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Monday, December 6, 2010


Skins blew it against the Giants yesterday. What's worse is I'm not sure if the Giants beat us worse than we beat ourselves. Just a really poor showing. Here are my thoughts:

1. Turnovers, turnovers, TURNOVERS!!! Ridiculous! Six turnovers and many of them were just poor turnovers. Perhaps the most egregious one was where McNabb had a 2nd and short and it looked like they ran that play with Donovan rolling right and throwing across the field to the TE. He had plenty of room to run for the first down but he hesitated as he wanted to wait for the WRs to run their routes. When he decided to run, he was tentative and then he just let go of the ball as he tried to slide. It was an ugly play from the get go. McNabb had another bad INT when he tried to make a play to Moss in the end zone. The safety barely had to move from the spot he lined up at on the play. Cooley was stripped. Williams fumbled a shovel pass. The list goes on. I don't care about it being cold or this or that...both teams had to play under the same conditions and we just hurt ourselves with those turnovers.

2. POOR TACKLING!!! Apparently the scheme going into the week was to stop the ground game. Didn't work that well as both Jacobs and Bradshaw pretty much ran for 100 yards apiece. Much of that can be attributed to just plain poor tackling and taking the wrong gaps. Pathetic.

3. More dropped balls. Once again, blame is shared. Moss, Cooley, Sellers all had very makeable catches that they dropped and cut short drives. Pathetic.

4. Rotating offensive line. Seemed like every other play there were new O linemen in the game. Just seemed like a constant shuffle. That just seems like a very difficult way to run the offense.

Not much else to say. What bothers me most is the lack of consistency with this team. They are so unpredictable. We can put together a good series or even a good game but then we can look terrible. I understand there are growing pains with the types of changes that we made in the offseason. I never expected playoffs this year. I said at the beginning of the season that 8-8 would be a tremendously successful season. However, what I wanted to see was improvement week to week and right now that isn't happening. There is still too much inconsistency which bothers me. We have 4 more games to show improvement and hopefully we can do that.



Rob said...

Another old fashioned beat down for the Deadskins.

Here is my thought about the Deadskins - SSDD (same sh*t, different day).

Actually SSDY (year).

This team is old and creaky. It doesn't have enough talent to compete consistently in the NFL. Frankly, I don't think there are many teams that are in worse shape than the Deadskins. You look at the Lions at 2-10 and I would much rather have that team than the 5-7 bunch of stiffs that are the Deadskins because they are younger and with one more draft could be a legitimate 8-8 team on the rise.

The Deadskins have a decent QB but very little at WR or running back. Cooley is their best offensive weapon and he isn't particularly scary. The O-line is terrible.

On defense, the linebackers are old, the secondary cannot tackle. Sure it hurts to have Landry out, but watching Moore and Doughty whiff as often as they do is pathetic. Outside of Orakpo, the D-line stinks.

They really need to blow the team up - get a whole lot of young guys. Accept a year at 3-13 or 4-12 and try to move on.

Then they might end up like the Rams or Tampa this year - teams that struggled for a couple of years but look like good young teams that will be competitive for years to come.

j, k, and s's d said...

Take it easy, snapper. Here is my take:

The team is older but it's not a bunch of stiffs.

You say McNabb is decent. He is not playing well. I love his competitiveness and his leadership qualities but he has not played well. His fumble was horrible and came at a horrible time. His INT was almost as bad. The problem is that he is missing open receivers and opting to throw to the wrong reads. I like McNabb but he needs to play better. I recognize it is a new system and maybe it will start clicking with him soon but it was pointed out yesterday a few times how he is missing the reads. Peter King today also mentioned McNabb's poor play. King also said that the Skins will have an interesting decision at the end of the season regarding McNabb (whether to retain him or let him go). I would like to keep him but I would also like him to play better.

The skill positions are okay. Cooley and Davis are good, I would just like to see more of them. Armstrong actually seems like the most consistent receiver. Moss can be good but he just isn't as consistent as he needs to be. We are down to our third and fourth string RBs because of injury and even these guys are performing pretty well. The problem is that last week, we did not commit to the run which was a coaching issue and yesterday we got down early and resorted to being a passing offense. The RBs actually played pretty well yesterday.

The O line is not terrible. They aren't the best. McNabb was sacked four times yesterday but that is going up against arguably the best front four in football. Sure, we could use better players there but every team could. The problem is that we have injuries there as well and we seemed to be rotating guys in and out every other play. That is hard.

Linebackers are old? Orakpo is in his second year. McIntosh is still in his twenties. Fletcher is old but he still plays at a very high level. Alexander is young. The problem is that we don't have the guys to run a 3-4. In hindsight, we should have stuck with the 4-3. We had a good defense the last few years and shouldn't have changed it. I understand that we don't have the personnel to fit the 3-4 so we will need to change personnel on the defense in the offseason but we probably shouldn't have revamped something that wasn't broken.

Moore came into the season with high expectations and high praise from local and national media. He has not been that good. Doughty is decent at fundamentals but he is not the most athletic guy. I'm good with Landry who was playing at a Pro Bowl caliber level and adding a free safety.

I don't believe in blowing the team up. The issue is inconsistency. Again, we have shown that we can play well but we just can't string it together.

j, k, and s's d said...

Here is what we need to do:

1. McNabb has to improve. I used to put a lot on the pieces around him but he is showing more and more that he is not blameless. He needs to play better and a decision needs to be made on his future with the team. I hope he stays but he needs to grasp this offense better.

2. I believe our biggest weakness is our O and D lines. We should trade our first pick down for more picks and then draft a Guard and D lineman.

3. We need to get Cooley and Davis more involved.

4. We will have Moss, Armstrong, and Malcolm Kelly next year but if there is a good WR available early, that could be our first round pick.

5. If there is a stud RB, that could be our first draft pick. Otherwise, take one in a later round. We will have Torain, James Davis, and maybe CP at the RB spot.

6. Need to grab a true free safety. Not comfortable with Moore.

Honestly, I feel like the biggest weakness is our defensive scheme not fitting our defensive players. So, again, either we move back to a 4-3 OR we need to get the personnel in here that better fit the 3-4.

The other big weakness is just the lack of consistency. We look great at times and then just look terrible on offense. I am truly hoping that much of these problems are a result of not grasping the offense that well. I am hoping for some improvement with personnel but more just having more time in this offense will make things better.

We'll see.

Rob said...

Tom Brady would suck on this team. Saying McNabb needs to improve is laughable. He is the only reason the Deadskins are even mildly competitive.

How you expect McNabb to improve with no offensive line, no running backs, and no receivers - I have no idea. (Moss is a number 2 at best for most teams).

Malcolm Kelly? Malcolm Kelly is going to rescue the Deadskins? Why are you so in love with that stiff? (Or are you just in love with his stiff?)

The Defense is the worst D in the NFL - and I mean that literally. It is not just scheme - 3-4/4-3 doesn't matter when you don't have players who can tackle. Daniels, Buchanan, Fletcher, Carter, are all 50 years old.

Until you and the fan base in DC stop buying into the Snyder marketing B.S. that you are close and just a couple of players away from being consistently competitive, you are going to have seasons that end in early December instead of January.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, here is where I lose all respect for what you say.

Yes, the defense is the worst in the NFL. However, we were a top 10 defense the last 3 years. What has been the big change from this year to last year? It's the scheme. We don't have the players to run the scheme. It just doesn't fit.

You say Daniels, Carter, and Buchanan are 50 years old. They don't even play that much so what's the difference even if they were 50 years old?

Again, it's the scheme. If you really were objective and understood you might actually recognize that.

I knew you would say something about Kelly. I never said that he was the messiah or the savior. However, he will be a body that might be able to help next year. It is possible that he could help.

If you think McNabb is completely blameless in all of this, you are really are lost. Again, I like him and I hope he sticks around but he has not performed to his abilities. I'm sure part of that is because of the new scheme and routines and everything that takes place with moving to a new team after a decade with one team and system. Still, we need more from him.

Again, if you think he is not at fault at all, you are lost.

Rob said...

Tackling is the Deadskins problem. They don't have players - that is their problem.

Go ahead and blame the scheme all you want. Until you recognize that paying one guy a billion dollars and then having 10 guys making the league minimum doesn't work. Until you accept that, you are going to support a losing franchise.

Go ahead and blame McNabb. You have become the typical fan. It must be the QB's fault.

When Malcolm Kelly returns and the Deadskins sign whoever their 2 big free agent signings are this offseason and they trade five picks for one or two 30+ year old players you will think they are going to be in the hunt - just like you do every year.

I'll just say SSDD.

The Deadskins are an old team that isn't very good. You look across the division and the Eagles are young and good with a lot of picks. The Giants are younger and better. The Cowboys are younger and better.

Using the 4-3 this year would perhaps have resulted in 1 or 2 more total wins - at best. But they still were not going to sniff the playoffs.

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, I never expected playoffs.

I never said that McNabb was the sole reason for the losses. You, however, seem to think he has been flawless.

I never said that Kelly was the messiah.

The new regime is not responsible for the Haynesworth signing.

It takes time for things to turn around. We'll see what the rest of the season/offseason brings.

Robs, you just need to quit being a dick and allow the new regime an opportunity to make things better. If anything, you are the typical fan and crying about the losses without letting the coach have a chance to fix things.

JSR said...

I probably wouldnt just blame McNabb for the skins losing. Hes probably the best player on the team or atleast the offense. There is just nothing else around him. No offensive line, no defense, no running game, no receivers and poor coaching and preparation. McNabb is not a bad qb, but trading for him was a mistake. he doesnt look much better than JC from last year. They would have been wise to focus on addressing the O line or other glaring needs.

I fully agree with Rob.

"Until you recognize that paying one guy a billion dollars and then having 10 guys making the league minimum doesn't work. Until you accept that, you are going to support a losing franchise."

"The Deadskins are an old team that isn't very good. You look across the division and the Eagles are young and good with a lot of picks. The Giants are younger and better. The Cowboys are younger and better. "

I do also think that this wasnt the skins year to begin with. Its a rebuilding year. I think it will take 2-3 years for this team to become competive. to make it a team thats full of shanny and haslett guys, itll take a few years. Thats ofcourse assuming Shanny is the right guy and does know what hes doing and not just another re-tread looking for a big check.

Personally I dont think Shanny is the right guy. All the other teams that are doing well and have a winning culture dont use re-treads. Falcons, Saints, Packers, Bears, Jets, Eagles, Chiefs... and so on. I could be wrong about Shanny, time will tell, the problem is Will Danny boy let the man have more than 2 more years and build a team.

j, k, and s's d said...


I don't just blame McNabb for the losing. In fact, he has less to do with the losing than other facets of the game. However, like much of the team, he has not been consistent and has not played as well as hoped/expected. From what I gather, Robs seems to think he has been without fault/blame. I don't want to put words in Robs mouth so he is free to elaborate but that is what I gathered from his comments.

Now I recognize he is in a new system and with new coaches and there is a learning curve so that plays a part in his play so hopefully time will help him as well as the offense.

Until I recognize that paying one guy a billion dollars and then having 10 guys making the league minimum doesn't work? WTF is that? I don't support that. However, as I said, this regime is not responsible for that. They inherited that. In fact, that "one guy" has been a sore spot for this new regime. Bruce Allen is known to be a guy that spends wisely. In TB, he let fan favorites leave rather than sign these aging veterans for more than they were worth. He needs a chance to build his/Shanny's team.

Sure, you look across the division and the teams are younger. Again, it's been one year. Shanny can't overhaul the entire team like that. He inherited this team.

As I wrote in the my previous post, "It takes time for things to turn around. We'll see what the rest of the season/offseason brings.

Robs, you just need to quit being a dick and allow the new regime an opportunity to make things better. If anything, you are the typical fan and crying about the losses without letting the coach have a chance to fix things."

We were 4-12 last year and probably lucky to have won those 4 games. We are 5-7 so far. Anyone who really thought that we were going to playoffs this year was overly optimistic. I always said that 8-8 this year would be a tremendous season. Doubling the wins from last year would be a HUGE improvement.

Sure, there are things I am disappointed about with this year but you can't go nuts on the coach after 3/4 of one year. Give the guy a chance to build his team and install his system.

JSR said...

McNabb has played bad. and its probably a combination of things that has made him play bad. not all on just him but def he has not made plays when he clearly could have. Hes still a good qb for a few more years.

Itll take a few years for the pieces to be set. The Redskins will be a force again. I just have a hard time thinking that a Shanny led team will remain at the bottom.

My main concern is will Dan Snyder give Shannahan more than another season. Lets say there is a major overhaul of players this offseason. (lets be real, its going to take a major overhaul of that offense atleast to get younger and get better and develope a team shanny can call his own). And they do get younger and get the guys they want in their positions. There will be a learning curve there. Itll take time for those young and new guys to learn the system and play to their potential. Possibly another bad season next year with new players and younger players that fit the system. Something like the Lions, Rams of this year are going through. Youll see improvements and room for growth, and players with a drive to compete, but they will still remain a team that gets beat often for a year or so.

Will Dan the Man, see this through, and give Shanny 4 years to build a playoff Juggernaut. In my opinion, he will not. The guy is too impatient and i think Shanny will feel the pressure and not be able to make it happen.

Rob said...

Don't exaggerate. Why you assume that I think McNabb is perfect is beyond me. McNabb is not perfect, but what I will say is that it is impossible to evaluate McNabb when he has sh*t all around him. Complaining about the best player on offense is just ridiculous.

McNabb can play and will play effectively if he has just a few tools and a little bit of an offensive line. His problem is that he has a sh*tty O-line. There isn't an NFL caliber running back on the team right now, and the wide receivers stink. The only thing he has is Moss (a number two at best for most teams), Cooley (who is above average, but no star), and Fred Davis (who may be OK - hard to tell).

The D stinks - even if they were in a 4-3 they would still stink because they cannot tackle and without depth.

As for Shanny - I say he can have all the time in the world. He wasn't a personnel guy/talent evaluator in Denver. In fact, his misses in the draft in Denver is what got him fired. He is a good coach, but he is not a guy who can build an organization - much as Joe Gibbs was.

The Deadskins will fool around for another year or two with Shanny and then we'll see the next soon-to-be ex-Washington Deadskin coach hired - that is the SSDD B.S. that Danny Boy has been spooning the fans for 15 years - why stop now?

deepie said...

I'm agree with Robs in principle, but I believe everything he is saying about the 'Skins needing to start over already started last offseason. I think JKSD clearly understand this and clearly sees it happening. This team is in the process of being, as Emmitt Smith once said, "blowed up." We lost a lot of dead weight and freed up a ton of cap room by off-loading a bunch of huge contracts. That fact is lost on all 'Skins haters.

Winning 5 of the first 10 games was a surprise considering the schedule. No one expected this team to be any better than 8-8...maybe 9-7...with most of the wins coming later in the year with a softer second half schedule. We're now seeing injuries take a toll on this already talent-poor team. If the first team stays healthy all season, this is an NFC East contender. 100% health never happens so what's happening now is no big surprise.

This upcoming offseason will be an extension of last. Moss, Haynesworth, Portis, and possibly some other big contract guys will be gone. Free agents will be pursued with fiscal responsibility in mind with Shanallenhan running the show. We have 7 draft picks in the draft. It will take at least a couple of years, but we're on the right track.

If we win another game or two, that's fine. Next year will be more of the same as Shanny finds guys that can fit the scheme and/or improve team speed and/or play with some hunger. Wins along the way will be appreciated but strong playoff pushes shouldn't be expected for at least a couple seasons as we dig out of the mess that Snyderatto left behind.

Rob said...

I thought they might be making some progress, but I never really liked the McNabb signing because it didn't make much sense for a rebuilding team.

Benching McNabb and then giving him the big extension doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Looking over the roster at who they have, I wonder about talent evaluation (especially given Shanny mistakes in Denver).

We'll see what they do in the off-season, but I expect them to do what they have always done under Danny Boy - spend freely, throw away some draft picks, and then market the team as a potential playoff team. We'll see.