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Friday, August 10, 2012


Thought it was a really good performance by RG3 last night.  I would grade it as a B+.  All in all, I was pleased with most of what I saw out there.  Here are my thoughts:

1. RG3 played very well.  He got in there an looked confident.  The first drive started with two short runs and a good looking out pattern to Garcon that appeared to be in bounds but the replacement refs called him out.  The second drive ended with a muffed handoff to Royster.  Not sure who was to blame here but we can't have that.  The third drive was a nice drive with multiple completions to Garcon and one to Hank.  The drive was capped off with a short screen to Garcon, and left tackle Trent Williams went out and made a terrific open-field block to spring Garcon. The former Colt sprinted to the end zone and somersaulted in. As impressive as the play was, Garcon was the third or fourth option for RG3.  Great that he was able to go through his progressions and make the right decision.  Very solid performance for RG3.  What I also loved was that throughout the game Griffin was going up and down the sidelines and slapping shoulder pads for guys that made plays and he very much carried himself like the leader of the team.  I continue to be impressed with this kid and hopefully he can continue.

2. O line play was solid:  Given that this was a patchwork O line, they didn't let anyone touch RG3.  They were also going up against one of the better D lines in the league so that was encouraging.  This is an under rated group and it is clear that we have more depth at the line than in previous years.

3. WRs:  Garcon was very good and looks like he has the potential for a big year.  I love the size of Hank.  The guy looks huge out there and he is certainly not afraid.  He too has the potential to break out this season.  The slimmed down Moss slides perfectly into the slot role.  Morgan had a few catches and should be another good option for us.  Armstrong is hurt but he will be a good special teamer and occasional deep threat.  Banks is gone.  He had a number of balls thrown to him and made very few plays.  He slipped on routes.  He is too short and small to compete for jump balls.  He is very limited in what he can do and there isn't enough upside to warrant a roster spot for him.

4. RBs okay:  Royster got the start and had one nice run but was largely held in check.  Helu doesn't look quick or fast but he has cutback ability to make tacklers miss and had some nice runs.  New kid Alfred Morris looks big and strong and runs hard.  He wears #46 and kind of reminds you of Torain.  By all accounts, he has had a good camp and people think that he will get time on the field this year.  Still, looks like a healthy Hightower is the projected starter.

5. D line: Solid.  First defensive play, Kerrakpo close in on Fitzpatrick with Orakpo getting a hand on him forcing Fitz to tuck the ball for just a second allowing Kerrigan to finish him off.  Like that combo.  Deepie made a comment that Nancy looks like the stronger of the two.  He may be right.  Orakpo's needs to learn to do a better job of bull rushing and/or getting around guys.  He has worked on that this preseason but Kerrigan seems to have the better repetoire.  He also did a nice job of blocking down a pass.  Backup NT Chris Baker was solid and has impressed in camp.  Huge defensive stop near our goal line before the end of the first half.  Stopped the Bills six straight times forcing a short FG which they missed.  That was tremendous D.  Again, it shows that we have a whole lot more depth than in previous seasons.

6. LBs solid:  Already mentiond Kerrakpo.  Fletcher looked like Fletcher and I really like Riley in there.  Both Fletcher and Riley did a really nice job in coverage and I feel good about this group.

7. Secondary okay:  As Deepie mentioned, Meriweather dropped a pick right in his hands.  He seemed to have been caught by surprise by the throw.  The Bills were certainly trying to test the secondary as they consistently lined up with five wide and I thought the secondary largely held up strong.  I also have to give credit to the D front for getting penetration forcing the QB to get rid of the ball.  A CB's greatest friend is guys getting pressure on the QB. 

8. What up, Cous?  He was okay.  I actually expected more from him.  He had a number of passes just off the mark and could have ended up with a huge day.  He threw short to Banks AND Aldrick whateverhislastnameis on deep balls that could have resulted in TDs.  He rolled right and threw back across his body for an incompletion right before the two minute warning.  As mentioned, he seemed just off most of the night.  I suppose my expectations were higher for him so it was hard for him to meet them.

So it was one game and a preseason game at that so no need to get overly excited but there are some basic things to like particularly the play and composure of RG3 and the depth at a number of spots throughout this team.  On to the Pears next week.



deepie said...

Some more thoughts...

I am thinking of making RG3 my idol.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm developing a Leonard Hankerson man-crush. The dude looks big and quick. I hope he can establish himself as a go to guy in the offense.

Nancy is a beast. I may eventually have to stop referring to him as Nancy.

Considering that 3 of the top 5 O-linemen were out, the line looked good. We finally have some depth along the line. Even going back to Gibbs 2.0, O-Line depth was a serious problem.

I think Raheem Morris is going to do wonders for our secondary. We should see interceptions increase this year.

I hope Jay George's new baby pees in Jay's face.

Robs is going to be incredibly annoying this season because the Pears are loaded.


j, k, and s's d said...

Thinking of making RG3 your idol? What's to think about?

I like giving Hankerson a shot. It's nice to see the changing of the guard in certain spots and allowing younger guys opportunities.

I like Kerrigan. Seems like a good dude and a hard worker (like RG3). Could the Skins really be building something?

O line had depth as well as defense and RB and WR. Could the Skins really be building something?

I like Raheem Morris' energy and attitude and I think he will get the most out of this group of "misfits."

Pears could be good but they have issues as well. Starting with the O line and a talented but aging defense. Marshall is a nut job. Forte signed his big deal so we'll see if he is as motivated. Jay George is a recent daddy (OH LAWD!!!) AND engaged to Kristen Cavallari (OH MY LAWDY!!!) so I imagine all kinds of drama in the George household. I suppose Cavallari can strike up a friendship with Urlacher's celebrity GF, Jenny McCarthy.

Tune in next week for As the Pears Turn.

deepie said...

What's to think about? Maybe it's just me, but it's starting to seem very strange to me that the guys on the team are significantly younger than me. Idolizing a kid is an odd concept. Although I'll probably give in one day, I'm a little hesitant to even buy an RG3 jersey to replace my old Portis jersey.

On that note, is it wrong to have a man-crush on someone like Leonard Hankerson who is only 24 years old?

j, k, and s's d said...

If a super hot 24 year old girl wearing barely anything walks up to you and spreads her leg up on your desk and asks if you can inspect a small scratch on the inside of her thigh are you not going to get the least bit aroused?

If you answer even a slight yes, than it is okay to have a man crush on Hank and/or RG3.

Hey! I'm 40 and when I watch RG3, it's like I turn into a 12 year old school girl watching Justin Bieber rock it out!


Rob said...

Gentlemen - are you buying your tickets to the Super Bowl - in 2055?

Let's get real for a moment. Snyder will be alive and own the team for at least 40 more years. The Deadskins will continue to stink.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way and we can all stipulate to the fact that Snyder's bad Karma will keep the Deadskins down, I have to say that I like RG3. Good player, good leader, but ultimately doomed. For all of his talent, he is a little bit slight. I have a bad feeling that when he is blown up a couple of times when the line falls apart, he may struggle with confidence in his protections which will impact his game.

The Bears still have to work out their O-line issues and get used to all the new players playing in the new system. But I do expect them to challenge in the NFC.

j, k, and s's d said...

No one is saying Super Bowl...yet. To me, this is the second year of the rebuild. We still have some issues but we are in far better shape today than we were over the last several years. We have much more depth. We have gotten rid of aging, high priced divas that caused distractions. We now FINALLY appear to be building something and doing that around what hopefully is a rare talent at QB.

Pears have O line issues namely who will be LT with neither option being that great. Defense is aging and Urlacher just had his troublesome knee scoped. Pears seem to be doing their best to downplay it but no way he holds up all year. At least he has Jenny McCarthy to comfort him.

Tune in next week for another exciting episode of Days of Our Pears.

Rob said...

We'll be fine - the O-line should be better with the system and players they have.

I'm not worried about Urlacher - yet. He can play now if need be, but why bother in the preseason.

j, k, and s's d said...

Pear O line will suffer.

Swelling and pain in the 34 year old Urlacher knee. No way he could play a full season and be effective. Love how the Pears try and downplay it though.

Just another episode of The Old and the Pearless.