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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Becks or Rex?

Who do you like?


deepie said...

I say we go with Becks. He has a much greater upside and if he pans out, we have our QB for the next 5-6 years at least. Rex doesn't help us progress. He's nothing more than a stop-gap. If Becks isn't the answer, then the answer still won't be Rex. It will be the QB that we draft next year, which delays our run to the Super Bowl at least one more year.

Rob said...

Rex - he is the man. Rex was a key reason the Bears made the Super Bowl a few years back. Anyone who says otherwise should look at the facts.

That said, I hope the Deadskins pick Beck because he will suck and I don't like the Deadskins.

deepie said...

He was a reason why they made it to the Super Bowl. 26 TD passes is nothing to sneeze at. But if you want to argue that Rex was nearly as instrumental to that Super Bowl run as the defense, then you no cwazy.

I agree. I hope they go with Becks. If he bombs, then we know we don't have our QB yet. If he delivers, we're set for a few years at QB. There's no reason to believe he can't do it. He's been in the league for a few years now. He's mobile, has a good arm, and has a reputation for being accurate. Now if he can just put it all together on the field...

Rob said...

Mike Brown went down after the 7th game of the season and the D was not the same afterward.

Whether people want to admit it or not, the D was not very good in the second half of the year and struggled to control Seattle in the divisional round. He made two huge throws in OT to put the Bears in field goal range to beat Seattle.

Then, if not for a huge throw by Rex in the second half, the Saints very easily could have won the NFC championship game.

He had his dud games, but he was second in the NFL in 100+ QB rating games that year.

We've talked about Rex and the stats enough in the past.

Let Beck run the show and you will get a game manager with a modest arm who won't necessarily kill you but won't really win games for you. You need a guy who can sling it around and make some plays - especially when the team is talent poor - which the Deadskins are. The choice of Beck is a choice to be mediocre at best.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't like Becks. I sincerely hope he proves me wrong but I don't like the guy. He seems to me like a guy trying to play the part of an NFL QB. I just don't see it.

I'm not a huge Rexy fan although I have kind of warmed up to the guy lately (probably because I don't like Becks). The big thing though is that Rex's teammates seem to really like the guy and that has been the case where ever he has been. There is something to be said for that. There is no question Rex has talent; however, the big problem is his inconsistency and propensity to make the stupid mistake. If he were to cut down on those, he would be a solid QB.

The other interesting thing is I heard Gaffney talk after the last preseason game and he commended Becks for his play but also sounded surprised at the excitement and command that Becks had and said that he wasn't sure if it was because of the difference b/t the game and practice but he hadn't seen Becks like that. I'm glad that Becks can amp it up in the game and instill some confidence but I don't like that his teammates didn't see that before and weren't sure of his intensity level.

Becks is more mobile and he did have a good preseason game. We don't see how these guys perform daily in practice so I trust the coaches decision. The thing about Becks is that there is a reason why he got cut from Miami and was third string in Baltimore. Not sure if this guy can lead a football team.

The interesting thing is that whoever they pick better pray they perform because if he doesn't the media, the crowd, and teammates will start clamoring for the other guy.

Rob said...

Glenn Beck is going to be your starter in game 1, but Sexy Rexy will be your starter by the 5th game after the Redskins start 0-4.

JSR said...

Rex Grossman isnt Mike Vick or legendary Brett Favre where you start him even though hes older with less long term value than the next guy who can be ur future qb for a long time (kolb) or in our case Beck. Especialy since this isnt a win now season. You have to start beck...hes virtually a rookie who knows the offense. Have to find out what he has. The end result Cant be much worse than if Grossman were starting.

Im for beck.

Rob said...

Age isn't a factor - they are just a year apart. If Glenn Beck had "it" he would be the QB in Miami or he would not have been 3rd string in Baltimore. We'll see, but I suspect he will get rocked tonight.

Rex has proven himself on the field.

But in the end, it is isn't going to matter much. The team is talent deprived and they will need an new QB in a year or two any way because the O-line will suck.

deepie said...

Robs...You must be thinking this is '09. All the team has done in the last two years is get younger and acquire talent. I'm not sure why you think this is all a disaster waiting to happen. Then again, it's you and you'll say anything to bash the 'Skins, so whatever.

When Beck was in Miami, he was on a 1-15 team coached by Cam Cameron. That was a disaster. He didn't have an opportunity and he was surrounded by extremely poor talent. In B'more, how was he going to start over Flacco who came in as the heralded 1st round pick? chance to succeed.

His age is a non-factor. He's in his fourth year and that's all you should consider. Actually...his age may be a benefit. He's not a kid. He's 30 and he's far more mature than most guys that are trying to establish themselves in the league. Even at 30, if can establish himself as the starter, he'll have 6-7 solid years before age should start affecting him.

I'm with JSR. We have to go with Beck because he represents an opportunity to progress towards the ultimate goal. Rexy may provide some stability, but we need to shake things up and see what we have. This season needs to be one where we determine what our QB situation is. If we suck, next year's draft is expected to be full of QB talent. We need to know if we have our QB or not and Beck is the only potential answer to that question.

Rob said...

Take it easy Deeps. What do you think the Deadskins' record is going to be this year? I say 7-9 at best. Probably 6-10.

If I'm right, that's not indicative of a team that is talent rich. We'll see.

As for Glenn Beck - he is going to be the starter because the Shannies love his film study. I don't get the sense that the team loves the guy, but I'm no expert. I hope he tears it up tonight (he won't) and all the Deadskin fans get behind him. Then in Week 1 against the Giants when he gets sacked 8 times, fumbles twice, and throws 3 INTs the fan base will be calling for Rex.

The Shannies won't make a change for 5 more weeks after that, but by that time the Deadskins will be 1-5 and the season will be lost. Rex will salvage some wins and make it respectable at 6-10.

JSR said...

There is no logical reason to start Rex except if ur a fan of the pudgy former for the assumption that skins fans will be calling for rex to start after week 6...its not like hes a benched superstar qb or a rookie waiting to take up the reins... hes rex grossman and i think the coaches skins fans and media recognize that hes not much better than an unproven Beck

Rob said...

But he is better.

Look, I'd rather have Glenn Beck start for them because I don't like the Deadskins. But, it seems to me as an outsider that the players like Rex more. Last night I thought Rex was better.