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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Skins sign Barry Cofield

Solid pick up. Guy had his most productive year last season. He's a big body (306 lbs.) and is in the prime of his career (27 years old). He will play DE in the 3-4 defense and should take up space to allow for Orakpo and rookie Ryan Kerrigan to make plays.

The guy I would love to get is Cullen Jenkins from GB as he had a big year last year and he understands the 3-4. Even better is if we were somehow able to bring in Nick Barnett. Those acquisitions and I feel like on paper our defense would be VERY solid. Team still needs to understand the 3-4 but we would have good personnel and we have don't really have anywhere to go but up from last year's defense.


deepie said...

Good pick-up...These are the types of guys that Snyderatto would have no interest in, but Cofield is exactly the type of lineman we need.

I'm not sold on Cullen Jenkins. He is hurt too often and if he can't play DT, I don't think he's the guy we need.

j, k, and s's d said...

He had a very good season last year. Injuries are a concern but when healthy there is no question that he is a force.

Of course he can play DT (DE in the 3-4) that's what he plays now. He is a guy that understands the 3-4 and those are guys we need.