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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Skins final preseason game tonight

So no starters are going to play tonight but it's still an interesting game to watch as the team needs to cut down to the mandatory 53 man roster by Friday and we are currently at around 75 players so guys will be fighting for their jobs.

Key position battles that will be interesting to watch include:

1. WR where there is an abundance of guys and only 1 or 2 spots available so we'll see who comes through. 

2. RB where we still don't have a clear number 1 RB.  Will be good to see more of Morris, Helu, and Royster to see what they can do.

3. Secondary.  We just traded away Kevin Barnes which I had no issue with.  I want to see more of Richard Crawford who had a nice preseason so want to see if he can continue his solid play.

Specifically, I am interested in seeing what Brandon Banks and Anthony Armstrong can do at WR.

I also want to see both Rexy and Cuz play and if Cuz can make some ground up to be the 2nd string QB.  I don't think that will happen.  I think the veteran Rexy has that position locked up.  Although if the season is tanked, I wouldn't mind seeing what we have in Cuz.

I also want to see Chris Baker in at NT.  I like that guy and want to see what he and some of the other backups on the defensive front seven can do (namely L. Alexander, Chris Wilson, Rob Jackson, etc.).

It's a tough time for these guys as they are fighting hard and a couple of plays tonight can be the difference between making the roster and looking for work next week. 

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