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Monday, December 6, 2010


I will win this week but Scott will also win so Scott will hold on to first place heading into the playoffs this coming weekend. I will hold on to the #2 seed. We all know anything can happen in the playoffs; however, it really looks like the Scott and me are the top teams in the league. We are seeded one and two respectively. We have held on to those spots for some time. We are the top two scoring teams in the league. If there is justice in this league, he and I will square off in the Championship. However, we all know that guys can have a monster game in any given week so there are always opportunities for upsets.

I think the way it is shaping up right now, I would face Deepie in the first round of the playoffs. Deepie has been struggling as of late so I may be catching him at the right time.

We'll see.


Rob said...

Dude, you make it seem like you and Scott are way better than everyone else. You and I will likely be separated by about 20 total points and 1 tie.

But let me correct you - you are likely to play Paladins United. That is a team that is very dangerous. It is a high scoring team that can blow up at any time given its roster.

Your defeat of Hoo Knows? puts them up against me (assuming I hold on to win tonight). That is a much better matchup than playing Paladins United. You never know.

j, k, and s's d said...

Actually, I think you are correct. My mistake as I was looking at the top 6.

Paladins United have a solid team and looking at their players matchups next week, it does present a challenge.

As mentioned, nothing is guaranteed week to week. Scott has held up the top spot for most of the season and I have gone 7-1 over the last 8 weeks. The only loss came against Scott where I racked up 168 points. We are the top two teams in the league and I think it is fair to believe that we are deserving of those rankings.

Again, rankings mean nothing in the playoffs as we all start back up at 0-0. A couple of years back when I won the Championship, I beat Deepie in the finals and I think he was ranked 8th so anything can happen.

Rob said...

You deserve to be the top two teams, but come on, it is not like you are way ahead of me. We'll end up 1 tie and about 20 total points different. If we were to play each other it would be a coin flip as to who would win.

Nothing to really argue about, I just thought the tone of your posting made it seem like you and Scott were hands down the best two teams. There are three teams with more than 1500 points - count me in that group.

j, k, and s's d said...

I never said that we were infinitely better than the rest of the field. However, I do believe we are deserving of our spots and have been more consistent than the rest of the field.

Scott and I have never scored less than 100 points. Sure Robs, you are one of the three teams to have scored more than 1,500 points total but most of your bigger point totals came earlier in the season. I believe you have had two games where you scored under 100 points. Your scores have fluctuated a bit more.

I firmly agree that anything can happen in the playoffs. You never know when one player will have a monster game. As mentioned, once in the playoffs, we are all 0-0 so it is wide open. However, I will say that Scott's and my teams have been more consistent with our wins and the point totals we put up week to week.

Again, I am not saying that he and I will end up in the finals. However, based on the season and how consistent we have been, we were the better teams in the season.

Now that the playoffs are here, it could be one and done for any one of us. We just have to do our best one game at a time.

Scott said...

Wow, talk about a sore topic!

Rob said...

I had one game under 100. That was in week 4, so I have no idea why you think my points came early.

Whatever. I really hope you and I get a chance to play.

j, k, and s's d said...


I looked at this week's game and saw that you were under 100 but didn't recognize you had LT going tonight so you have the possibility to go over 100.

Yeah, I hope I play you and your Pear loaded team too since the Pears actually play some quality teams coming up. I'd love to kick your F'ing ARSE!!!