12. Rackers didn't impress me but I'm not thrilled with Gano either.

In the end, I don't worry too much.  It is preseason and I don't put too much stock into it.  I was disappointed with the overall team play in the first quarter but that will happen on occasion.  Hopefully it doesn't happen much in the regular season.  I was also VERY disappointed at the two dropped INTs.  Wilson had one right in his hands and some backup LB had one right in his hands that would have ended the game.  Those missed opportunities for turnovers have plagued the Skins over the years and has to improve. 

Good to see Banks return a punt for a TD.  Not sure it is enough for him to keep his job.  I think the Shannys like him and want him to make the team but he hasn't done anything as a WR and given that kickers now kick from the 35 yard line and many of them can kick it out of the end zone, it really limits the scope of Banks and not sure you want to give a roster spot to a guy that is pretty much only used for punt returns and the occasional kick off. 

On to this week and the RG3 vs. Luck battle on Saturday.  I know it is more for the media and they will play it up but it will be fun to watch.



Rob said...

Let the QB controversy begin. There are going to be some significant ups and downs for Bob Griffin and for the first time in his life he is going to hear people actually talking about "the other guy". We'll see how he handles it.

JSR said...

I do think RG3 will be fine in the long run. Its the rest of the team that is of concern. Cousins has to leap frog RG first to have a shot at overtaking RG3. Its interesting to see redskin nations reactions to these two basically meaningless preseason games. Last week everyone was so optimistic and calling for playoffs and so sky high on RG3. This week, the fact that we are even talking about a possible qb controversey, shows a 180 in the direction of optimism. These are just two meaningless preseason games. What will happen when RG3 struggles during the regular season? The guys character will be severley tested then. It will be fun to watch at the very least.

Rob said...

The Post today has a bunch of stories online about the "QB Controversy." They don't really say there is a real one, but there is some buzz online about one (Jim Miller on the Bears broadcast of the game, and Skip Bayless talked a bit about it).

The interesting thing is that in the comments sections of some of these stories you do find significant numbers of fans (not the majority) bringing up Heath Schuler and Sonny vs. Billy and actually talking about the possibility that a controversy may exist or soon will exist.

I do think Bob will have to handle the situation well.

j, k, and s's d said...

If he struggles, it won't be the first time he faced adversity. The thing is anyone that understands football knows RG3 is the better option and that is all that matters. RG3 understands this and one of his big draws is how well he is balanced mentally and emotionally so I am not worried about his mental state.

JSR, again, most fans are idiots. Anyone thinking Super Bowl for the Skins does not understand the game so best to just leave those fans to think what they want and leave them alone. We are in what I would say is the second year of the rebuild and we have taken some big steps.

The Pack has been pretty unimpressive in preseason and I don't doubt for a second that there are fans in GB thinking the worst. However, fans that understand the game better kniw that GB should be one of the better teams in the NFL. Majority of fans are stupid and have kneejerk reactions not just to individual games but to individual plays.

Whatever. We'll see.

Rob said...

I agree fans are fickle. But that doesn't change the fact that they can voice public dissent that can hurt a player's psyche - especially a young player.

The thing Skip Bayless doesn't like is that the Deadskins put unnecessary pressure on Bob when they also drafted Cousins. It is a valid point when you consider how much they paid for Bob.

deepie said...

Robs...Bayless's argument was along racial lines. He spoke of the Redskins largely white fan base rooting for the white guy because it's human nature to do so. That's not human nature. That's his attempt at justifying racism. His comments were ridiculous and should be ignored. The guy needs to get his head examined.

Jim Miller didn't watch the Skins vs. Bills a week earlier to see how RG3 excelled and Cuz stunk up the joint. It's the preseason and we have two rookies at QB. Inconsistency at QB is expected and for anyone to stir up a Redskins QB controversy is ridiculous.

Regarding the game, I'm not too concerned except that Cedric Griffin blows. I'd rather have Barnes back there given his potential to improve more over time. Griffin is an 8-9 year vet who isn't going to get any better now. He was average in Minnesota and we don't room for more average DBs given the overall state of the team.

All in all, I hope Bob learns from this experience. This was a necessary reality check in my opinion.

j, k, and s's d said...

There is no surprise at how fans react. However, after two preseason games anyone who thinks there is a legitimate QB controversy is a moron.

Robs, I am assuming you don't believe there is a QB controversy.

As far as Bob's psyche, I don't worry about it. Again, he has shown great maturity and ability to deal with adversity.

Rob said...

I do believe one can emerge but don't think there is one now.

Deeps, Bayless did talk about race, but since the draft he has questioned picking Cousins. His remarks were in line with his contention that having Bob and Cuz causes unnecessary trouble.

deepie said...

Trouble for whom? Everyone knows Bob is the starter. Fans aren't clamoring for Cuz to start on the sports talk shows. The only people trying to stir the pot are the sports press because they need controversy for job security.

It's a non-issue.

JSR said...

The packers def are not playing great this pre-season but they should be okay. Joe philbin is gone but i think their success had more to do with Mike Mccarthy and the talent level than philbin. That being said i dont think they will be 15-1 this year. If they stay healthy they shud be 11-5 at worst.
I think the skins fan base is brutal and largely ignorant. Theyve been made to become that way due to the lack of success in the past 20 years and the desire to win immediatley and taste greatness again. They are starving for any taste of success with an owner that teases them year in and year out with rotten has beens.
If RG3 does not succeed i firmly believe it will not have anything to do with his talent level but more to do with the high pressure put on him by the mismanagement of the redskins management and the brutal and ignorant fan base. Excluding of course the educated and more realistic fans out there.

Espn mag predicts the redskins will go 2-14 this year. Thoughts? I think 5-11.

JSR said...

I think RG3 is the starter no matter how bad he does in the preseason. Question is how long does he last if he has a string of poor performances with Cousins sitting behind him. My guess is 8 games. I agree with Skip. The pressure added by drafting Cousins was unneccessary. Its creating unwanted controversies even today.

Rob said...

Look, if you are going to pour everything into getting a franchise QB, I think we can all agree that it is odd that you hedge your bet with a second drafted QB.

We can all say that Bob should not mind the competition and it is his team and whatever, but the reality is that he is a rookie that has enormous pressure on him. It is tough enough to adjust to life in the NFL without another highly rated rookie QB standing right behind you. Shanny just added more pressure with the additional pick.

It doesn't seem like such a great idea, but we'll see how it all works out.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think a QB controversy can emerge too. I think that if Bob sucks for 8 straight games I wouldn't mind seeing Cuz. I think most people would feel the same. The thing is any team whose QB sucks for 8 games I would expect them to feel the same way so what's the difference?

I didn't like the drafting of Cuz but more because of our need at other positions. If Cuz ends up being the better option so be it. I don't expect that to happen but we'll see.

The point is and I think we all agree that for people that better understand recognize there is no controversy. Yes one can emerge with 8 straight sucky games but the same would be true for any team.

Vick has struggled and their backup has been great. I'm sure the friendly fans of Philly are thinking that guy would be a better option. Again fans are stupid.

As far as the record, no way we only win 2 games. I expect 7 wins and being competitive in every game.

Rob said...

I'd say 6 wins.

I don't think there is a controversey (yet).

But the problem - again - is that the Deadskin organization put additional pressure on Bob that they didn't need to put on him - especially when they invested so heavily to get him. It is a bit odd. I would give him every opportunity to succeed without any possibility of having to look over his shoulder.

If you look at texts and tweets after the Deadskin game, or on the message boards on the Post website, you see that there is a significant (not majority) number of fans who are starting to think about Cuz.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, given the idiocy of fans are you surprised at the tweets/posts?

Honestly, this a non issue right now.