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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pears Botch Chester Taylor Dealings

The running back, who left Halas Hall on Monday morning in the belief he was being released, will return to practice Tuesday to serve out a few more days in uniform before he likely will be … released.

There is no secret the Pears aren't satisfied with their investment in Taylor and Barber is going to be the #2 RB. However, the Pears are keeping Taylor around as trade bait.

Taylor met with Lovie Smith and apparently was told he was no longer in the Pears plans and he took that to mean that he would be cut but that wasn't the case. They want to hold on to him in hopes of a trade but will not play him because of risking injury but will ultimately cut him any way.

Funny. Sounds like the way the Redskins would operate before.


Rob said...

I'm not sure what you are criticizing. Every team does this from time to time - even the best teams.

Just as one example, the Cowboys told their Pro Bowl center, Gurode, not to play this last weekend because they were trying to work out a trade. It didn't happen so they released him yesterday.

Chester's salary cap figure is around $1.2M. Gurode was due $5.5M so there weren't going to be any takers. Chester's salary may be palatable for some teams who need a solid third down back. If the Bears find a trade partner and get a pick then great. If not, they will release him. What is the big deal?

Certainly it doesn't hurt Chester. He is not going to make more money than he is currently making, so who is being hurt?

j, k, and s's d said...

Terrible communication. I get that teams hold on to players they don't intend to be on the team in hopes of trading them. However, they botched this one.

I'm sure Taylor is confused and frustrated by how it went down. Angelo screwed the Ravens during the draft and then tried to make excuses.

It's not the way to do things. I'm sure if this were the Redskins you would find reason to bash.

Rob said...

Don't make stuff up and create hypotheticals and say, "Well, Rob you would say this . . ." If I bash the Deadskins for a similar situation then let's talk about that.

According to Lovie he was clear. The fact that it appears that Chester misunderstood him should not be an indictment of how the Bears do business.

These are pretty clearly true:

1. It appears that Chester is the one who misunderstood what Lovie told him.

2. There was never any communication from the Bears to anyone that Chester was going to be released yesterday.

This is just Chester and his agent trying to get a leg up on finding a new team as far as I am concerned. No big deal.

Unless you have some other fact, you are basically trying to make something out of nothing.

j, k, and s's d said...

Taylor doesn't seem particularly pleased with the communication.

Taylor said, "My running backs coach (Tim Spencer) told me after I came out for pregame that I wasn't playing," Taylor said. "He didn't give me no reason or no excuse or nothing. It can't be from the competition because it's hard to get three carries in a preseason game and the other players are getting 13, 14 carries. That's not comparing anything. It's not from production and play."

"Yeah, I'm disappointed,'' he said. "I'm practicing all week thinking I'm going to play. Just for them to come out of the blue and say that, yeah, I'm disappointed."

He met with Lovie after the game seeking some explanation and according to Lovie was told that he was not part of the plans for Saturday. Apparently, Taylor thought he wasn't part of the Pear plans and left. I suppose a misunderstanding but it certainly seems like Taylor isn't thrilled.

Whatever. It's their distraction that they have to deal with.

Good day, Pear fan!

Rob said...

Yeah, like I said - Chester Taylor misunderstood some pretty blunt talk.

Even with his own words he wasn't told he was being released. That was his agent who sent out a note about Chester's release.

Maybe the miscommunication was between Chester and his agent.

Blaming the Bears makes little sense.

j, k, and s's d said...

There's blaming the Pears for Taylor actually leaving and then there is blaming the Pears for stringing along a proven vet.

There may well be a misunderstanding in how Taylor understanding Lovie but there is no misunderstanding in their stringing him along.

Taylor thought he was part of the mix. He thought he had an opportunity to compete for a spot. He is being strung along. In any event, it's a Pear distraction so good luck with all of that.

j, k, and s's d said...

From Yahoo Sports: This is most likely a case of roster shuffling after Marion Barber's(notes) calf injury. Barber's impressive preseason performances are one reason the Bears were comfortable releasing Taylor in the first place, but in jerking Taylor around like this, they're certainly not doing him any favors. There's no question that they'll release him by final cuts, and if they're trying to maintain any sort of trade value for him, that just went out the window. They can't really play him for fear that he'll get injured and the team will be on the hook for more of his four-year, $12.5 million contract.

Taylor would probably be okay with the situation if it had been explained to him but there was little to no communication with him and it's not the way you treat a proven vet.

Rob said...

You are making a big assumptoin about what Taylor knew/thought.

Chester is due to make $1.25M this year. Not that much and certainly it will be of interest to teams that need a veteran backup running back.

There is absolutely nothing the Bears did wrong and nothing that they are doing wrong. In fact, any team in this same situation would do what the Bears are doing in shopping him around.

If there are no takers then they can release him and his contract is nullified. You think someone is going to pay him $1.25M to play next year?

Under his current contract if he is on the active roster his money becomes guaranteed. If he is released and another team signs him you can bet that he won't get $1.25M guaranteed. Frankly, Chester would be far better off if he is able to get traded.

j, k, and s's d said...

Taylor was quoted as being confused/frustrated.

Recognize today that he is playng the good soldier and taking full blame for the "miscommunication." He's being a standup guy. It's obvious the Pears have no intention of keeping him on their team. Again, it's fine to try and trade him. I recognize that that happens but they strung him along.

Not a big deal. Regular season will be opening up soon and he will be gone and hopefully he will have enough time to latch on with another team.

Rob said...

No they didn't string him along. Again you are wrong.

j, k, and s's d said...

Again you are an arse.

Rob said...

If you wouldn't keep writing incorrect and misleading info I wouldn't have to keep pointing out your errors.

j, k, and s's d said...

If you wouldn't be such an arse, then I wouldn't have to tell you that you are an arse.

Rob said...

You just cannot accept that you are completely wrong on this. That is an objective fact that is verifiable with evidence.

You're name calling is just evidence that you have no argument. It is just an effort to deflect and move the argument away from facts.

deepie said...

I don't blame the Bears for trying to see if Taylor has any trade value. They should do their due diligence to get something in return for Taylor if a trade can be made. The problem is, they had him suit up, put him in for a few plays, took him out and told him he wasn't in their plans any longer. When did that decision take place? If he was being phased out and the message was conveyed to him, I'm sure it wouldn't have resulted in the confusion that appears to have been created quickly and very recently.

I think there's ample reason to believe he was being strung along. To deny the possibility is just that - denial.

I don't care how it happened. Players are brought in and let go all the time. It's part of the business. It's just a little odd in this instance that a guy who's been pretty productive in the league for some time, and who has only been with the team for a year, would not be given a clear indication that he was being considered for release.

Rob said...

Deeps - he was not told that he was not in their plans. There is no evidence of that. That is misinformation that JKSD has put out there - which is what I have been objecting to.

He is likely to be gone, but that is because he is older and has been outplayed by Khalil Bell.

The fact is that the Bears are doing Chester an enormous favor by trying to trade him. If he is traded his contract stays in place and he receives his guaranteed $1.25M. If he is released and he clears waivers (which is fairly likely, because teams will likely pick up younger players first), his contract becomes void and a team can sign him for less. Plus there will be far, far less guaranteed money. If he were to get cut 2 weeks into the season he would be out at least $1M.

deepie said...

I seriously doubt that JKSD fabricated anything to support his argument. He is a stand up guy who operates with integrity. Just read his bio on this blog and you'll know.

We're talking about a 3rd down specialist who mustered up 400 yards of offense last year. Cut him, trade him, whatever. It's not that big of a deal. It's not like he's Malcolm Kelly or someone of that stature.


j, k, and s's d said...

Whoa! What misinformation did I put out there?

As proven by my bio, I am a standup guy.

Seriously, what misinformation did I put out there?

Rob said...

That the Bears "botched" it. It was Chester who botched it.

You also said they "strung him along." There is no such evidence.

You also said, "Taylor thought he was part of the mix. He thought he had an opportunity to compete for a spot. He is being strung along."

He absolutely had a chance to compete - he just has been squarely beaten out by Marion Barber and Khalil Bell. The problem for Chester is he is not as good as those guys.

I already pointed most of this out before, but I hope this clarifies it for you.

j, k, and s's d said...

Apparently Taylor feels like he wasn't given a fair chance. A quorte from Taylor, "My running backs coach (Tim Spencer) told me after I came out for pregame that I wasn't playing," Taylor said. "He didn't give me no reason or no excuse or nothing. It can't be from the competition because it's hard to get three carries in a preseason game and the other players are getting 13, 14 carries. That's not comparing anything. It's not from production and play."

"Yeah, I'm disappointed,'' he said. "I'm practicing all week thinking I'm going to play. Just for them to come out of the blue and say that, yeah, I'm disappointed."

This to me sounds like a guy that is dsappointed and doesn't feel like he has been given a fair shot. What does it sound like to you?

Keep in mind that those are NOT my words. That is Chester Taylor talking.

Rob said...

He is talking about 1 game. He has been far outplayed in practices and Forte, Khalil Bell and Marion Barber have all run well in the games. Bell and Barber are averaging well over 4 yards per carry. Chester didn't do much last year (2.4/carry), and apparently has not had a good camp.

Chester had just as fair a shot as anyone else. He's just not as good as the other players and he is trying to hold on to his career.

If you think that one quote is evidence that he was not given a fair shot, then I'm sorry that you live in a delusional reality. I think you know better than that.

j, k, and s's d said...

It was clear they weren't happy with his production last season. That is why they brought in Marion Barber.

Taylor hasn't seen much work all preseason. He's not talking about one game. He's talking about how all preseason, he is getting far less carries than the other guys. That's why he said, "He didn't give me no reason or no excuse or nothing. It can't be from the competition because it's hard to get three carries in a preseason game and the other players are getting 13, 14 carries. That's not comparing anything. It's not from production and play."

So I object to your objection and claim that I have been putting out misinformation.

Rob said...

Jeez dude, do you think Chester is tearing it up in practice and that he is unfairly being held out of games in favor of Barber and Bell?

You actually think the Bears have plotted against Chester?

There is no evidence to suggest that and in the preseason games Barber and Bell are tearing it up. But you think he has been unfairly treated because Chester says so?

Fine, I cannot help you.

j, k, and s's d said...

Jeez dude, what?

You said that I gave misinformation. I am showing you that I did not give misinformation. You said that his comments were based on one game. That does not seem to be the case.

I don't care if Chester tears up the football field or his own a hole. The point is that he appears to be confused on his status and it appears he feels like he hasn't been given a fair shake. It appears that there hasn't been the best communication in the coaches dealings with him.

I don't really care. It's their distraction.

Rob said...

There is no distraction.

Taylor was upset during/after the last game. You must think that Taylor is doing well in practice and deserves more reps in games - even though Bell and Barber by all accounts are doing well in camp and have performed well in games. You must know something that others don't know, otherwise you wouldn't keep writing this nonsensical drivel.

I gave you examples of your misinformation. No need to go over it again.