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Monday, August 1, 2011

Skins resign Jamal Brown and add Hightower

Addressing a HUGE need at RT, the Skins opted to resign Jamal Brown. I like the move as Brown is relatively young and has talent. The big question is if he can stay healthy. He had a hip injury a few years ago and has had difficulty getting back to 100% since then. He was forced to sit out a few games last year. However, prior to his injuries, he made the Pro Bowl multiple times. I like the signing ASSUMING Brown can stay healthy. Only time will tell.

The Skins also added veteran RB Tim Hightower. I kind of figured we would bring in a veteran RB to add to all of our young guys. Nice pickup as Hightower has been productive and is looking for a place where he can be the starter. I think it forces competition between Hightower and Torain for the starting job. It also buys times for the two RBs we drafted to learn.

Once again, feel pretty good about the ongoing moves this front office is making.



deepie said...

I like having Brown stay at RT. I believe he will continue on his path to returning to Pro Bowl form. I'm still a little uncomfortable with the depth along the O-Line though. The projected starters along the interior of the line are 2nd stringers at best. Let's see how things progress.

Hightower is a good pick up, especially considering how little we gave up to get him. Hopefully the O-line will be able to perform well enough to let our RBs get some yards...not sure if that will happen.

Rob said...

If he is healthy it was a good mood. If not then we have an MK2 situation.

j, k, and s's d said...

Hopefully this guy Chester can play.

Montgomery was solid towards the end of the year.

The big question mark is LichtenSTEIGER! I don't really care for him but Shanny seems to love this guy.

There is always Artis Hicks as well.