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Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's on like Donkey Kong!

In what is widely considered the dress rehearsal to the regular season, the Skins will take on the Ravens in the third preseason game tonight. It is the Battle of the Beltway.

The big story is who is starting at QB. Don't think it matters too much who starts as both QBs will get time with the starters. Their play tonight will certainly have an impact on who the regular season starter is going to be. Not sure if either one knows yet who is starting but they have both been taking reps with the starters this week in practice.

Either way, it's a good test for the Skins and a good barometer for where we stand. There is no question we are in rebuilding mode. What you really have to love is that the air seems much cleaner at Redskins Park. No more are the distractions of Haynesworth and McNabb and both players and coaches can focus on football. When ever you hear a player or coach speak, they seem much more happy and confident. That is huge. I also like that we have gotten much younger and that there is competition at several key positions (RB and WR namely).

Should be fun tonight.


Rob said...

Glenn Beck is going to get rocked tonight. Rex will play well. But Beck will be named the starter because the Shannies love how he breaks down film.

Plus, I hear he is good at sucking Shanny's Donkey Kong - if you know what I mean.

deepie said...

Good game by the 'Skins. Robs' predictions obviously weren't correct as he is a truly non-objective observer of the Skins. I agree that Rex played well, if not better, than Beck. Beck, however, was solid. He showed a really strong arm and much greater athleticism than Rexy. Not only did the QBs play well, but the O-line and the defense were also solid.

The defensive speed has dramatically improved. The D-line is now capable of applying consistent pressure with Cofield at NT and with Kerrigan and Orakpo at the edges. If Landry can come back healthy, the secondary could be formidable as well.

The overall status of the team actually makes the QB situation more intriguing. It seems that the 'Skins will be competitive this season, so maybe we won't be playing to just eek out 5-7 wins. I'm not saying we're going to win 10 games and make a playoff push, but if we are competitive and we are in it at the end of the season, the starting QB that Shanny chooses could be the difference between getting into the playoffs and just missing out.

I still say we go with Beck. He's shown that he can get the ball to the open receiver and he hasn't made any stupid mistakes, even against a good D like the Ravens. If he sucks, Rex coming off the bench will provide stability as he's a known commodity. I think that's the best scenario for success this season. If Rexy starts and is just average, he'll be on a really short leash which will aggravate fans and put unnecessary stress on the team.

Start with Beck. Give him 3-4 games. If he's not getting it done, put Rexy in. Hail Skins!

Rob said...

Depends on what you mean by "competitive." Sure they won't get beaten by 10 plus points every week, but this is a team that still lacks enough talent to win more than 8 games.

Lichtensteiger and Montgomery would not start for most teams. Outside of Moss, the receivers are reserve players. Kerrigan and Cofield will help, but Cofield is not a true nose guard and will get worn down by week 6. The Deadskins linebackers are slow and old.

Reed Doughty will get significant playing time at safety this year. Enough said about that.

It is a team that is improving, but I would be surprised if the Deadskins won more than 8. I expect them to end up 7-9.

If Glenn Beck is the starter it will be a 5-11 team. With Rexy they will go 8-8.