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Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Keg

So I finished up the Sam Adams Summer Ale a couple of days back and I have another big decision on what to put on tap. I went to the store and was happily surprised to see that they had an even wider selection than I had anticipated.

I would like a seasonal beer as I enjoy a nice summer beer as I grill and enjoy something that can keep me cool over the hot summer months. There are three summer beers to choose from:

1. Sam Adams Summer Ale
2. Harpoon Summer beer
3. Brooklyn Summer beer

Sam Adams Summer Ale is a nice, known commodity. I enjoy the beer and it certainly fits the summer months. Sam Adams describes this beer as a summer seasonal that uses malted wheat, lemon peel and Grains of Paradise, a rare pepper from Africa first used as a brewing spice in the 13th century, to create a crisp taste, spicy flavor and medium body. The ale fermentation imparts a background tropical fruit note reminiscent of mangos and peaches. All of these flavors come together to create a thirst quenching, clean finishing beer perfect for those warm summer days. HOW COULD YOU GO WRONG WITH GRAINS OF PARADISE?!!! Still, the issue is, as mentioned, I just finished it and wouldn't mind trying something new.

The description of Harpoon is that it is a Kolsch style ale. Originating in the Rhineland city of Cologne (Koln), Kolsch ales have the characteristics that many people associate with lager beers. Kolsch is brewed with an ale yeast, but like other northern German light ales, it is straw gold in color and light bodied. The flavor is mild. The hopping levels provide a crisp, dry finish that make this beer particulary refreshing. Not sure what Kolsch style is. I think they just made the word up but it sounds fascinating.

The description of Brooklyn beer sounded interesting. It's brewed from premium English barley malt, which gives this light-bodied golden beer a fresh bready flavor. German and American hops lead a light crisp bitterness and a citrus/floral aroma, resulting in a beer with a very sunny disposition. Sounds a little gay yet intriguing. If it's gay, I imagine Deepie will stick his face under the tap and drinking it by the gallon.

Anyway, I opted to get a single bottle of each of these and will conduct my own personal taste test to see which direction I go. Will let you know the results of my "scientific" experiment.

Good day!


deepie said...

Good choice with the Brooklyn Summer beer. It has an interesting flavor initially and goes down smooth. I'm sure the "sunny disposition" is what sold you on it though...I can see you now, frolicking in an open field in your man-capri pants, sipping on your gay beer as the evening sun set over the horizon...

Anyhoo...thanks for sharing the delicious beverage. If you ever need any help killing a keg, Deepie's always willing to assist.

j, k, and s's d said...

When you "see me now" I bet you get excited. You are a sickie!

However, you are always welcome to stop by and suckle from Paulie's tap. (I know what you are thinking so get your mind out of the gutter, sickie!)

Now that football season is back, I'm sure we can get together for a few games and do some keg killing.